Chereads / The Mikaelson Wives / Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

Isabel's POV

As the three of us enter we immediantly see the vampir barbie and the dopplebitch, pointing th two out to Ava who has yet to be intoduced as a Mikealson to the rest of the pathetic little scooby gang we decide now is a perfect time.

"Carfule, Caroline. Its all well and good till she stabs you in the back." Rebekah says as she goes up the pair.

"What are you doing here? I know your moms rules. No hurting the locals." The doppleganger answers back to Rebekah.

"Get over yourself Elena not everything is about you." I respond as i come up from behind Rebekah. "Go give your invatation dear Ava wants to leave already."

Rebekah goes to give her invatation for the ball tonight. Leaving me the dopplebitch and the barbie alone.

"Whose Ava?" Elena asks looking very lost and confused.

"Shes our sister." Giving them a small grin.

"Oh my god, she's inviting him to the ball. Why is she inviting him to the ball?" Caroline asks 

"Probably to get this reaction from the both of you. Is Rebekah ready dear sister." Ava responds as all our heads turn to her direction.

"Who are you?" Caroline asks hint of anger in her voice.

"Ava Mikealson. Do watch your tone might i add. You wouldnt want me to tear your tongue from your beutiful face now would we?" Ava responds as me and Rebekah grin at her. As the two fledglings stay there in a shock of horror we dismiss ourselves and leave to get ready.


Ava's POV

im currently downstairs trading pleasentires with everyone following Kol when we see Mayor Lockwood

"Mayor Lockwood, we havent formally met. Kol Mikealson and this is my sister Ava Mikealson." Kol introduces the both of us as he kisses her hand and i give her a nod.

"I hope your lovley town embraces us just as much as we embrace it." i begin as Kol stands behind me.

"Damon Salvatore, have we met?" damon asks taking my hand in his eyeing both me and Kol.

"Ive met a lot of people and you dont partularly stand out." I tell him taking my hand back and with that me and Kol part ways with them smiling.

ELijah soon joins us as we notice that the doppleganger is here being escorted by both the Salvatore brothers.

"Hello my dear. I need to make an announcement join me on the stairs?" ELijah says taking my hand in his giving me a kiss on my hand. He escorts me to the stairs not later all the siblings do as well.

"Uh, if everyone could gather please. Welcome thank you for joining us. You know whenever my mother brings our family together like this. Its tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonights pick is a centuries old waltz, if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom. May I have this dance my love." Elijah asks while taking me in his arms down the stairs with a smile on his face.

"Of course dear husband." i respond with the same loving smile on my face as well.

as we enter the ballroom the music starts to play I see Isabel and Nik together dancing very lovingly as we are as well.

"Im glad we could do this. Thank you for taking me back my love. Im sorry for all my mistakes" Elijah looking me in the eyes as he passes the next guy who is supposed to dancing with me.

"I beleive were supposed to be switching partners dear." i respond back to Elijah

" I want to keep you to myself tonight." He says with his lips hovering above mine.

We begin to kiss eachother. Elijah begins to pull us from the dance floor lips still locked until we reach Rebekah and Kol on the side.

"Wheres your date Bekah?" I ask her as Elijah and I join them on the side with Elijah wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Flirting with his ex." Rebekah responds as I look in the direction she looking at.

"You've changed, Bekah you know settling with mortals is the first sign of weakness." Kol responds trying to get under her skin.

"Shes not settling and shes not weak Kol." Isabel says coming up to us with Nik closly behing her.

"Your right dear sister I brought him hear to kill him. He's Elena's friend. If he dies she suffers but ive already been scoulded once so i was hoping youd help you baby sister out." Rebekah says lowly so so ELijah doesnt hear her but Isabel and i are paying attention. Elijah excuses himself from me once he notices that the Gilbert girl came back downstairs after meeting with our mother.

"And spit right in mothers rules? Im in. Kol responds with a devlish grin playing on his face.

"Rebekah no deaths tonight please." i repond after Kol and Nik leave us three alone.

" I say you do it everytime i look at her i see that bitch Tatia who tried to take Nik from me." Isabel responds giving Rebekah her ok to do so.

"Come on sister say yes stand behind me in this. Dont tell me she doesnt remind you of Katerina, she did try to take Elijah from you." Rebkah says as they both stand there looking at me with accusing eyes. I dont much care for Elena or her friend's lives. Im only behaving because Elijah bribed me to do so and to stand by him. 

"Leave me out of it. If they end up dead it had nothing to do with me and i was not part of this decision nor this duscussion." Giving into Rebekah and Isabel as they stand grinning at me as i stand there with a serious face toying with the diamond necklace Elijah bribed me with.

"Deal." They both tell me with a childish grin on there faces befor i excuse myself to look for Elijah.

"Elena, I understand my mother requested to see you." Elijah says as he approches Elena i stay back using my vampire hearing to listen in on the conversation before me.

"uh yeah Why? Is something wrong? " ELena asks another stupid question i mean does this girl have no common sense.

"Well her ability to forgive my brother after everything he's done to destroy this family strikes me as a little strange to say the least." Elijah responds again.

"Do you think that its an act?" Elena asks him.

"It has me asking questions i never thought i'd ask. Can i depend on you to tell me what she says?" Elijah asks her.

"Of course. I'll find you later. Ok?" Elena responds which is clearly a lie. Leaving ELijah to go meet with Ester.

"Sister are you ok?" I hear as Isabel comes up to me.

"Of course dear sister. Elena is meeting mother in the study Elijah has asked her to inform him on what they speak about." i respond following her.

"And? Was she lieing to him?" She quickly asks with a deadly look on her face clearly angery.

"Yes i think she is which is why i need you to listen in your better than me at this. You read peoples energys better than i can. Please sister I need you." i say with a begging look on my face.

"Of course shall i avoid Nik when you go?" She asks 

"No dont avoid him. It'll raise questions that you dont have anwers for. Just listen in distract Nik or something while you listen in." I instruct her while she nods and i go to catch up to Elijah who is looking for me downstairs and Isabel goes to Nik.

"Where have you been love ive been looking for you." Elijah asks while handing me a champange glass.

"With Isabel and Rebekah enjoying the party. Where did you disapeer off to?" i ask taking a drink from my glass.

"Talking to Elena Gilbert. and its not what your thinking dear i heard her and damon tlaking about how  mother wants to speak to her in the study. She told me she would inform me on why mother wants to speak to her." ELijah responds with honesty as he looks around looking for his siblings.

" And you believe her?" I ask

"Im not sure, I have a feeling she'll lie which is why i want you there when i speak to her i need you to tell me if she does." Elijah tells me looking at me with love in his eyes.

" Of course dear I'm not as good as Isabel when it comes to people lieing but i will see if she is hiding something." i tell him with a smile on my lips. Elijah looking pleased at my answer he pulls me in for a kiss.

I stand by the bar as Isabel and Nik are dancing in the corner wrapped in eachothers arms whispering sweet nothings to eachother in Aramaic. While Elijah approaches the doppleganger.

"So how was my mother?" Elijah asks her.

"Intense." The doppleganger asnwers back.

"And for what reason did she need to speak with you in private? Elena, should i be concerned about my mothers intentions?" Elijah asks her. 

"She just wanted to apologize for trying to have me killed." The doppleganger respomds to Elijah. Clearly hiding something I turn my head to look at Isabel who mouths "lies" to me.

"So it is true then? Shes forgiven Klaus?" Elijah asks looking at me.

"Its true." She responds once again. Once again i look at Isabel who mouths the same thing as before. With that i take it as my que to go over to them.

"Dear husband ive been looking everywhere for you. Oh hello." I say to the doppleganger who looks shocked to see me.

"Husband?" she says back to me looking worried at me.

"My love this Elena Gilbert, Elena this my wife Ava Mikealson."Elijah responds back to her looking between both of us with a questioning look.

"Of course, Hello Elena its pleasure to meet you." i say to the doppleganger offering a hand to shake.

"Nice to meet you to Mrs.Mikealson." She says very smart of her not to bring up todays earlier events at the grill.

Befor anything else can be said Ester begins to speak.

"Was she hiding something?" ELijah asks as everyones attention directs to Ester.

"Yes. She lied with every answer she told you. Are you sure you can still trust her or have you finally lost faith in the Petrova bloodline being honst with you?" I ask him referring to every single time he belived one of those wretched dopplegangers.

"I want you to find out the answers in a peaceful manner my love not in  deadly attempt. Please." Elijah responds back to me looking at me with pleading eyes. Rolling my eyes at him i tell him yes as champainge glasses start to be passed to everyone.

"I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers."

"Cheers." Everyone raises their glass and we drink.


Isabel's POV


We all drink from our glasses. As soon as the speech ends Nik asks me to follow him to his art room . Going in i see a new painting one of Ava and Elijah. They were sitting together outside in the garden wrapped in eachothers arms.

"I painted that for them, an anniversary gift since its coming up." Nik answers me wrapping me in his arms from behind.

"It's beutiful Nik im sure they'll love it. But i take it thats not your phone poking me?" i say to him as I turn to him. as he looks at me with that devlish grin i love so much.

before anything else is said he puts me on the desk as we both begin to kiss eachother. Nik begins to pull my dress up my legs. Once my dress is around my waist i move my hands from his hair to push his jacket off his shoulders before either of us continue we here a yell hurring up dress eachother again we hurry outside quickly joined by the rest of our family.

"Damon. Are you crazy?" stefan yells pushing past us towards Kol as he lies there dead. Knowing how Kol is he probably started it.

"Maybe a little. far be it from me to cause a problem." Damon responds as he begins to walk away.

"Bring him and follow me." Ava compels two waiters who carry an unconsious Kol to his chamber following her as she leads the way.

Rebekah leaves along with Matt while we all go back inside Elijah goes up to mother who is very angry with us. Nik and I go to continue what we started upstairs.