Chereads / Evil Always Finds A Way. / Chapter 1 - Ruined Lord.

Evil Always Finds A Way.

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Chapter 1 - Ruined Lord.

What is true evil? Stealing from the rich to survive? Vandalizing a local statue to show how cool you can be to the girl you like because you heard she likes bad boys? No true evil is a balance. A balance between good and evil. Three hundred years ago the forces of good decided they no longer preferred this perfect balance. The armies of good all gathered together to defeat the evil across the land. Outnumbered and outmatched the forces of good won every battle along the way. They found themselves on the doorstep of the last demon lord Jack. As they entered the cave Jack and his horde of minions found themselves fighting a losing battle. The forces of good had almost reached the Throne room when Jack decided to take down as many as possible with him. Jack unleashed a magnitude of magic With his strongest spell he blasted the roof of the cave crushing the forces of good and trapping himself inside his dark destroyed throne room with a handful of goblin minions.

Today that cavern is blocked off unvisited surrounded by a beautiful glowing forest littered with magical creatures from fairies to unicorns. Deep inside still lays the demon lord Jack. Inside the throne room Jack has been waiting for 300 years to escape.

"You three" he yelled at the final remaining goblins.

"Go turn some rocks and find me bugs to eat for my yearly meal." The three started crawling around the mounds of rocks grabbing any creepy crawlies they could find brought the meal to the demon lord.

"Ah yes, Good work on bringing me this delicious meal." He downed the handful of bugs in one gulp, he gagged and said "delicious."

"How long will I be trapped in this prison most of my clothes have rotted away and all of our outhouse holes are filling up, I'm not sure how much longer I can ta…ke." As he finished his sentence a giant earth worm fell from the cave ceiling.

"REAL FOOD!" the goblins yelled. "NO" the demon lord shouted back "A way out…" The goblins began stacking rocks to the hole made from the giant worm.

"Alright let's check it out." Jack said as he began crawling through the tight hole Thankfully he's had a rather light diet the last three hundred years he was able to fit through the tight hole.

They began to get excited as they saw light at the end of the tunnel Jack burst through the last bit of soil to expose the earth as he crawled out in the middle of the enchanted forest.

"Well men it has been a long journey but balance can finally be restored to the land and it starts now." Jack said.

"We need to Find more food so i can use stronger magic and you guys can gain some weight." He said as he glanced at the very malnourished goblins.

Jack started by climbing a tall tree to catch his bearings and break off branches. "There's a village in the distance I should check out, but there's also a small group of fairies just past those bushes.

"That'll be our first real meal!" Jack said.

He then handed them their new clubs from tree branches he broke off. They peaked through the bushes staring at their prey.

"Vile creatures happy to just be alive I'm sure they would be a lot happier in our bellies" Jack said.

The goblins were so excited for their first real meal they charged in showing no fatigue and mercilessly beat the group of fairies down. Within minutes later they had a fire going making fairy kabobs.

"AHH I feel energy surging through me once more" Jack said stretching out "Tomorrow I'm going to the village to see how the world's changed after all this time, you guys set up camp and find more food while I'm gone it shouldn't take long." Jack said just before passing out.

As he woke up he noticed there were a few more goblins than he began with. (World fact, goblins are like rabbits with enough food to survive they reproduce very quickly.) He set out to the small village. As he walked around the village almost everyone he passed stared at him he began to think maybe his horns were showing as he was sure he cloaked them. When he asked "What nobody new ever come to this town?" A townsman replied "New people normally visit with clothes on.."

He looked down to notice during his escape the rotted clothes must've fallen off. Quickly covering himself the same townsman handed him beat up farmer clothes. "So what brings you here son the older townsman said."

"Well I'm just sightseeing." Jack said. Unconvinced the townsman said "Sightseeing in a farming town huh not too much to see." "That's just it, I'm thinking of starting my own farm I wanted to see how this one is run as I've heard many good things about this town's food."

Jack said smirking because he hasn't missed a beat on being cunning. The townsman agreed to show jack the farms. "Our farms are the best aren't they, they are some of the biggest around this part of the world too." The man said

"But we run them the same way most towns do." He continued.

Jack looked on The fields to see massive farms only to be shocked barely any farmers are human they are all his minions. "We use the best evil creatures of old this part of the world has to offer, plenty of ogres." The man said grinning.

The Demon king was grinding his teeth he was so mad his minions were being used for such trivial work such as farming. Ogres made some of the best generals back in the day he thought.

"Why not use goblins they're easier to handle?" Jack asked.

"Goblins have been extinct since the great cleansing three hundred years ago." The townsman said.

"Oh I heard they still had some in these lands." Jack said shockingly.

"But as long as we have these slave collars these ogres work fantastically." said the townsman.

(World fact, Slave collars are magical collars they hurt any creature that doesn't obey, only deactivated if the owner sets them free himself or a stronger spell releases them.)

"Well thank you for the tour I'll for sure be back when I've made progress on my own farm." Jack said.

As he walked back into the forest the temporary camp ground was now abandoned with tons of tracks leading back to the caved in cavern. Jack followed the trail back only to be shocked at nearly a dozen goblins now throwing the boulders out of the way to get back inside they've dug out the main corridor already. Walking back inside jack found a group of them beside a fire they caught a unicorn and were roasting it on the fire.

"My, my, my, goblins may have pea brains but you all are very motivated to work, for that you have my thanks." Jack said.

"But I didn't want to return here three hundred years locked away I'm tired of being in the ground starting now we rebuild our numbers and we build a new home!" He yelled.

"Now which of you has the guts to take on any challenge given your way as my first general?" Jack asked.

All the goblins went berserk trying to get his attention except one. Only one goblin walked away after the question, only to return with the biggest mallet he could find and start slamming his brothers heads in.

"I see we have a clear winner come I shall give you more power my child and a much bigger brain" Jack said.

The power slowly flowed into the goblin he appeared to be growing older. Gar was now born. "Congrats on becoming a goblin commander, now do you know your name?" Jack asked.

"I am Gar master." The goblin commander said.

"Why does my body feel weak master I'm no longer nimble." gar asked.

"Well you gave up your fighting abilities for brains now you serve as my messenger to the goblin army." Jack replied.

After some time of being acquainted with his new body Gar was pleased he no longer had to do the back breaking work and could watch from afar.

"Gar!" shouted Jack.

"We're going to build a tower above this cavern, There is no time like now to get started."

"Yes Master I agree a tower will be nice!" Gar said.

Gar hobbles out toward the directionless goblins in the next room.

"Disgusting vile goblins, Master gave us orders!" yelled Gar. The goblins stopped rough housing and lined up roughly a dozen of them now.

"Master was kind enough to give us some tools he got from the wretched humans." Gar continued.

Half of them ran deep into the cave armed with pick axes. Other goblins ran out armed with their clubs in search for more food and lastly a few others armed with brooms were told to clean the demon lords room.

Several weeks have gone by as the tower is under construction there were far more goblins than anyone could've counted. During a mining trip the minions found the lost underground sea that once served as the food source for the dark kingdom of old. After all the years being undisturbed the creature of the lake grew to a gigantic size. Fishing rounds are normally made in groups of five now they are lucky if all five return most are eaten in the attempt to catch the watery beast in the sea. The goblins also struck a worthless gold vein in the mine.

The wretched humans love the shiny rock as they trade things of value for it. Tomorrow a slave trader will arrive to the farm village the demon lord plans to arrive with as much gold as they can find.

"GAR prepare the wagon!" Shouted Jack

"Yes Master" replied Gar.

Morning came and the two set out flying through the enchanted forest pulled by two unicorns as Jack cloaked his horns and transformed Gar into a human they saw the slave trader before he got to the village.

"Perfect timing." Jack said.

"Greetings sir that's quite the impressive batch of slaves you got there." Jack said smiling

"Sharp eyes you got their son these here the best this side of the countries got." The trader said.

"What have you got all for stock there sir?" Jack asked.

"I've got the special monster an ogre for the village, three orcs for the muscle they asked for, and a dozen humans." The trader said.

"Well then if it's alright with you sir I'd like to buy all of them from you, you see I'm starting my own farm in this forest and I'm sure they'd be tons of help." Jack said.

Staring at Jack the trader burst out laughing "Boy this is worth about as much as that old village can make in a year." The trader said laughingly.

"Gar show him what we've got." Jack yelled.

Gar pulled the blanket from over the bed of the wagon. The jaw of the trader went to the floor as he fumbled to form a sentence after seeing the most gold he's seen in one spot. "Well we have a deal I assume?" Jack asked.

"Y..y…yes sir let me just sign these over to you and they're all yours." the trader said fumbling his words.

Jack then signed the paperwork Traded wagons with him and returned slowly to the forest. The trader kept going to the village to let them know he sold out of slaves for the coming months. Gar was beginning to question the demon lords process for doing things.

"Master why didn't we just attack the trader back there surely his bodyguards would've been no match for our sheer numbers?" Asked Gar.

"Well my dear Gar that's because the world believes us to be eradicated from the world so that's how it shall be for the time being, until we're ready of course." The demon lord Jack has already been planning what he shall do should the time come he was freed from his dirt prison.

The plan was to build a monster colosseum and invite the strongest heroes across the known world to get a firm gauge on the challenge that awaited him in the new world. Production on his tower and in the mines has sped up since the arrival of his old monsters Jack had only revealed his true identity to the ogre he captured, as orcs are not known for their intelligence he kept his plans a secret to them. A few months went by the slave trader now only stopped at the tower to deliver as many orc and human slaves in exchange for stacks of gold. His dark tower made of obsidian stone from the mines was nearing completion, as well as a massive arena to hold fights inside the old throne room.

"It's Time!" Shouted Jack.

"We need to send word out to every nearby noble offer stacks of gold to anyone that competes at a high level!" He continued.

All the human slaves set out in tiny wagons with nothing but tons of flyers to give word to every nation on the continent. The flyer spreading across the country read as follows

"Come one come all to the new city of Libast! A town centered around a massive cave system. Where I Lord Jack have found the last surviving goblin tribe. I've collected much wealth from the creation of this new town if you wish to share in the wealth come with your strongest men to take on monsters of the underworld!"

Thus the the inner city of Libast was born.