They say love is kind, love is patient and it does not keep record of wrongdoing but boy is it stupid. Here i am sitting in bed fantasizing about a boy who broke my heart less than six months ago. Honestly speaking i can't help it!
The way he looks at me resembles an artist admiring a blank canvas in visioning the kind of art he'll cover it up with. Whenever I'm in his presence nothing else matters...our bodies become one and i have no control over myself. I fall under the spell of his eyes that glisten as the sun places it's rays upon his perfectly sculpted face. Whenever he opens his mouth to speak i hardly concentrate on what he's saying but on his beautifully shaped lips as they move around slowly. I feel my heart thumping loudly and it was at that very moment that i realized that i got it bad. "You're thinking about him huh" teases Shoni as she jumps on my bed. Before i could even respond, the smile on my face had already given it away. Honestly i felt kinda stupid for simping over a gent that was gonna hurt me anyway. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my bedroom window. I swung the curtains open and peeped through the windor and there he was.... My prince charming [cringes].