Serenica thought about Gadfly, about his insane eyes that would never admire her again and his bad breath.
She thought about what a good friend he had been to her.
"Spill their blood," she said.
"Say no more." Spade cleaned his dagger with a piece of cloth.
He had to be furious about losing his boatswain. He didn't show it. His rage was soft, yet it bit like a venomous snake.
The pirates lined up the people responsible for the cannonfire.
The men hardly even trembled or pleaded. They had to understand on some level that sailing this near to Aja Vana was more risky to a merchant vessel than anything else. They had surely known what that meant.
"Don't make it last long," Serenica said in an attempt to calm down her raging conscience. "I am sure you boys are hungry."
Five throats were slit. The deaths were quick, and while they were not painless, the executions were not cruel.
It was a better way to die than being keelhauled.