Chereads / The Mikaelson Wives / Chapter 7 - Chapter 6

Chapter 7 - Chapter 6

Ava's POV

In the morning i woke up on Elijah's chest I looked up to see him still asleep. I quietly got up showered and got dressed in black skinny jeans, black heel boots, and one of Elijah's shirts. I quickly straighten my hair deciding it time for a trim since it goes past my behind. I dud my makeup did a brown eye shadow with my brown lipstick. 

"Good morning." Elijah says as im walking out of the bathroom.

"Goodmorning." i respond back walking over to him to give him a kiss but before i can do that we hear souting downstairs.

"I see Kol's neck healed." Elijah says as he gets up to get ready and shower very quickly. In a matter of minutes we walked down stairs to see our family.

Isabel and Nik sit on the sofa together Nik is drawing and Isabel is sitting in his lap holding his pencils watching him. I go to sit on the same sofa as the two as Elijah goes back upstairs to look for mother.

"Well, well, theres our girl." Kol says as Rebekah walks in with the dress from lastnight.

"Get out of my way Kol." Rebekah says as Kol is blocking her path.

"Out all night what a scandal. I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt was it?"Kol says while we look at our siblings with amusement on our faces.

"If you dont shut your mouth, the next thing to come out will be your teeth." Rebekah says to Kol as Nik chuckles and Isabel and I smile.

"Dont start, Nik" Rebekah says coming towards us. Finally pushing Kol out of her way.

"I didn't say anything." Nik says as Rebekah comes closer clearly trying to hold in his laughter.

"I'm bored." Kol says finally sitting in a sofa." Our sister is a strumpet, but at least shes having fun. I need entertainment." Kol continues.

"What are you waiting for? Gon have at it." Isabel says looking at Kol motioning her hand to the door.

"It's no fun to go alone. Join me Nik. It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart." Isabel looking between her husband and Kol. When Nik finally looks up giving his full attention to his brother. When he looks at Isabel asking about her thoughts on going out as well.

"That's a low blow but its fine I can stay behind with the girls while u both have fun." Isabel says sliding off her husbands lap. "But do behave Kol. Were supposed to be peacful."

"Ok. Why Not? " Nik says standing up. "I shall see you later, love." Giving his wife a peck on the lips 

"I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date." Nik says as he and Kol leave

"Yes please go this house has plenty of men rolling around in it." Rebekah says as she turns to face them.

"Just like you Bekah." Oh god. 

"KOL!" Isabel and i say as my two brothers leave.

"Good ridance both of you." Rebekah says as she throws a shoe at the two.

"Well how come I only get told something when the two of you had sex last night two." Rebekah says turning to Isabel and I.

"Lovely Rebekah were married its diffrent." Isabel says smiling at Rebekah as i try to hide my laughter.


"Not you to Elijah." Rebekah responds as he comes in looking deep in his own thoughts holding up sage.

"I'm worried about mother. Have you not noticed her strange behavior?" He says looking at the three of us.

"She's been dead for a thousand years." Isabel says 

"What strange for her?" Rebekah finishing her sentence as Elijah walks closer to me.

"Burned sage." Elijah says as Rebekah takes the sage from his hands passing it around to us all.

"She was doing a privacy spell." i say as i get up meeting Elijah.

"You know she fancies such things. Why don't you ask Finn? He's been doting on her." Rebekah says dissmising Elijah's worries.

"I don't trust Finn. He hates what we are he always has." Elijah says.

"It's not true and as for mother she returned for one reason, to make her family whole. She loves us. What trouble are you looking to find?" Rebekah says turning to all of us. She leaves me Elijah and Isabel by ourselves.

"What if she used the privacy spell when the talked to that Doppleganger?" Isabel asked looking up at Elijah.

"I told you Elijah that doppleganger knew something." I said as i got up and put on my coat.

"Where are you going?" Elijah asks me

"I'm going to find out what that human blood bag knows." I respond and with that Isabel gets up and follows me.

"Ava please, lets go together Isabel stay here with how you were feeling last night you need to save your strangth in case we need you." Elijah pleeds to Isabel having a staring contest.

"Fine ill stay but if anything happens you call me she's very sneaky." Isabel says finally giving in. 

As we were driving to Elena's Elijah asked mt once again to behave after a long discussion finally arriving at her house i promised him i would keep my composure and let him take the lead.

Knocking on her door Elena finnaly opens it with a shocke look on her face to see both of us standing there.

"Elena." We both greet her.

"Elijah, Ava." She says I can already sense her nervousness.

"We dont mean to intrude."Elijah says to her

"We were hoping you might accompany us. We want to show you something." i say with a forced smile.

We finally get to our destination the three of us getting off the car.

"Forgot how much i miss this land." ELijah say looking over to me.

"I dont." Is all i respond to him.

"I can't even imagine what it must have been like a thousand years ago." Elena says,

"You know your school was built over an Indian village. Where I saw my first werewolf. The town square was where the natives would gather to worship. Matter of fact that was where there was a feild where wild horses used to graze." Elijah said linking our arms together. Both of us remebering our human days.

"That's incredible."Elena says following us closley behind.

"Come." I say to Elena. 

"Do you know this place, too?" Elena says as we come to the cavern.

"We do."I say.

"Below us is a cavern I used to play in as a boy." ELijah says

"Connects to a system of tunnels that stretch across the entire area. Perhaps it's nature's way of providing us with shelter against the savagery of the full moon." I say as ELijah begins to mess with the grass crouching down.

"My mother said there must be a balance." Elijah says

"I should probably go home." Elena says as she gets nervous.

"I admire you Elena. You remind me of qualities I used to value long before my mother turned us. It's not in your nature to be deaceitful and yet." Elijah says letting me take the lead.

"When my husband asked you about your meeting with our mother the other night. You lied right to his face." I say turning to her with a murderous look on my face as Elijah looked on.

"Thats not true. I told you that all your mother wanted was a new start."Elena said again lying right to us making me even angrier.

"We can hear your heartbeat." Elijah said finally looking at her in the eyes.

"It jumps when your being dishonest to us. You lied to Elijah at the ball. You are lying now I am not my husband Elena. I dont value your life it makes no diffrence to me wheather you are breathing or not." I say as me and Elijah approach her slowly.

"Tell me the truth." Elijah demanded holding my arm to keep me from the doppleganger putting me behind him.

"I never wanted this to happen." Elena says backing away from us.

"What. Elena." Elijah and I both say.

"We were told that whatever was gonna be in that coffin was gonna kill Klaus. When we found out that it was your mother. We dint know what to think." Elena says looking between us terrified. As we both look at eachother i shot him an i told you so face.

"Since her return she said she only wants this family whole again." Elijah said to Elena as he looked back at her.

"When she asked to see me, Ithought that maybe she could help. That she would find a way to kill Klaus. It's not just Klaus that she wants to kill." Elena conffesses to us.

"She wants to kill us all doesn't she?" I say looking to Elena

"She wants to undo the evil she created." Elijah says looking at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Ava, Elijah. I wish there was something i could do to help." Elena says 

"You know one thing i've learned in my time on this Earth. Be careful what you wish for." Elijah says. as I kick a hole in the ground. Elijah grabbing Elena grabbing her and leaving her in there.

"Call Isabel inform her on everything tell her to bring Rebekah. " Elijah say as we stand by the car.

"And what will you be doing in the mean time?" I ask while i call Isabel before quickly telling her everyhting.

"We are going to deal with the Salvatore brothers. Stay here until Rebakah and Isabel come." He responds with a smile kissing my hand.

"I'll catch up to you then my love." I say as he begins to drive away.

"Ok sister tell us what we have to do." Isabel says as she and Rebekah come seconds from Elijah leaving.

"Stay here guard Elena Elijah and i are going to tell the Salvatores to stop the ritual or there precious doppleganger dies, before we do." I say before turning to Rebekah. "Wait for our call not a minute ahead Rebekah."

Rebakah and Isabel follow me to Elena who is wondering lost.

"Going somewhere?" Rebekah asks as we flash befor Elena.

"What are you doing here?" Elena asks 

"Not much unless you try to run in which they get to kill you." I inform Elena.

Catching up to ELijah i met him at the Salvatore house waiting for them to walk in. While pouring myself some bourbon.

Stefan walks in to find us sitting there. While Damon stares at us after we told him we had Elena.

"Hello Stefan." Elijah says

"They have Elena." Damon tells Stefan.

"Actually she's with Rebekah and Isabel. As you can imagine our sister's are just dying to tear her thraot out." I say with a devlish grin on my face looking to the two brothers whose faces drop.

"So if you want to save Elena's life, I need you to help us stop my mother." Elijah says 

"I'm a little embarrassed to admit but when it comes to killing thousand year old resurrected witches, i'm a little rusty." Damon says in a sarcastic tone 

"Yes unfortunantly even when killed my mother doesnt seem to want to stay dead, not with the spirits of nature at her side." Elijah says looking over at me.

"So what are we supposed to do? " Stefan says as he walks towards us.

"The witches that realesed my mother she's drawing her power from their bloodline.That line needs to be broken." Elijah explains.

"Broken?" Stefan asks

"Yeah he means..." Damon motioning to his neck.

"You want us to kill them. " Stefan says

"You know we'd do it ourselves but we have absolutely no idead where they are. Besides seeing us they'd immediantly know our intent. They wont expect to be harmed by the likes of you." Elijah says as we get up from our seats wrapping an arm around my waist.

"In any case you have until 6 minutes after 9:00 to find them." I say to them

"Oh how superspecific of you." Damon says

"By 9:07 the moon'll be full my mother will have the power she needs to kill me and my family. If you do not stop her before then. Rebekah and Isabel will kill Elena." ELijah says as we step in front of the brothers.

"So we all have our timeline. I suggest you get started." I say as we head out of the Salvatore house.