Chereads / The Hellwalker in Remnant / Chapter 3 - CH: 3 - The Massacre: Pt. 1

Chapter 3 - CH: 3 - The Massacre: Pt. 1

NARRATOR: As the shadows of the night disappeared due to the rising sun, so was The Doom Slayer ready to move and finally get out of this forest, where the portal suddenly threw it out. He would have stayed there for a while to admire the sight and the silence he had missed, but Hayden was very concerned about the amount of argent Energy he had detected in the South-East. He tought it might be a nest of these creatures there, or a greater danger... a bigger and much stronger monster, then these weaklings, who couldn't even scratch Doom Slayer's Preator Suit.


Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Are you finally ready to head South-East? I have already marked the location on your Hub, and don't forget what I told you, where we're going, you can't just barge in and get what's coming. Most likely, it's a nest full of "Imitations". We can't plan so much on our luck, especially since you don't have a weapon that wouldn't lead to hand-to-hand combat." - he said that while I was wondering how much bullshit this piece of junk was talking about.

Doom Slayer: "You know Hayden, I never planned for my luck, All I know is Rip and Tear until it is done, even without your "long range weapons"... You act like you don't know that." - I somehow managed to say that on my terribly hoarse voice.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Then you're just terribly reckless, and that's what I like, Slayer. Even if I sometimes try to approach things carefully. If you know what I mean..." - he said this like I knew exactly what I was doing. I can't remember a lot of things except for the Mars situation and those energy containers that I should have carefully removed from it's place. I didn't care much about these, because It had the fruits of my efforts: to save human race from the claws of those bastards. He continued:

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Anyway, do I get any chance to hear your voice again... or this was just one-time thing like yesterday?"

Doom Slayer: "No, only if I really need to. By the way you have already named those creatures... "Imitations", really? " - I said this with a smile on my face, but still hoarse.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Aren't they just a cheap imitations of the demons in hell? But you should hurry... I don't think I'm the only one who's interested in what's causing all that Argent Energy discharge."

So I turned around and started heading towards the destination where Dr. Samuel Hayden marked to me.

Doom Slayer: "Yeah he is right, these monsters are nothing more, than cheap knockoffs." - I was thinking about it as I slowly began walk. The destination was almost 100 miles (160km) away. I was like, " "What the fuck? I really had nothing to speed up the process a little." - I was thinking about it while I was trying to somehow reactivate my dash ability, which, of course, didn't work. "Then I just have to run like my life depends on it, I guess." - as this thought ran through my mind, I began to do so. "I must hurry. It's possible that the invasion of these creatures started recently, too, so I really don't have any time to waste. I'm not gonna let this place end up the same way as Earth, because of those demon imitations."

All of a sudden, these thoughts were going through my head. I didn't want any other living being, whether it is a human or animal, to experience the terror that humans on Earth had to endure.

NARRATOR: As he ran out of the red forest a vast great clearing lay before him. The wind gently caressed the children of mother nature only a few orphaned trees and rocks covered the bare view. The morning sun had just dried the dew drops from the stems of the grass. He didn't even care much about it. He just kept running.

After a few minutes, I reached another forest that was quite normal. Nothing special, green leaves, and seeping sunlight from the canopy. I have to mention that the trees were very dense, so I accidentally hit them once or twice, which, of course, drew the short straw, and one or two fell out by the impact of my Preator Suit.

Doom Slayer: "Tch... Of course, mother nature must also stand in my way." - I murmured this to myself while I was running in the thick of trees, out of the shadows, I saw once again those crimson eyes thirsty for blood, just waiting for the right moment to strike. "Just try it, and I rip your spines out of the locals." - meanwhile, I stared ahead with a deadly and terrifying look, and ran as the trees allowed me in the forest. As I thought this, they already wanted to throw themselves at me.

I just sighed for, as the first one jumped towards me so I blew out his stomach with my hand, grabbed his spine and I pulled out with ease, nor did the imitator have the strength to scream in pain. I grabbed the lifeless body while my glove absorbed the argent energy, my other attacker that was coming from my back, and I slammed it so hard against the other that the tree that hit it fell out. That bastard was still conscious, but he couldn't escape. I smashed his head with my boots.

Doom Slayer: "There were only two? Tch!... Whatever." - as I was about to run again, a bear-like imitation came out of my back. I'm so pissed off that these motherfuckers are always trying to sneak up on my back. I've had enough, I want to rip him apart and smashing his skull to pieces as many methods as possible.

The bear ran towards and already wanted to hit me with his paw, by the time I quickly grabbed and tore his whole arm off his body. The imitation was screaming in great agony, but it didn't bother me. I put his own hand in his head, his claws shattered the mask on his head, and penetrated his skull. The imitator was on the ground,but still it was not dead. He was trying to crawl away in pain.

Doom Slayer: "It seems The Gods like me today." - I thought to myself with a big grin on my face, when I kicked his arm even deeper into his body. I began to I rip off his limbs from his body and stabbed him mercilessly into his body. As soon as I finished decoraring it, it turned to dust.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "You know, this is not a good time to have fun, right?" - with his monotonous and boring voice, Dr. Canned Asshole killed the mood as usual.

Doom Slayer: "He's got to have a say in it all the time." - I thought to myself while grumbling, but I continued on my way to where he had marked to me. As I went along, the Forest began to thin out, and before I realised it, I was out of that dense forest, and so, once again, I started running with all my might. "There's only 90 (144) left. Let's go!"

After the forest there was a smaller meadow again, but in the distance you could see a large rocky hill, I thought if it was already on the way, at least I could look around there. As I looked up at the sky, I saw that where Samuel had marked the place, was overcast, but only there. Who knows possible these monsters work it too? As I ran towards the hill, I saw a Giant Eagle-like Bird as black as the night, it looked like exactly like an imitation.

Doom Slayer: "So these bastards are even in the Then I'll have enough trouble killing these." - I've been thinking about it since I was at the bottom of the hill. I looked up at the sky again, but I couldn't see it anymore. "Where it is? Maybe it just flew away. I wouldn't want to play with that bird anyway." - with these thoughts I began to climb the rocky hill, which was quite tall in a closer look. I climbed up fast to the top, and all I could see was that giant eagle-like imitation, back to me on the other side of the hill looking down to the depths after for food, or just to rest. I was ready to take this thing down with one cut with my doomblade. But I suddenly wondered, if that would work.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "If you're wondering, you could fly it with this Imitation, I'm happy to say: Yes you can." - I could only answer that with a big smile on my face to Hayden.

Doom Slayer: "The Gods really like me today." - just like after these thoughts, I threw myself at the giant bird imitation. I grabbed the feathers on the back of the bird with one hand. His feathers were as sharp as the blade of the doomblade but not stronger, and with my other hand, his right wing. The bird was scared of my sudden jump, afraid of what he was trying to do to get rid of me. I quickly I held on to his back a bit higher, and I leaned next to his head.

Doom Slayer: "Just try it, and you'll no longer have a head to devour your prey, my friend." - I whispered it in his ear while holding the doomblade to his neck. The giant bird imitation took off all of a sudden, so he could shake me off. I almost pulled his feathers out, I was squeezing it so hard, it just rose and rose at a good pace. "This stupid bird wants to drop me... Shit, at this rate, I'm really going to fall down." I grabbed his neck and pushed it down hard, so the bird wouldn't rise any higher. As soon as I grabbed his neck the bird started to shake his wings and body, meanwhile, he tried to cry for help.

Doom Slayer: "Shut your beak, you're annyoying as fuck."- that's what I said in myself grumbling, while I struck him on the back hard, but not that hard to collapse and fall down by the pain. Finally it didn't rise any heigher and the bird finally stoped screaming. But in a big sudden the bird turned and started flying in the exact opposite direction, where the argent energy discharge was detected by Samuel.

Doom Slayer: "He still hasn't given up, that son of a bitch really wants to get rid of me somehow. Looks like I'm gonna have to show you who's playing with whose life." - so I grabbed him around the shoulder bone and tried to turn him around. I almost ripped his wings off, but the bird finally gave in to me without resisiting, and turned back of his own.

Doom Slayer: "Looks like you were smart enough not to get yourself killed." - as I thought of this, I looked around from this height. Where we headed, a huge big mountain stood in our way, covered with pine trees and huge rocks. I looked back from where I came from, and all I saw was a big, big city, with high towers, I could see clearly from the distance, and not far from the city there was the red forest where the portal opened.

Doom Slayer: "Seriously, how the hell did I not see this?" - I was a little embarrassed about that. But man... when was the last time I felt that feeling? For once, it felt really good to feel like this. I don't know why though. Maybe because it means I'm still a human, not just an emotionless killing machine. Once again, Dr. Samuel Hayden interrupted my thoughts... as usual.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I have a feeling when we're done cleaning that nest, the city will be our next destination." - I nodded. "Well, thanks to sitting on that imitation back, and looking at the area from this height, I was able to pretty much map the area, and deduce the terrain by this. And I've come to the conclusion that this mountain forms a mountain range that encircles the area we're heading for, which means where we're headed is nothing more than a giant arena... from which only one can come out alive.

Doom Slayer: "Bring it on! The things are finally starting to get interesting." - I put my fists together in response to Hayden.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Just in time..." - he chuckled. "Slayer the demonic crucible has regenerated so much that I am able to send one of your weapons. Choose well which weapon you are going to dance on the battlefield with it today, because I can't send a new weapon for two days after that..." - it was clear in his voice that he was very pleased, that I would not have to restrain myself anymore, and throw myself into all the imitations in this place.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I will send your weapon to the "arena", a green timed smoke granade will indicate its exact location... if it can send that too." - I quickly started thinking about my weapons.

Doom Slayer: "Which lady I should pick to dance with... I need to be able to move fast with it, it must be very good in close range fight, but also it should be good in a long range, at least moderate, it should have a lot of potential or function to ease the fights... She's not my favorite partner, but she has pretty much everything I listed."

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "You finally decided? On your face, it just seems like you already made up this in your mind a long time ago."

Doom Slayer: "I choose The Combat Shotgun." - my voice was now a little more liberated.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "All right, I'll get the portal ready, when you get closer to the mountain I'll send your shotgun there." - before I realized it, the distance between me and the nest was less than 50 miles (80km).

Doom Slayer: "This bird is fast as fuck, maybe it was worth it for me to suffer so much with that bird." - as I thought about it, I was almost as high as I could touch the clouds. I saw a couple of birds passing by, funfact, these birds were the first living things that wasn't an imitation. I don't even know if these birds are indigenous to our world anymore. There's almost no difference at all. I'm thinking of something stupid again. "Focus, Slayer, as always, this new situation should not distract you from the mission you have came here with." After a twenty-minute wait Samuel has interrupted the silence.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I've already sent you your Shotgun, into the "arena". I hope the portal was able to sent you everything I've wanted." - by the time he said those words we reached the top of the mountain. As I looked down to the ground from the back of the bird, suddenly I saw the green smoke that Hayden was talking about. I immediately I tried to control the imitation right away, so I could get my Sweetheart in my hands as soon as possible. The bird had no problem heading towards the ground. With his incredible speed we were down in a few seconds. As soon as I got off the bird he was going to take off and leave me in a hurry. He didn't seem to like me very much. I quickly grabbed his leg and I pulled him back to the ground, he screamed desperately and tried to drag his foot out of my hands, but my hands wouldn't let this little bastard so easily. I drew him closer to me, and I stepped on his left wing.

Doom Slayer: "Hey! HEY! HEY! Where do you think you are going? You'll still be useful to me... Partner." - I said that nice and slow. That poor bastard didn't know what to do. I scared the shit out if him, he couldn't even cry for help.

I looked around to see if I could find something to pinch the imitation wing, or at least something to prevent it from flying away. Finally found some iron bars to stand out from the ground a few feet away. I might be able to curve these and stab them in the ground where the wings of this bird begin. I stepped to his head and hit him with a good punch to make him lose consciousness. I quickly collected the iron bars and bent them after that I thrust them into the ground to the wings of the bird, and I stomped it with my foot pretty hard to make sure this bird doesn't fly away so easily.


I turned around and was finally able to see my Sweetheart, The Combat Shotgun.

Doom Slayer: "Oh, I missed you so much. It feels so good to have you back in my arms. Looks like Hayden sent all your attachments, and HOLY SHIT 387 SHELLS? and a... chip? What the hell is this?" - I thought this in myself, while I was looking this chip

Dr. Samuel Hayden: Oh I just managed to send this attachment to your praetor suit, Slayer... It's a chip that contains a night vision mod to your suit. If you insert this in, from now on it'll make easier to fight in the dark, and I think you're gonna need it in this upcoming fight. There's a lot of them waiting for you in this "arena"..."

Doom Slayer: "These motherfuckers don't know who they're stuck with." - these thoughts were going through my head as I put the chip in the praetor suit.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Also I will enable your Dash Trusters,The Granade luncher and also your Flamethrower. If you continuously suck argent Energy out of the imitations, you can charge your praetor suit to a maximum amount. So I don't think you'll have much trouble with power."

Doom Slayer: "That tin can could have resolved the restrictions on my Suit earlier." - I growled in anger.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "If you're mad that I didn't resolved all the restrictions sooner, you could have asked me to do it, you know that, right?" - he said those words so arrogantly, if he'd been right here in front of me, he'd have ended up in pieces.

Doom Slayer: "Anyway mark me where this bird imitator is, lest I lose him, tin can."

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "All right, but I hope you don't call me "tin can" again." - I heard in his voice that he was a little offended. That's exactly what I wouldn't have thought of him.

Doom Slayer: "If you're gonna piss me off, don't be surprised if I call you like that... or even worse." - that's the sentence I ended our little chat with, and I began to walk to the nest which is 1251 meter away, with my Combat Shutgun on my shoulder, the Ammo Bag by my side and a big grin on my face.


