Chapter 4 - LSAFH

My eyes open and I turn my head to see my father sitting at my side, staring at me with a short smile on his face. I notice a tear running down his left cheek.

"Dad?" I shift my position.

"What? Alexis, no, it's mom." I can barely see anything in front of me except my pale hands shaking intensely.

"Where am I? Am I at home?" I ask. I begin to feel tears filling up in my eyes.

Another voice sounds from the room I sit in. "Alexis, Olivia said you had a panic attack and blacked out in the hall". A woman walks up to me, it's Mrs. Schafer. She sits down next to me and places an icepack on my forehead. I don't even remember anything from this morning besides the nightmare I had.

"I was just having an asthma attack from running because she was freaking out that a guy was talking to her and then she ran away to her locker. Then she started freaking out again, but she hasn't freaked out like that before. She looked pale like she had seen something terrifying, I don't know what was running through her head but it obviously made her blackout." I hear Olivia explaining.

I blacked out? That's never happened to me before, only when I was having that nightmare.

"Has anything like this ever happened to her in the past?" Mrs. Schafer asks my mother.

"No, not that I know of." She answers.

I move my head around to scan the room I was put in, it's the clinic.

"Did anything happen after I passed out?" I ask.

Olivia sits down in a chair to the right of me. "A group of people heard me trying to wake you up and came over to see what happened. A guy was asking me questions, too, then he tried to help me."

"Who?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Just some guy with blonde hair, he was wearing glasses"

I nod my head in embarrassment.

"Do you know him?" She leans closer to me, looking confused.

I nod my head. "I don't know him, but he offered me a ride to school yesterday when I missed the bus. I didn't take the offer, though" I answer.


"Are you feeling okay?" my mother asks as she pulls into the driveway of our house.

I sit up in the passenger seat, gazing at my bedroom window, not even acknowledging the question she asked me.

"Hey- I asked you a question,"

"What?" I turn my head to look at her.

"I asked you if you're feeling okay"

"Oh- Yeah, I guess. I still feel a little dizzy." I open the door and walk up to the front porch, still looking up at my window.

"What are you looking at?" She walks over toward me, peering up at my window.

"Nothing" I look away.


As I lie on my bed, I turn on my phone and text Olivia.

Hey- Alexis

It took about five minutes for her to respond.

Hey, what's up?- Olivia

You know that guy you were telling me about earlier?- Alexis

Yeah, what about him?- Olivia

Do you like him or something?- Olivia

What? No... I just was gonna say that he looks awfully familiar.- Alexis

How? You just moved here like 3 days ago- Olivia

That's what I'm saying. Like, I swear I've seen him around in my old school, but I'm not completely sure- Alexis.

I don't know. Could either be a doppelganger or your mind playing tricks on you- Olivia

Yeah, that's true. I might talk to him tomorrow if I have enough confidence to do that, but I probably won't.- Alexis

Just do you boo- Olivia

Never hurts to walk out of your comfort zone- Olivia

Even though I met you only two days ago, you're really a good person to talk to- Alexis

Awe, thanks. So are you :) - Olivia

You're welcome, and thanks- Alexis

No problem, goodnight- Olivia

For the next thirty minutes, I lie under my blankets soaking up the tears that have been flooding my face, and eventually, I fall asleep.