Chereads / The Hellwalker in Remnant / Chapter 4 - CH: 3 - The Massacre: Pt. 2

Chapter 4 - CH: 3 - The Massacre: Pt. 2

(NARRATOR:) As The Doom Slayer approached the marked area, he felt the demonic corruption swallows all the life around it, just like on Earth. Doom Slayer once again wondered what would have happened if he had been there sooner, the Earth invasion as well as here. Surely it would not have turned out the way like he left the Earth... everything was ruined and abandoned, blood and gore all over the streets.


Doom Slayer: "That son of a bitch put Earth where it is now. If he hadn't teleported to hell, I... I don't know which corner, I would have been able to beat these bastards with The Khan Myker." - I thought to myself while staring at my comunicator with a deadly look. "It doesn't matter now. It happened that way, I couldn't turn back the clock anyway. I have to accept that this is how it ended, because it could have been worse... BUT RIGHT NOW, I'D TWIST THAT SON OF A BITCH HAYDEN'S HEAD OUT LIKE A LEGO FIGURE!" - as I approached the Nest, I had these thoughts in my head. And Hayden must just looked at me and said, " What the hell is he stares like that?" - or something like that. After a 10 minute walk the distance is now only 100m from the nest of imitations. I stopped. The pine trees were so big, I couldn't tell you there's a nest right in front of me. I wanted to move on, but sameuel interrupted me.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Slayer, we have now reached a distance where imitations can sense us. I think we should be careful in the first place and-"

Doom Slayer: "There is no time for your nonsense, Hayden." - I started running forward with my Combat Shutgun, firing warning shots, to lure as many imitations as possible.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Or you can do that..." - his words sounded a little disappointed. Let's just say I don't give a shit.

As I moved forward to the Nest the forest was thinning as well. When I got out of the thick trees, I saw a city in ruins. The supporting columns of the buildings are all cracked, just a stronger blow and the whole building could collapse. There were faint bloodstains on the walls and the streets. The demonic corruption were felt by my whole body I knew there were a lot of imitation hiding around here. AND NONE OF THEM CAME OUT YET... I growled in my annoyance, I'd like to rip up an imitation or whatever to blow off some steam.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "It seems that this city has not been inhabited for decades the excessive neglect of buildings and faint traces of blood suggests, so that means this invasion is taking a long time, but I don't know because these creatures are so stupid, or the resistance is so strong. As a third option, I wouldn't rule out the fact that this place served as an important strategic place for the survivors here, because this place is full of iron copper gold and other important ores like cobalt, titan, ect; but a disaster like an explosion, or a forest fire forced the city to evacuate... and then the imitations turned this city into their nest." - as these words said Samuel I saw a couple of wolf imitations on the top of the buildings... we were already being watched.

(NARRATOR:) The beasts looked at each other, the imitations, and The Doom Slayer, none of them moved, waiting for who will do the first move. The imitations were snarling thirsty for blood, and Slayer was radiating anger and hate from his eyes. He didn't need any voice to fill his enemies with pure fear, but there was a wolf Imitation on the other building howling for his mates.

Doom Slayer: "At least he did the job for me." - with that thought, I started running into the city, as I ran over there I heard a huge horde of wolf imitations running after me. I quickly mounted the Sticky Bomb attachment on the Combat Shotgun and I was ready against the horde.


I tried to get all the imitations together into a narrow street so I could handle them as easily as I could.

Doom Slayer: "Yes just like this, come in a row let me blow you all to pieces" - as I looked back and saw that the Horde was all the way down the street, I quickly jumped up on the wall of one of the high buildings and held on with my left hand, and with the other I shot all the five sticky bomb in the horde. It hit five different imitation in different places, and it exploded in a huge flash, The five imitations and the others around them it were blown to pieces by the force of the explosion. There's literally nothing left of them but smoke and dust. An imitation suddenly jumped out of the smoke at high speed. He was much different than the other wolf imitations, it had large spikes and white armor that covered his entire upper body... it's kind of like a wolf imitation but raised on steroids.

His armor didn't mean much because one shot from my shotgun broke his armor on his right side, into little pieces, and he fell to the ground. As he fell to the ground I threw myself upon him and I stomped to his head with my boots. I made his skull eaqual to the earth. I looked around and, in the building where I clung. 15 Wolf imitations who looked exactly like the first one I killed, they seemed a little angry to me. They didn't hesitate much, they jumped to the ground quickly, but some of them were brave enough to jump towards me. I dashed back meanwhile I put the Full Auto attachment on to my Combat Shotgun. I pulled the trigger, and the shells just flew out of it. Those bastards were torn apart by projectiles, those who were back were lucky, because it didn't do so much damage, but there were some unlucky ones who got hit in the spinal cord by the bullets and because of that, they can't control their bodies, when they slammed into the ground some of their neck and some of them their spine broke in half. It was very pleasant to hear the sound of the breaking bone to be honest. Six of these imitation remained.

After that, the others attacked me in the midst of screams, but neither did I wait for them to come to me, I ran between them instead. I ran to the one in the front, pulled out the doombladet and aimed at his chest. He must have been so scared that I was running towards him that he tried to stop and run in a different direction. But I was already there, and I already sank my darling deep in his chest. The beast roared in a cruel painful way as I cut half him from his body up, in a sudden motion. After that, two more suicidal candidates tried to attack me, one of them came to me with his mouth open, ready to sink his fangs into me. Well, I didn't see any success in that. But I offered him a grenade from my grenade launcher, which he gladly ate, whereat he stopped and exploded. The other one tried to hit me with his hand out, I took his hand and I easily ripped it off and stuck it in his head. He didn't have time to groan in his pain. I executed him so quickly. Maybe I should have let him suffer a little. I quickly looked around to see where the attackers were coming from, but nowhere did I see anyone. Suddenly I looked back and saw those bastards attacking from behind at the same time. I avoided their attacks thanks to my dash ability. I shoot a freezing grenade from my grenade launcher to finally show them how to play this game that they're involved in. I slowly walked to them and vaporized them with a Blood Punch.

Doom Slayer: "Really, that's it? Where are the more powerful imitations like that giant bear imitation?" - I've been thinking about this while I've been draining the Argent Energy from the bodies that haven't turned to dust yet. Well, I managed to jinx myself deftly, because not long after these thoughts, some strange imitations appeared in the distance with a horde of maybe... wolf imitations I don't know, they're so far away I can barely see them.

Doom Slayer: "Don't let me down Sweetheart!" - meanwhile I was clutching my shotgun and I was ready to go towards them too, because it's so boring to wait for my attackers always, that is, more like my preys... I was about to run towards those imitations, however I heard a big bang and a building collapse. I looked back, and I saw a Giant Mammoth imitation? I was like "What the hell man? Do these imitations really have so many form? If it continues like this, it turns out there are more types of imitations, than Demons." He broke through the buildings and they all looked at me and held up his trunk and shook his head, I suppose, in order for the debris to fall off. After that he came at me in the midst of threatening trumpeting, but, of course, he was followed by a big horde of... bear imitation, at least. I'm already sick and tired of these bastards.

Doom Slayer: "LET THE FUN BEGIN!" - I turned around and headed towards the Mammoth imitation I was a bit excited because he was much different from the other imitations. His horns are looked sharp and forward-facing, his mask seemed to be much tougher than the rest of the little bastards also had more detailed patterns than the others. His sides and back were covered in armor just like the Wolves I just killed. His shoulder was covered in spikes, his eyes were burning red, and it seemed that he had finally found a worthy opponent in this land, and had come so far only for my sake, how generous, at least I don't have to go get him.


I quickly headed for the mammoth imitation as I could. I switched to sticky bomb attachment to blow the upcoming bears to pieces. The incoming bears were scattered enough so I couldn't effectively blow them up. Then I quickly activated the flame belch on my shoulder and set the imitations on fire, they stopped and started putting out the fire with their paws on their head, and there were some of them whos rolling around on the ground hoping the fire would go out.

Doom Slayer: "Well, they must have sucked this, because if I don't lost my upgrades in my suit, they're gonna burn for the rest of their miserable life." - I switched back to Full Auto mode with a big grin on my face. I pulled the trigger and started pouring the lead into them. It was a pretty pathetic that from these imitations, two shots in the body, everyone was lying on the ground. The mammoth imitation, with great and powerful strides, ran towards me, while he was trumpething. he's already stretched out his trunk to knock me down. I quickly dashed back, with that momentum, I jumped off the ground. The jump left a nice print of my foot and around the ground it was also cracked. I jumped on the mammoth's back and tried to fill the back of his head with lead. When I aimed my shotgun at his head, the mammoth stood on two legs and started flapping his ears. I broke his armor with a light blow on his back and I stabbed the DoomBlade in it, so he couldn't drop me, the mammoth ran towards every building nearby with all of his might, in the hopes of getting rid of me, in painful trumpeting. With this attempt, he only harmed his mates, because almost every bear imitation was killed by the falling debrises. Then, with his trunk, he managed to grab my leg and thew me one of the buildings. The building shook by the impact. Parts of the building and the iron bars that held the building began to fall to the ground. This masterpiece is collapsing. The Mammoth imitation, with its horn towards me, ran to the building where he thrown me at. He was about to skewe me on his horn. Lucky for me, he managed to drill a nice little hole with me in this building, and that gave me a place to jump towards to that big ass imitation easily.

I took out the crucible quickly and jumped towards to the Beast. I put so much power into my legs that the building just collapsed, creating a huge mess. Before the Mammoth imitation realised I was jumping towards it, his head was split in half by The Crucible. The headless Mammoth fell on the remains of the building with a big bang.

I quickly looked around to see how many bastarsd were left on his feet, no one from the former horde was alive. I looked back to see how close was horde of imitations that I was about to run towards them. Well, they haven't made much progress. Looks like they're still at least a hundred meters away, in the coming Horde, I was finally able to see the three strange imitations that were nothing but... Seven Giant Scorpions with a huge group of wolf imitations.

Doom Slayer: "That's new, but I hope I won't be disappointed in them as in that big ass Mammoth" - I started walking towards them calmly and happily with that thought, putting the shotgun on my shoulder. "At least If they don't give me a new challenge, I can at least have fun with them."

(NARRATOR:) Doom Slayer with these thoughts walked towards the Grimms, who saw how calmly Slayer was coming towards them and began to snarl and roar louder and louder. I can only feel sorry for these creatures. They did not know what they had done with this act. Because The Doom Slayer was starting to get annoyed by this. But Doom Slayer was not the only one pissed off by this loud noises, the underground little scheme, more specifically, the leader was rather pissed off by the explosions, the collapsing buildings, the loud screams and continuous little earthquakes.

The leader of this little group, at first sight, he seems like a real gentleman. A leather cigar in his mouth, He was wearing a black suit and a white jacket wich was decorated by gold buttons with a velvety and red lining. He was very careful about his purity, which was also visible on his trousers and his gloves, there was not a single stain of dust on it, wich would be very visible on those black and white clothings. He also had a gray shawl around his neck, seemed like it was a bit out of date, but it looked like the shawl was woven by clever hands. On his head he had a round top hat wrapped around by a red ribbon. He held a walking stick in his hand that showed very little of its true value. His hair was Orange, and his hair in his right was sideways. In his eyes, you could tell that: he's the exact opposite of "gentleman" word meaning. He's name is Roman Torchwick.


Roman Torchwick: "Finnaly, it looks like the last Mech has been arrived. Now we can pack the train at full speed. At this rate, maybe, we might as well finish packing today and start phase two of the plan tomorrow. But She still didn't call me... that little..." -another explosion interrupted my little monologue. "I only have one question... WHO THE HELL IS EXPLODE THE WHOLE PLACE UP THERE?!..." - with all the explosions and the little earthquakes, I lost my cold blood, and not only that, but now one of the mechs, some cement chunks fell onto it from the nearby buildings, because of ANOTHER EXPLOSION.

Roman Torchwick: "Seriously, this Piece Of Shit on the surface is gonna kill my nerves. Hey! YOU TWO, COME HERE!" - I called out to those two loafers who just sit around near to the train... Why don't they get hit by a piece of cement falling down from a building? I don't know... they walked here really slowly.

Loafers: "What do you want, Boss?" - they asked me bored and tired questions like they were working.

Roman Torchwick: "Go look around and report to me: What the hell's going on up there, and hurry up, because if you don't come back in 30 minutes, I will tie you up to the tracks and go through with the train, IT'S CLEAR?!... I don't have much time to deal with loafers like you."

Loafers: "YES, BOSS!" - they said these a little scared, it is possible I am still not as softling as she says.

(NARRATOR:) The two loafers hurried to look around and find out who the hell was blowing up and smashing everything in the surface. They thought it was just the Grimms. Oh, dear god, they were so wrong. As soon as they heard the huge bangs and the roar full of suffering, they knew that these were not the work of the grimms... Well, not just theirs, they knew someone was fighting them. They thought he/she was a hunter/huntress, but this idea was quickly refuted, by the fact that they began to hear strange manacing music to be more accurate METAL in the distance. They hurried quickly to where the metal came from. as they moved forward the metal, was getting louder and louder, and also the excruciating screams too.

They kept going and going until all of a sudden they got to a huge pile of rubble full of dead Grimm bodies, mutilated in different ways. One had his legs removed, while the other had only his body left. The two loafers were terribly frightened by the sight, but their curiosity was much stronger than their fear, and they climbed up the rubble pile. As they climbed up, they began to smell rotting flesh from the other side, they almost puked themselves up, so suddenly the smell hit them. That also didn't hold them back, but they knew he wasn't a friendly guy. As they reached the top of the rubble hill they saw THE DOOM SLAYER surrounded by countless of dead grimm bodies.

The two lazy faunus watched the following scenes with amazement, and fear with their eyes, as the unknown warrior tore the head of the incoming beowolf from its place with his bare hands. Suddenly three Deathstalkers appeared again from among the buildings, whos headed straight for Slayer with a smaller group of Beowolfs and Ursas. He quickly fired a grenade at one who was surrounded by several "fodders". Meantime, he dashed back while switched his Combat Shotgun to Sticky Bombs, he shot three of them to the nearest DeathStalker and two to the furthest one causing a huge cloud of dust when the bombs blew up killing the smaller grimms that surrounded them. The nearest Deathstalker, from the huge cloud os dust, losing some of his armor, attacked the Slayer with his sting. Slayer easily avoided that attack, after that quicly grabbed his sting and tore him off his tail. The Beast retreated in pain and tried to defend himself with his pincers. Slayer rantowards at him and vaporized the Scorpion's pincers with a single blow, and then with that momentum, with the other hand, he stuck the DoomBladet in his head, who lay on the ground in terrible agony. He turned around, and saw the remaining two deathstalkers began to head towards him. He quickly switched to Full Auto mode and ran towards the Deathstalker with less armor, and he started emptying his munitions as soon as he got close. As he got staggered, Slayer jumped towards him and quickly and crushed the DeathStalker head with his Boot. The other one was about hit him with his right pincer, he backed a little bit, and with the momentum The Slayer grabbed it, and rip off his pincer and he stuck it in his head.

The Doom Slayer, as he would have done his daily routine, began to search for his next pray whos were already scared from the metal that came out of him and his deadly atmosphere that surrounded him.

Those two loafers almost shit themselves by this scene. They tried to climb down the hill very slowly and carefully, probably they didn't want to run into this guy who could easily rip a deathstinger pincer off. After that they run back to the base as fast as they could.


Doom Slayer: "I've killed ten of these scorpions, I think. But there's nothing special about these imitatins if you rip off his pincer or his stinger. they will go into staggered state instant. at least I had a good time with them. That's the point."


