Chereads / The Hellwalker in Remnant / Chapter 5 - CH: 4 - The Unknown Danger

Chapter 5 - CH: 4 - The Unknown Danger

(NARRATOR:) The sky is still cloudy in the mountain range and in it's basin. That's when we can really lose track of time, and that's exactly what happened to Slayer. He just killed a DeathStalker, thanks to his fast legs and his dash's, he could easily get to the creature's tail, rip it out, and put it in his head. The creature slowly turned to dust in torturous hissings.


Doom Slayer: "This one's gone, too. I don't know where all of a sudden these imitations disappeared to. Anyway, I'd better take a look around these bastards can hide anywhere, maybe I should ask Hayden, how many imitation have I killed, it is I think it's been a couple for sure since I have spent quite a lot of time here between these buildings... but it's good to be sure. Also I should ask you how long I've been here." - that's what I thought when I was trying to clear my throat so my voice wasn't to be so gruff, after that, I put my hand to my helmet, more precisely, on the button of the communicator.

Doom Slayer: "Hayden, how many imitation have I killed?" - nowhere is an answer. I sighed in my annoyance. I waited a while, and there's always no sign that Hayden would want to answer.

Doom Slayer: "Along of your whining about saying that: you gonna be so useful to me, I didn't take out my Super Shotgun, you know that right? So... BE USEFUL AND ASNWER TO MY DAMN QUESTION WHEN I ASK YOU, DR. SAMUEL DICKHEAD!..." - I shouted those words. Looks like the anger I felt about Hayden finally came to light. Of course, his little head instantly appeared on the Hub, which indicated that he was about to speak, when those words came out of my mouth.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I just think I should mention that I don't like to answer some unnecessary questions like that, especially because I'm trying to save as much energy at The Doom Fortress as I can, so I can send you the most important weapons that you need in the fights...But as I watch, you're perfectly fine with your two fists." - he answered me with his monotonous and arrogant voice, as I was accustomed to Hayden.

Doom Slayer: "Tch... Unfortunately, I have to say, you're damn right. But still, it feels so good when you can blow something's head off with my with the Super Shotgun." - then there was an awkward silence.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Anyway, you have killed 12812 imitation and about 4134 was Wolf imitations, 3647 Bear imitations, 4757 Heavy Armored Wolf imitations, 273 Scorpion imitations and 1 mammoth imitations. Also you began this little "crusade" began 5:31 hours ago, and it took almost 1 hour to travel there. So it's been 6:31 since you left the campfire. I thought I'd mention the time, I don't want to waste any more time on your stupid questions, if you'll excuse me..." - with those final words, his little icon had disappeared from my HUD. Looks like I got to be able to piss him off, too.

Doom Slayer: "Well, I've killed a lot of imitations. If they hadn't been hiding so much, I think this little massacre would have gone faster." - I sighed as I thought about it. I raised my head and looked at the cloudy sky, where the rays of the sun began to flow through, looks like these imitations are causing this cloudy sky. I raised my hand to the sky and vowed myself: "Whatever it takes I will kill these bastards, and I'll do what I couldn't do it on Earth... to prevent it from completely corrupt and consumed by demonic forces... and then back to hell to continue my crusade, because... DEUS VULT! (GOD WILLS IT!)" - after these tought, I closed my fist in the air, with this sealing my vow. After that, I continued to walk among the demolished buildings searching for imitations...


(NARRATOR:) The two faunus ran back to the underground base to report this threat to their boss. Their faces were filled with fear, their hearts beat very hard as if they felt it coming out of their mouths. Their whole bodies trembled, because of such a bad feeling that: HE WOULD HAVE COME FOR THEM. As soon as they reach the entrance. They took a breath, and looked at each other to make sure they saw what they saw. They could still hear the excruciating screams from the Grimms and the metal in the distance that was getting closer and closer to them. Somehow they got themselves together and went in. The Boss was waiting for them in the door of the rearmost wagon, he was a little impatient for the two loafers to finally come back. The explosions and quakes still haven't stopped. As he saw the two loafers approaching, he, too, jumped off the wagon and stretched out his hands with his cane in his right hand, walked up to them. The two faunus ran towards to Roman. As soon as the three of you have reached a reasonable distance to talk. Roman has already asked the question he's been searching for for for so long.

Roman Torchwick: "Ahhh... my precious little loafers, are finally back." - during this time he went between the two faunus and wrapped around both necks and led them back into the wagon. "Well, I'd like to know who, or what is causing all this huge commotion on the surface?" - he started squeezing their necks a little harder with his arms.

Tim (Loafer A): "I can't breathe! How do you expect me to talk, boss?"

John (Loafer B): "Yeah, we can barely breathe. Ahhhhh...." - they struggled for air to say these words with great difficulty.

Roman Torchwick: "You exactly know why did you deserve this, don't you?" - he said this softly and frowningly at the same time. "You're three minutes late, and you know what I promised you if you're late." - he pushed them in front of him, and they both fell to the ground, Tim fell to his face while John fell to his hand.

John: "But Boss we-"

Roman Torchwick: "No "buts", if I tell you something, THEN SO BE IT!" - he walked closer to the two Faunus "We still need some skillful hands to accoutre the newly acquired weapons and additional equipment to the Mechs, and unfortunately, you're one of them... so I have to give up what I've planned for you." - he sighed and and he hit them on the head with his cane. "But if you still hanging around instead of working." - he pointed at them with his walking stick "I'm gonna tie your heads up to the rails and run it over with the train." - he said that calmly and quietly, but the two faunus could still feel the anger inside him.

Tim: "We are so sorry, Boss. It won't happen again." - he said that, while scratching his head where he got hit

Roman Torchwick: "Great... and now, tell me what you saw up there." - while he said that, he was heading towards the train. The two loafers stood up quickly, and hurried after him.

John: "To be honest, We've seen a lot of things... We only saw one dude wore some sort of red and green armor covered his whole body was covered in this strange armor and the also his armour covered in stinky flesh and witnessed to us incredible strength and speed, he arranged 3 Deathstalkers with his bare hands, we heared Metal coming out of him... but maybe from his armour, making the situation even more frightening and menacing. He also had a shotgun like weapon, that can launch bombs and-and it's also capable of putting on a full auto that seems it can do a lot of damage... Al-Also-"

Tim: "Don't say such a bullshit dude in front of the boss, he had green armour... the red color was just dried blood." - he said these words with great ease as if he didn't even know what he said.

John: "Wait, are you serious?"

Tim: "Yeaaaaah..." - he sighed excruciatingly. "We're in a great shit."

Roman Torchwick: "So what you're saying is that an unknown hunter, or warrior, or I don't know how should I call him, is on the surface tearing down everything in its path?

Tim: "I can't argue with that, you put it perfectly, boss."

Roman Torchwick: "Well, if that's really the way you say, this man is so dangerous, in case he shows up, then we can't do more than give him a nice welcome." - he had a big grin on his face after saying those words. "But you know, we need your skillful hands if we're gonna get him a proper welcome, right?" - Roman turned back so he could look those two slackers in the eyes.

Tim & John: "Right!" - they quickly got themselves together for this.

Roman Torchwick: "Well, don't just stand there, Go equip the new weapons to the mech, while the others load the rest of the stuff onto the train!"

Tim & John: "Ok, Boss!" - and with that, they quickly ran to mechs to equip the weapons with the rest of the faunus there.


Roman Torchwick: "It seems as well as we're doing, our problems are piling up too. If what these two say is really true then if you could find our base now your plan about destorying Vale would end ugly... or what if he is looking for us?... Nah, I don't think so, then Cinder would have called me about this. Tch... For safety I'm gonna have to speed up the loading process even more if we don't want to die at this guy's hands..." - after that, I looked at a mech that was completely different from the others, let's just say it was much more advanced. "Or I'll try out this new toy that we stole from our dear Atlesian friends." - I chukled a bit. "Well, We'll see who gets crushed in the end..." - so I turned around and went to the other Faunus, between the big quakes.



Doom Slayer: "I think I've been walking around for 15 minutes, and there's nothing" - I sighed in my annoyance. After that I turned around the next corner and nowhere for nothing... again. "I don't think I seriously wiped out all the imitations in and this area." - I was about to go into the woods to kill the imitations there as well. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something bright that the rays of the sun reflected in the debris. I thought, why don't I take a look at it when I'm this close? I walked there slowly, and from the debris I took out something white rectangular, maybe an divice?... slightly rounded at the corners, with a yellow diamond-shaped button in the middle.

Doom Slayer: "What the fuck is this?" - I thought this in myself, while I was looking at it in my hand. Then I pressed the middle button on it, and suddenly it opened, aaaaaand yeah...I just remembered I'm on another planet, so I'm pretty sure we don't have the same language, and I was totally right, I only saw incomprehensible gibberish. I sighed. "Maybe Dr.-"

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Mhhh... that seems like a very promising problem." - Samuel just interrupted my thought again, but at least at the right time. "Give me a minute to see if I can decipher this language. But for this you have to connect this smartphone-like device to your Praetor Suit so I can have full access to this divece database. Perhaps it can still carry important information about this place... But I still don't understand, Why didn't he tell me about this place?" - after that, I started looking at how the hell am I supposed to connect this shit to my Praetor Suit, while I was wondering about what the hell Hayden was talking about. Who is HE?

Soon, I got tired of this because I couldn't find any way to connect it to, in my annoyance, I dropped it on the ground I stepped on it. It broke into small pieces.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "This... This is not a bad solution too, if there's a memory card in it, you can easely insert it into the Praetor Suit. I hope you didn't broke that at least." - he said that a little suprised.

I guess he thought, I didn't see a better way to do that unless I break this and take out the memory card from this, Well... I guess he's just overthinked that. Luckily, I didn't have to seacrh a lot, because I saw a big Memory card similar to the one on Earth, and it's still in one piece. Now, the question is, can it fit in?

I slowly inserted the memory card into my helmet, luckily it was able to fit in.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Unfortunately, I can't get much informations, just what's on this card, I hope at least this card contains something about this world, like map, history, and the creatures in it." - these are what Hayden said as he opened the folder of the memory card on my HUD.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Let's see... what can I do with this." - he kept quiet for a while, and I thought I'd sit down and clean off my Shotgun with my hand, she was all dusty and dirty. By the time I was done, Hayden spoke.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I've finished adjusting the letters of this language to the equivalent of English letters. Interestingly, the two languages are very similar, both the structure of the language, and both as they speak it. I came to this latter conclusion with the help of an audio file... in the meantime, I have prepared a translation of this language into english, of course. I can't say that the translation will be accurate everywhere in so little time, but I hope you'll understand the essence of it. I have already sent it to you..." - meanwhile the translation of the language has arrived. "Now all you have to do is install it, and read what it says on the folder."

I didn't have to wait much, I installed the translation right away and started readi- I think I'd better ask Samuel to read it. There're so much fucking files in this folder, I don't have time to read them all.

Doom Slayer: "Hey, Dr. Tin Can, can you read those text files for me?"

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "All right... but I'm gonna ask you one thing. Stop calling me on these names if I may, 'cause after a while, I will be fed up with you, and the way you're calling out to me, like you don't know who you're talking to." - you said that with arrogance and anger. I didn't know he had such a feeling beyond arogance.

I don't gave a shit about his whining, I sighted in my annoyance. After that, I turned around and started walking around this town one last time, in case a couple of imitation has shown up.

(NARRATOR:) The Doom Slayer, among these thoughts, set off to look around the city one last time. But he didn't know that this device, that he had shattered and put the memory card in his helmet with great ease, how much it will change his pre-set plan. But of course I will not tell you that yet. Rather let's just go and see what happened elsewhere during this time.


In a huge academy, in largest tower, in the top floor, sat a silver-haired man, who seemed to have been through a lot. His eyes are brown and he wears shaded glass spectacles, his jacket is dark green. Also he had a dark green scarf around his neck with a cross in the middle, green a shirt with yellow buttons on it, and he had black trousers. He's name is Ozpin. He was sipping his tea, he was looking out of the windows, while thinking about what he'd just seen before.

Meanwhile, in the other corner of the room, a lady arrived she's middle aged. She has a Blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face, her eyes are green also she wearing thin ovular glasses. She has green teal earrings, that matches with her pendant on his neck. She wears a white long-sleeved, pleated top that has a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs that flare in pleats at the wrist. Her lower body is covered by a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons. Also she wears a purple cape on his back. She's name is Glynda Goodwitch.

Glynda Goodwitch: "Ozpin, you know how busy I get, especially when I'm teaching. What's the urgent matter you asked me to come here for?" - meanwhile she walked slowly to Ozpin's desk. Ozpin had a very serious face.

Professor Ozpin: "I apologize for that. I shouldn't have called you here in the middle of the day, but this case is very urgent." - meanwhile, he turned around with his chair, to Glynda.

Glynda Goodwitch: "Can you fit it in the break?" - her arms were crossed.

Professor Ozpin: "Well, I can't say for sure. but I suggest you sit down, I will use every minute of this break to brief you on the current situation." - Ozpin put his elbow on the desk and clasped his hands, after he put his mug of tea down.

Glynda Goodwitch: "I'm just guessing, is this all about the White Fang again?"

Professor Ozpin: "Well, good guess, but no, it's not about them... Actually, this incident that I wanted to talk to you about happened in no other place than Forever Fall Forest. I've asked the students who have just graduated, specifically Team RUBN (Pronounced: "Ruben"), to take care of that huge Ursa that's been hanging around for weeks causing so much truble..."

Glynda Goodwitch: "So you sent them, they were quite promising students and hunter apprentices. I think they were doing just fine... isn't they?...or is your story about them?

Professor Ozpin: "Partially Yes... but don't worry, nothing happened to them. They were just scared. They searched for four hours, and they couldn't find the Huge Ursa, but they could barely find a few Grimms in there. That's what they said when they returned from the forest.

Glynda Goodwitch: "It's possible that the Grimms found a place with a lot more negative emotions and migrated there. It would be weird enough as it is. Grimms don't often leave their habitat, only if absolutely necessary...or if the negative emotional emission is really that high."

Professor Ozpin: "Well, I was thinking about that theory, too." - he took a sip of his tea "Until the boys showed me some pictures of what they found in the woods instead." - he took out his scroll and projected some pictures on a large holographic screen.

The first picture showed a small crater where you saw a fist and two feet of prints and a knee print, with a few pieces of flesh.

Glynda Goodwitch: "What could have caused that? And... It's flesh in it?" meanwhile she stared the picture in disgust.

Professor Ozpin: "Unfortunately, yes, but the boys were kind enough to get a sample of the flesh. Right now, it's on a investigation, to see, to which creature this piece of meat may have belonged. Anyway I think it was created by an impact, as you can see, the fist and foot prints are deep enough in the crater, to come to that conclusion.

Glynda Goodwitch: "But why would someone jump from that height?"

Professor Ozpin: "Who knows? There must have been a lot of reasons. But let's not get hung up on this subject, there's very little time left from the break we better hurry."

Glynda Goodwitch: "Ok..."

Then Ozpin showed the following picture, where there were a lot of grimm dust scattered in a small clearing.

Glynda Goodwitch: "You don't mean to tell me that, that warrior just single-handedly wiped out almost all the Grimms in the woods, do you?"

Professor Ozpin: "Well, I hate to break it to you again, but that's what happened. Also I have to say, all of this happened yesterday."

Glynda Goodwitch: "Yesterday?!

Professor Ozpin: "Yes..." - then he showed the following picture, that shows remains of a campfire and footprints heading south-east. "That's what I can deduce from this picture. Robin (The leader of Team RUBN) said the ashes were still warm, so he, must have left this place a few hours ago. And as you can see from the picture, he's headed south-east.

Glynda Goodwitch: "I'm wondering how strong this unknown hunter can be. If he is a human at all. What do you say, we tell Ironwood and Qrow about this?"

Professor Ozpin: "We will tell to Qrow about this when he returns, I don't want to harass him now. Ironwood, I don't know, maybe he would make an even bigger fuss about this." - he sighted. "But it will be good to be careful, we don't know what purpose he has. If it's any good, I'll try to recruit him to the Beacon. But if he don't, we'll have to stop this beast."

Glynda Goodwitch: "Agreed!"

The bell rang suddenly.

Professor Ozpin: "We timed it pretty well, didn't we?.. And one more thing I'd like to ask you not to let this thing get out in public, okay?

Glynda Goodwitch: "In all the time you've known me, have I ever done this?" Ozpin chuckled a bit.

Professor Ozpin: "Of course not, but it wouldn't be good for people to start panicking even from him. All these robberies that have happened recently have really stirred up a lot of water.

Glynda Goodwitch: I know what do you mean, Ozpin. But I have to hurry to my next class. I'll talk to you later. Have a nice day!

Professor Ozpin: "The same to you!" - after that, she walked away. he turned back to the window and looked outside, then he sighted.

Professor Ozpin: "I hope you're not here with malice prepense, you Unknown Huntsman." - after that, he drank his mug of tea.


