Chereads / Dragon Wars: Flames of Pain (Book 3) / Chapter 33 - Chapter 31 (Jangras POV) Half Time v2

Chapter 33 - Chapter 31 (Jangras POV) Half Time v2

I looked at Kota for a few moments, as I saw that his eyes were squinted on me, and he did not seem to have too happy of a look on his face at the exact same time either. I saw many of the other dragons on his team all around him, as it was clear that they had his support on what it was that he had just said to me.

I tilted my head as I was a bit confused as to what it was that he was getting at. I knew that it was not a part of the rules, as the game was supposed to go on, as soon as the other team dropped their branch down, showing that they had just scored a point for their team.

I saw a lot of nods from many dragons, and some guilty looks on the faces of the dragons on my own team. I was starting the think twice about all of this now, and thinking that it might have been a bad idea, and I had in the end, made my self to kind of look like a bit of a fool.

I did my best to hold my ground solid, as I still felt like I had not broken any sort of rules, but I could not help the fact that so many other dragons clearly thought that I had done so, that it was getting to my head. I stared at Kota, as I knew that I had a guilty look on my face at the same time too, just by the typical smirk that came on Kotas face when he won an argument.

I was close friends with Kota, but it was one of the things that I did not like about him at all, was when ever some one was to get in to a bit of a disagreement with him, he would not stop until he felt as if he had won. I shook my head though, as I was not sure what to think, or to say back to him at the moment.

I had to admit to my self, that I might have mistakenly made my self out to be a bit of an idiot, and a bit of a cheater to all of the people that were around me, as I saw that many of the dragons on the other team were not happy with me at all. I was not sure how I was going to recover my self status to all of them either.

This time I did dip my head a bit low to the ground, as I knew that Kota was looking at me with a bit of a smirk on his face, which I did my best to ignore as well, as I also could nearly feel Penta staring me down with a look as if she was saying to me in my own head, 'I told you so'.

I almost wanted to laugh at all of it, even though it really was not funny at all, just because I for some reason always managed to laugh when I was in a stressful situation, usually one that was not funny at all either. I held my self in this time, though I did keep my head down low to the ground.

I knew this was not a good look for an eventual leader of the tribe, which I still felt like I did not really want to be so, I knew that I had to, if I was in fact the dragon of destiny. Was the dragon of destiny a cheater though? I felt kind of sick for what it was that I had just done a few moments ago.

I lifted my head a little bit higher up, not to brag about any thing at all, as I still had the look of guilt on my own face, as I looked to Kota, to see that he still had the same upset look on his face, rather than him having a smirk, which caught me off guard a bit, as it was not what I had been expecting at all.

I saw Penta from the corner of her eyes as well, as she did not have the look on her face that I had been expecting either, as it felt as if I might have over thought all of this. I saw a bit more of a guilty look on her face as well, which I was not sure if it were due to her feeling like she had played a part on it, or if it was because she was in the presence of Kota.

I knew that she had a bit of a fear to be any where near that dragon, as she had made her self look like quite the idiot when she had done what she had done just a couple of years ago. I knew she was afraid to get near him, as it felt like she always thought he judged her for it, when ever they were close to one another.

It made sense to, as I knew that dragons felt like an idiot, and they felt a lot of fear as well, when ever they got denied of love from another dragon. I was not sure what it was that she had been thinking a long time ago though. I shook off all of those thoughts at the exact same time too, as I knew that I needed to be focused on the present, and what was going on all around me right now.

I stared back at Kota, as I remembered what it was that I had just done a few moments before now. I squinted my eyes at him, as the thoughts of me being any sort of a guilty dragon for what I had done, soon seemed to go away from my head, as I could tell it got in to his head just a little bit.

I seemed to be able to do that very easily for some reason as well, to even the strongest dragons, as I had begun to notice a lot as of late. I did not mean to do it to him, but I felt like it gave me a bit of an upper hand in it, as I finally began to speak back to him, as I saw his head was down to the ground.

"I mean... I don't feel like I broke the rules at all... I thought we were supposed to keep going after another team scored... I mean we can put the score back to the way it was before, if you are really so worried about it..." I said back to him, as I felt like I had said just what I needed to say, to get me out of this.

I also felt like I had not broken the rules at the same time too, but if every one else felt like I had, than I suppose that we could take off that point for us, though my brain was a bit dead at the exact moment, and I was not so sure how I was going to get another point for our team now.

Lunk had got his team in to a defense, as to where there was no possible way that Penta was going to get in, as the dragons that were there to stop us, were not exact an easy bunch to go through. I felt like Nink might be able to swerve through, and do some thing, but I was not sure as to what it was that he could do once he got the branch.

I felt like I could go through as well, even though I knew it would be hard for me, but I was not sure how I was going to get to our side, once I did get the branch. I blinked a few times, as I suddenly shook off all of those thoughts at the same time too.

I saw Lunk suddenly land on the ground in between the both of us, as I saw that he had a bit of his own guilty look on his face at the same time too. I was a bit confused as to why that might be so as well, as I would have thought that he, out of all of the dragons would have felt like his team had gotten cheated.

Lunk was looking at all of the dragons that were around him at the current moment, as he turned his head to each one of them, one by one, as I saw that a lot of them dipped their heads a bit low to the ground, as I could tell that they could not lock eyes with him. It was always strange to me how Lunk could do that to so many other dragons.

It was almost as if they were afraid to look back in to his eyes, as if they had done some thing wrong for some reason, and he was their parents. I shook my head though, as I saw that the dragons that he was looking at, were his own team, which confused me a lot, as I had thought that this was meant to be my fault.

As I saw that a lot of dragons on his team looked away from me finally, Lunk then turned his head back over to the middle, and he looked at me for a little bit of some time, until he then nodded to me, after just a couple more moments as well.

I was a bit confused on what it was that was exactly going on at the exact moment in time, but I just stared back at him, and then I nodded to him as well. He let out a bit of a loud sigh, so that every one else could hear as well, as he then began to speak back to me, and I listened to what it was that he had to say on all of this.

"Jangra did not break any rules... It was my own selfishness that let them score. You are supposed to keep going with the game after you score... I should have waited til half time before I spoke to all of you... I apologize..." He said to, at first, I thought to be me, but I then realized that he was speaking to every dragon that was in the very big clearing.

I saw many of those dragons keep their heads to the ground, as a couple of them looked at Lunk, and they nodded to him at the same time too, as it was clear that they were agreeing with what it was thar he had just said. It was a surprise to me, not just the reaction of the dragons, but also the fact that Lunk had admitted that he had made a big mistake.

Lunk continued to look at me, even though he had meant it to all of the dragons that were around him at the moment, as I then saw him dip his head a bit low the ground, as it was clear that he was admitting to me, that he was the one that had made the mistake, and I was just the dragon that had made the smart move to feed off of the mistake that he had made.

I was still a bit shocked by it, as it was a lot for me to take in all at once, as there was a bit of some silence in the clearing for a long period of time, as it was clear that no one was sure what to say at the moment, nor were they sure if they wanted to say any thing either, as it stayed that way for a bit longer.

That was, until I heard voices speaking to each other a bit quietly. I dipped my head a bit low to the ground for just a little while, as at first I had thought that it was the dead dragons that some times came to me, and spoke to me usually late at night, saying a lot of words that were far too quiet for me to understand.

When it had first happened a little bit of some time ago, at first it had scared me, as I thought that I was going crazy, as I could not see any of the dragons that were talking to me. How ever, I realized it was not the case, as when I went to Socra about it, she told me that it was what a leader usually heard in their head, as they were trying to give me sone kind of advice.

I blinked a couple of times, as I got all of my thoughts off of the present, as I then remembered the night that I had gone up to the cave to talk to Socra, and I had been so afraid with all that was going on with me. I stood in this spot for a while, as I closed my eyes, recalling how the memory had gone.

I looked at Socra for a little while, as the voices that seemed to be all around me at the moment, then just as soon disappeared, after what it was that I had said to her. I at first had thought that they were talking to me in my head, as it had been going on for a few days.

I thought that maybe it had been the fact as I might be going crazy, as I had not gotten the best kind of sleep as of late, as I had been so worried about the training that I had been doing. I had gone to sleep a lot sooner that I usually did, but the voices seemed to keep trying to talk to me.

I began to realize that they were not in my head at all either, but they were rather out side of my head, as it seemed like the voices were coming from every direction around me. I was so afraid, that I knew that I had to come to Socra and tell her about it, even if I knew that she was very busy as of late.

I did not want to bother her, but at the same time, I also knew I had to talk to her about it, as it was kind of driving me a bit crazy. Socra was not upset when she saw me come in, though I could tell that she was very tired, as I saw my father asleep right near her, as it seemed like he had fallen asleep when they had a bit of a meeting.

I knew that Socra was used to it how ever, and that was the reason as to why she was not upset of the fact that I had woken her up. She stood there for a little bit of some time too, as it was clear that she was tired, and she was trying to process as to what it was that I had just said to her.

It got me even more nervous, as I was worried that this was not normal, or that it was some thing that was a power that I had for being the dragon of destiny. It kind of felt like a bit more of a curse, rather than a power how ever, and based off of the look that I could see on the face of Socra, I felt like I might be right as well.

Socra blinked a few times, as to my surprise, as she stood in this spot for a little bit longer, a little bit of a smile popped up on her face. I tilted my head, as well, as I was confused by it, as she then nodded to me, and then she began to speak to me, with a worn out tone of voice, as I listened to what it was that she had to say to me.

"I'm sorry... We should have told you before... Usually dragons don't get it nearly as soon as you did... Your father did not even get that power until a fair bit after I had become the deputy, and he was the leader... You usually have to be a bit older... That is why I looked so surprised about it..." She said back to me at the same time too.

I was still a bit lost by it, as it seemed like this was not a power at all to me, as they scared me a lot, and it was a lot of the reason that I had not gotten all that much sleep as of late. I stared at her as well, as she seemed to be a lot more confused, rather than her having a surprised look on her face, on what it was that I had just said to her.

I shook my head though, as I knew that it was besides the point, as I also knew that she was not lying to me on what it was that she had said to me either, as she had never lied to me before, and I knew that there was no reason for her to do so now either, as this was a clear time that I was looking for help.

I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as I did my best to just tell my self that every thing was going to be fine. I blinked a few times, as I looked back at Socra, who I saw was staring back at me to my surprise as well. I nodded to her, as she nodded back to me too, and then I began to speak back to her.

"What is this power? It does not seem like much of a power to me at all... They keep me up at night, and they scare me to death as well." I said to her. She looked at me for a little while longer, as I saw that she had a bit of a blank look on her face still, as if she had not heard a word that I had just said to her at all either.

I felt like I might have come to her at the wrong time, as it was clear that she was very tired, and she did not have her head on straight at the current moment. I sighed a bit once again, as I looked out side, as I was tempted to just go out there, and get some rest. Maybe I would go back to her some other time than now.

I was not sure when else was a good time how ever, as at night she was usually talking to my father, as she was usually very tired, or she was asleep such as she was when I had come in to the cave. At day time too, she was always busy doing some thing, and it was rare when I was able to find her, as she was almost always out doing some thing.

I was a bit sad, as it felt like I would have to learn a lot of these thing to my self, just as my father had told me that I would at some point. I shook my head though, as I was just about to walk out of the cave, when I suddenly heard Socra begin to speak back to me, in a response to what it was that I had just said to her.

I saw she had a bit of a strange grin on her face, which was a bit of a surprise to me, and it also confused me a bit too, as I was not sure as to what it was that she might so happy about, as it was clear that we were both very tired. I shook off those thoughts though, as I then locked my eyes with hers, and I listened to hear what it was that she had to say to me at the exact same time as well.

"Your father had the same thing that you did, and he was older than you... He was just as afraid..." She began to say to me. I looked at her, as I kind of figured that would be the case, but it really was not an answer to my question at all. I was about to respond to her as well, as I figured she was kind of off because she was so tired. She spoke over my how ever, as she continued to speak to me. "At some point... You will realize that those voices are of your ancestors, and they are trying to give you advice... You just need to listen more carefully... It took your father some time as well."

I looked at her for a while, as I was a bit surprised as to what it was that she had said to me. I also was still surprised that my father had been afraid as well, as I had been told that he was a dragon that had no sort of fear. Of course, I had heard that from another dragon, and not my father him self.

The truth was, I really did not know my father all that well, as he was always busy taking care of the tribe. I kind of believed what it was that people had said about him as well, as I knew he was a dragon to look up to, but he was also my father. I figured he had no sort of fear, because he often did not seem to act like my father.

I some times felt like if I was in danger, he would not be worried for me. I shook off those thoughts though at the same time, as I shook my head. It was besides that point of the reason that I had come to Socra in the first place, and why I had woken her up from her sleep.

I knew that my father cared about me a lot, he just did not have much time to show it, because he had to make sure the tribe was safe. If he spent a bunch of time around us, than that meant that the tribe would not be happy with him, as it would take his time away from his job as a leader.

I shivered at the thought of it, as it kind of made me feel sick, as to the thought that some day I would be leader, and if I were to have kids my self, than they would think the same way as I was about my father. I did not even want to think on the fact that I was going to be leader some day any ways.

Even the thought on that kind of stressed me out, and gave me a whole lot of anxiety. I shivered, as I looked back up at Socra, and I saw that she had her head to the ground. I could tell that she was very tired, and she needed some sleep very badly. I felt kind of bad for her, as I wondered if I was going to be like that some day too.

I shook my head though as I knew that I should not spend too much time thinking on all of that, as I then nodded to her, as she looked back up to me, as she saw me do so from the corner of her eye. She then nodded back to me as well, and then I began to speak to her one last time.

"Well... I am sorry for waking you... I can tell you are tired, so I will let you go back to sleep... Thank you for telling me that, it is very reassuring." I said to her, as she looked at me for just a little while longer, I saw that she still had the same blank look that I had seen on her face the last time I had spoke to her.

I now knew this time, it was because she was thinking of what it was that I had said, and how she was going to respond back to it. I shook my head as well, as I knew that she needed the sleep, rather than be thinking at the moment, as I began to walk out of the cave, making sure I did not wake my father on the way out.

I could tell that my father also needed the sleep just as much as Socra, and though I felt bad for waking her up, it was some thing that I had in fact needed to hear. I let out a bit of a sigh, as I was just near the end of the cave, and I heard the voice of Socra, as she then began to speak to me one last time, before I got out of the cave.

I turned my head to her, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as I was worried for her, and I knew that she needed to be focused on getting some sleep, rather than me talking to me. I shook my head how ever, as I listened to her, to hear what it was that she had to say to me any ways.

"It is fine Jangra... I am sorry you have not had much of me as of late... It is just some hard times... Hopefully it will all be over soon." She said to me. I looked at her for a few moments, as I thought on what it was that she had said to me just now. I nodded to her, to let her know that I had heard it as well.

I knew it was not her fault, and I also knew that she needed to have her focus on how we were going to fight back in this war with the black dragons. I knew that we did not have much of a chance, but if I was truly the dragon of destiny, than I felt like there was still a small chance that we could win.

I hoped that she waa right with what she had said as well, as I then continued to walk out of the cave, feeling a bit better on all of it, as I walked over to the main cave where I was to rest, with a little bit of a happy smile on my face on the way over to it.

I shook my head, as I shook off all of those thoughts at the same time as well, and then I did my best to listen to all of the voices that were around me, to hear what it was that they had to say to me. If they were in fact here to give me advice, on how it was that we were going to score that final point, than I needed it now.

It was also a bit of a surprise to me, as to the fact that they had come out at day time, rather than the night time like they usually did. I shook my head though, as I knew I needed to not be too worried about that, as I knew that I just needed to focus in on the voices, to hear what it was that needed to be said to me.

As I kept my eyes closed, and I focused in on the voices, I heard what it was that it was saying, and I was a bit confused by it too, as it did not seem like it was much advice to me. I then heard another one begin to speak, as I listened to what it was that it had to say to me.

"Wow! We might actually win!" I heard the dragon say to me. The voice seemed a bit familiar to me, as I was a bit confuses as to why that might be the case, as I opened my eyes. I turned my head over to the direction of where I had heard the voice come from, as I saw that it was a female dragon that had spoken, and I did recognize her to be one of Ninks friends, Ting.

I was a bit confused for a few moments, as I saw that she had noticed that I was looking at her, and she felt just a little bit embarrassed, as I saw her dip her head down to the ground. I blinked a few times, as I then began to feel like a little bit of an idiot, as I realized that the voices that I had heard, were my team mates speaking to one another a bit quietly.

I dipped my head a bit low to the ground, as I felt really stupid for the thought that it had been my ancestors talking to me. I was glad that no one had noticed, and no one knew what had been going through my head at the same time too, as I felt really dumb at the thought of that.

It the same time too how ever, it also gave me just a little bit of some hope, that if I could focus in on a voice like that, than perhaps in the near future, I might finally be able to hear what it was that those dragons were saying to me in the late hours of the night.

I blinked a few times at the same time too, as I shook off all of those thoughts, as I knew that they were not going to help me. It had been silence in the clearing for quite a bit of some time, as it seemed like no one was sure what to say to one another, after what had just gone down not too long before now.

I heard the voice of a dragon on the other team begin to speak, as I turned my head over to the dragon, as I saw that it was my friend Kip. I blinked a few times as well, as I saw his eyes squinted at Lunk, as he began to speak to him, and I listened to him as well, to hear what it was that he had to say to Lunk.

"Well... Now is our time to talk... After all, its now half time..."