Chapter 3 - LSAFH

I open my eyes to see red and blue flashing lights spread across the walls of my bedroom. It's still dark out. I check the time to see that it's only four o'clock in the morning. I stand up and glance out the window to see cop cars scattered across the street along with another car flipped over onto its back, ignited in flames.

I remember this- this is the scene where my father died. What I also remember is that he wasn't a drunk, he'd never go out late to drink with friends at the bar, he usually would just be taking late-night drives to have some time alone and clear his mind, and that's how he was. But one night he was on his way home and some other driver was drunk and had no control over their car. He was almost pulling into the driveway when the other driver smashed into my dad's at full speed, sent it flying, and eventually crashed- then his car just lied there, burning in flames.

He didn't get a chance to climb out before the car started burning up, he was already injured and in pain. He couldn't get out...He was trapped inside the car burning like hell and in agony. The police and fire assistance didn't show up until after he already passed.

I'm having a nightmare- As the nostalgia takes over my subconsciousness I begin to feel lightheaded. It's as if it's happening all over again, my dad getting in a car crash, and losing his life as I stand and stare in shock, not knowing how to react to what exactly just happened. I stood there, and I had no reaction. Only until after I got a glimpse of his lifeless body...

My stomach feels tight, my chest feels heavy and I'm losing my breath as I stand here struggling to keep my balance. I try to lurch over toward my bed but instead trample onto the floor, and the police lights that were once dancing around my bedroom walls have now disappeared, and my surroundings turn into pitch black.


I awake to my head pounding relentlessly and dread to get dressed for school this morning. I know I have to anyway so I force my legs to push up the rest of my body. I turn on my phone and the time shows six o'clock; I woke up at the right time.

I grab some high-rise ripped jeans and a light turquoise sweater, and wear my white high-top converse. I decide to curl my hair today.

I scan myself in the mirror, playing with my platinum blonde hair, fascinated by the bounciness of my curls. I have just enough time to put on some makeup before the bus shows up. I usually don't wear tons of it, I only put on mascara and concealer to cover up the dark circles under my eyes.

I hear the bus engine stop at the front of our house and reach for my bookbag on the hook of my door and race down the stairs so I could make it on time.

Just like yesterday, my mother wasn't home. I'm guessing she goes to work before I even get to school. And still, there is no house key, she needs to do something about this.


I arrive on the bus just before it could leave and the driver introduced herself to me.

As I search for an empty seat, somebody calls out my name. It's Olivia.

"Good morning." She says as I sit at her side. I notice that she's wearing a different outfit, unlike the one she wore yesterday.

"Interesting; yesterday you were wearing the gothic type of clothes and today you're wearing bright colors. I like that." I study her blue, orange, and white striped shirt which is covered by loose overalls.

"Oh, thanks. I switch up my outfits a lot. One day I'm all dark, the next I'm all bright, and other days it's just completely random," She unzips her bookbag, pulling out a piece of paper. "Here, I have some notes from last year that you can use for your assignment. You don't owe me anything for this, just letting you know" She hands it over.

I nod my head in thanks to her helping me out. For the rest of the bus ride, we don't talk, we just sit and glare out the windows watching everything pass by swiftly.


"So, tell me about yourself," She says as we walk into the building.

"Well...I moved here from Oklahoma because of something that happened when I was a kid. My mom just wanted to escape the hell we were living in, basically. Don't know why she chose to move to a different state, though. Um, my favorite colors are blue and soft pink. I like horror movies, not a fan of action movies, I'm in love with romance, which is probably why I've been single forever. I like dogs and I'm not really a people person unless they're nice to me and not full of drama. I'm also the only child"

She turned her head to the side to stare at me. I lift an eyebrow in confusion.

"Sorry," She chuckles, "You're just quirky and I like it"

Quirky? That's a new one. I don't find myself quirky, yet I'm very strange.

As we're walking through the hallways, I see that blonde guy again, and this time he's with a group of people I'm guessing are his friends. I try to cover my face so he doesn't notice me.

"Hey, hide me, quick!" I demand

"What- Why? What're you doing-"

"Sh, don't ask questions, he'll hear me" I add as I try to hide behind Olivia's back.

I hear a voice shouting from over his direction, it was a friend of that blondie.

"Hey you, over there!" I knew he was talking to me but acted like I didn't.

I turn my head around and act as if there is someone behind me. "Are you talking to me" I point to my chest.

"Yes, you. I'm talking to you, come over here." He laughs from across the hall.

I panic, not answering him, and dart away to my locker, plopping myself onto the floor. Phew, that was close.

Olivia caught up with me and to my surprise, she was running out of breath, it actually looked like she was having an asthma attack. She started coughing and choking on air, I started panicking again.

"Are- are you okay, do you need to go to the office?" I insist, pulling myself to my feet as I run my hands through my hair. She nods her head and unzips her bookbag, taking a deep breath into her inhaler.

"Why are you freaking out? Are you alright, Alexis?" I don't even comprehend what she's saying, my brain feels like it's full of fog and I'm zoning out as she's speaking to me. I fall onto the floor and everything turns into darkness.