Chapter 2 - LSAFH

I wake up to hearing a honking horn from outside the house. It's probably my mother, awaiting my presence. I get up and peek out of the pastel-pink curtains.

"OH CRAP!" It's the school bus- but how does the bus driver know our address and that I'm riding to school? I hurry down the stairs to greet my mother and question the situation, but she had left for work before I even woke up.

"What the hell?!" I throw my arms up and dart back up the stairs, into my bedroom, and change my clothes in a rush. I don't even waste time putting on any makeup, guess it's a bare-faced day for me today. I tie my hair up in a high ponytail and switch it up into a messy bun. I put on some grey Nike sweatpants and a black crop-top just appropriate enough for the dress code I don't even know about, along with my favorite flat Nike shoes. Then, finishing touches with my clear-edged glasses.


I look around for a house key in case my mother had left me one to lock up the house, but there is not a single one in sight. Wow, she didn't even bother to wake me up this morning and I'm going to be late for school on the first day. UGH! I am almost in a state of panic- this shouldn't be happening right now, I'm gonna lose my mind I swear. My anxiety is going to pick a fight with me today, I know it.

I grab my book bag off the kitchen table and rush out the door, but as soon as I swing it open, the bus had already been long gone. Great, what do I do now?? Do I walk? I pull out my phone to look up the school address on my map, and thankfully, it isn't too far. It's about a 5-minute car ride, so if I walk I will probably there in 10 minutes or so. This doesn't sound too bad, I just hope it isn't cold.

Finally leaving the house and making my way to school- I notice that it's almost dead silent. The way the wind whistles through the half-naked maple trees makes me feel composed- I stop in my tracks for a moment to take a deep breath, to inhale the sweet, autumn air, and clear my mind before I continue walking. As I do, I hear a car engine running behind me and look behind my shoulder to see a silver Tesla pulling up to the sidewalk where I'm walking.

"You going somewhere? I can give you a ride if you want" A guy, who looks about the age of 17, offers me. I don't answer, instead, I ignore him and stroll along the pavement, kicking up the dry leaves. I was expecting him to say something else to bug me or make me feel uneasy, but he hit the gas pedal and drove away...Strange, people normally don't do that, but I guess he does.

I check the time and 8 minutes have passed, I lift my head back up to see the outline of the high school building I suppose is the one I should be going to; Bloomingdale Highschool. There is a huge team logo on the top front of the building, it somewhat looks like a Siberian Wolf- or something like that. I am incredibly reluctant to walk in as I approach the front doors, I see some people standing in groups near corners of a big open lobby, then I look over to my left, a small sign had labeled "Main Office". I finally work up the courage and enter the school building.

"Um, excuse me. I apologize if I'm late, b-but I'm new here and I need to know my schedule and my way around' I utter while fiddling with the straps on my book bag. A woman with mid-length chestnut brown hair lifts her head to take a look at me and a short smile appears on her face.

"You're lucky, you've made it on time. Could you take a seat over there and wait for a couple of minutes?"

I nod and sit on a chair next to a table with posted notes stuck to it. Some of them are inspirational quotes I assume were written by some students due to sloppy writing on a blue posted note. Others are just small doodles and writings. This school is nothing like the one I went to back in Oklahoma. It was so hot there, and the entire school building was just a burnout that looked like a large preschool. It had been there for about forty years at most, and nobody remodeled it, or even put in AC- the teachers used fans in the classrooms so we could stay cool, but not even that helped. I have to say, this isn't so bad as I thought it would be- But I'm still doubtful of living in an entirely new place. I wasn't ready for this, and I wasn't ready to be a new student.

"Hey darling, what's your name?" The woman asks me while scanning through her computer screen.

"Alexis Burkholder" I reply. I observe the office, gazing at all the anti-vaping posters and education quotes. I quietly chuckle in response to the cringe-worthy posters as I imagine the amounts of people who don't care about them. I know it's immature but it's technically true because the only people who care about anti-vaping advertisements are the people who are in communities, clubs, and are Christian. This is my opinion, honestly. I don't vape, but I don't care about those posters. I suppose they do help people discontinue vaping, though, so I have to give them credit.

"Alright, I got your schedule set and I'll walk you out here, although I won't be showing you around. Olivia here will be giving you a tour." She walks out of another room with a brown-haired girl who is brushing the strands of her hair with her fingers. She's dressed similarly to me but in a more dark look. This chick looks like one of those emo girls, I like it though since she looks chill.

I notice a staff ID card at the front desk where the woman sat that reads "Mrs. Schafer". I'm guessing that's her name since it stands next to her computer.

"Olivia, you don't mind showing Alexis around, do you?" Mrs. Schafer asks while handing me my schedule.

"No not at all" She answers, walking toward me.

We make our way through the elongated hallways filled with a mix of yelling, whispering, and laughing from the students. After what seemed like forever, we have finished walking around and find ourselves at the foot of my locker.

"Well, I'm assuming you got the hang of it now so I'll get going. Here's my number- text me once you get to your classes so I know that you found your way around." She hands me a small, folded piece of paper and walks away.

I open my locker and hear a group of boys chattering about a football game they had watched over the weekend, arguing over who is a better team and has a better quarterback. Now that I think about it; I kind of like this school- It's not too complicated, a lot of people are nice despite the fact they are obnoxiously loud to the point the principal has to tell them to quiet down, and it's not too crowded.

I shove a couple of things in the cupboard above a basket on the bottom shelf and sit down all by myself to gain some confidence. However, after some minutes of sitting here alone, I notice the guy that offered me a ride this morning; Blonde wavy hair flipped over onto one side of his head, and I see him wearing glasses he wasn't wearing when I first saw him. He's actually studying, at least I think he is- He's a good fifteen feet away from where I'm sitting so I can't really infer what exactly he's doing. A girl approaches him, sits at his side, and starts playing with his hair- This somewhat makes me extremely uncomfortable and forces my eyes to roll back and face another direction. I hear some flirting and guess that it's coming from those two but don't care enough to pay attention to what they are talking about so I stand up and begin walking myself around the halls until the first bell rings.

-- *3 classes later*--

I enter the cafeteria and almost all of the tables are already full, then I spot an empty one so I sit myself down. Nobody came to sit with me, but I don't want to talk to anyone anyway- I'm too afraid to. I've always had social anxiety, but since I had stayed at the same school district my entire life, meeting new people is especially new to me, and I don't trust myself that much to get too comfortable with anyone. This is a new state that I'm living in, I can't just go immediately become friends with people and start acting completely like myself. In my head, that's not how it works. I have to add mystery before they really know me- if you get what I mean.


I come home to my mother setting up a network system for the T.V. I don't believe she is hooking up the cords the correct way, though.

"Hey, how was school?" She stands up, placing her hands on her hips.

"It was okay I guess. Found my way around alright but didn't sit with anyone during lunch." I shrug my shoulders and drag myself up the stairs to my bedroom and change into comfortable clothes. Although I didn't have a bad day, I begin to sulk into my pillow, letting out a loud groan. I feel so exhausted- like this entire day had drained all the energy I had beforehand.


"Alexis! I made some chicken fettuccini for dinner if you want some-"

I know if I don't eat sooner or later, she will brag me about it for hours until I finally do. I don't even have the energy to get back up and walk down the stairs but I force myself to do so anyway.

"You don't have to eat if you don't want to- I can tell you're exhausted from the look on your face. You can go upstairs and sleep if you're that tired Alexis. I know it's your first day so I'm not gonna pressure it." She sits down at the table and takes a sip of her drink before munching down on her food.

I'm surprised by the change in her attitude towards me. I'm afraid my response will inflict on her being supportive, for this reason, I don't bring up anything about her saying so.

I sluggishly drag myself back upstairs and prepare myself a hot bath to blow off some steam.


It's not even close to 9 o'clock, yet I'm so desperate to go to sleep right now. I also just remembered I need to finish the homework I was assigned for Geometry and English II so I'll pass time by doing that and hopefully by the time I'm done I can get the sleep I need. I reach for my phone and text Olivia in hope of getting some assistance with my Geometry assignment.


Wish you were in some of my classes cause I kinda need help rn :( - Alexis

Shouldn't you have taken notes during class? - Olivia

Yeah, that's true, but I kinda got a little distracted so.. - Alexis

I mean I guess if you really need it. What class/classes do you need help with? - Olivia

It would be great if you could help me with some Geometry stuff- Alexis

Of course. What are you working on?- Olivia

CPCTC Proof Worksheet. You know what that is, right?- Alexis

Oh, yeah. I'm really good with math so if you ever need help just ask to come over and I'll help you- Olivia

I'd rather have you come over to my house, is that okay?.- Alexis

That works, I'll ask my mom after I eat- Olivia

Okay, thank you- Alexis

No problem, see you tomorrow.- Olivia

See you- Alexis