The next morning the people of the city were up early cleaning up, while the Vermillion and Pendragon families were having a breakfast buffet made by Chef Magnus.
"Magnus how did you get your city like this?" Mera asks which draws everyone's attention to Magnus, who is dressed in a gold version of Gintoki's(Gintama) outfit. "The place beats out the capital in every way from what I've seen."
"Well honestly I made these systems back when I was less emotional the plan left zero room or tolerance for corruption. Do good get a reward, do bad get a punishment. I mean it does have it's flaws. As I was emotionless, I did not plan for special circumstances like children stealing food because they can't work. Your Little cousin No-No here fixed that with the courts she made though. She hand picked all the judges and they were screened by Itachi. She even introduced a system to help people find better jobs based on their talents and abilities." Though Magnus says it with little thought over the matter, Noelle of course blushes at being praised but hides her face quickly. Currently she was wearing the attire of Kagura(gintama) with the matching umbrella resting beside her. She had taken a liking to cosplay since she found out about them. She always picked her and Magnus' outfits as a pair.
"Maybe the capital could use some of these changes. Those snobs only care about the ones with money and power." Gaian says in between bites. "Wow Magnus' cooking is amazing too (maybe I'll come here more often)."
"It really wasn't much I just fixed it so we won't be as indifferent to peoples situations, and stop calling me that." Noelle says with faked angry voice. She turned her back to Magnus, who hugged her from behind.
"You know you like when I call you No-No."
"Maybe I don't, maybe I do…" She was blushing in his arms.
"SO CUTE!" Lumiette loved seeing them flirting together, if only a certain someone would take notes. "Galileo, I want a cute nickname, and I must have cute clothes like theirs too." she complained in a very gorgeous original dress from Clover capital's most prestigious tailor.
"You know I'm not good with the pet names. The clothes on the other hand, I can manage." Galileo squeezed out through gritted teeth imagining the wasted points coming up, even though he is dressed in Trafalger Law's pre-timeskip attire (one piece).
"Just Call her Lu-Lu" says Morgianna in Arturia's (fate stay) armor, it was her favorite outfit by far.
"Good one sis, I approve" responds Magnus with a thumbs up.
"Me too" Leopold adds.
"See it's not that hard Gali, Morgiana made a nice nickname up just like that." Lumiette liked it too.
"(Really? Lu-Lu? What kinda half assed Pendragon naming…Well that's one problem solved though.)" Galileo thought. "I guess we're going with Lu-Lu then."
"I love it even more when you say it." Lumiette giggled to herself beet red as Galileo sounded a lot more sensual in her mind.
"DIE BASTARDS!!!" Asta bursts into the room with a huge explosion. He was dressed in Katsuki Bakugo's(My hero acadamia) superhero costume. He had his hair spiked more than usual and was grinning like a madman in battle. "How was that big bro?"
"Pretty good-"
"Pretty stupid dumbsta, you almost ruined the entire buffet." Yuno cut Magnus off, he had protected the food from dust and debris with his wind magic. "What are you wearing anyways?" He noted Asta's outfit looked the most excessive compared to everyone else's.
"Hahahaha! Pretty cool right? This is a superhero's costume!"
"Yeah they're guys who use their powers to help people in need and fight crime! In this story by Rebecca Silver, My hero Acadamia, people a little older than us go to school to become superheroes! Bakugo is the kind of hero who beats up all the bad guys with a big BANG!"
"(Rebecca Silver? From Legends? I know damn well she- he, whoever it is didn't write My Hero.)"-Galileo to Magnus
"(Kurama's been rewriting the stories in his collection under the penname Rebecca Silver… He's actually built quite a following now.)"- Magnus to Galileo.
"(You taught an immortal nature spirit the art of fraud…shameless.)" Galileo to Magnus
Elsewhere Kurama sits in his office at the drawing table working on his latest chapter. He sips from his wine glass and begins to write.
"Fueled by rage our hero's power has risen to a whole new level. In order to defeat the wicked Freiza Goku had become…a super Saiyan!"
"Hurry it up Silver I need those prints yesterday!" The editor, a Kurama clone dressed differently, yelled from another room.
"That was badass Asta! I want to be a superhero too!" Leopold thought it was the only thing as cool as a magic knight. "Where do you get a costume?" Yuno, who wouldn't say he was impressed, listened in close for Asta's answer too.
"Magnus orders them for us from his special shop." Asta pulled out a catalogue filled with costumes and outfits from many different series. "We just pick from here."
"Let me see that." Leopold and Yuno went flipping through it immediately. Gaian looked over their shoulders. Noelle handed one to Lumiette and they had chosen dozens of outfits they liked in just a few seconds.
"Look my love, I really like this one! Oh and also this one…these two as well." Lumiette kept finding more and more as she flipped pages. "I think this would look good on Mimosa, the executives should have uniforms that look something like this, and Charmy would just be adorable wearing this. Mera could definitely pull this off…" She went on a rant about gifts she'd have to get for other people too. "…You'll get them right Gali?"
"Of course, Lu-lu…"
"Before you guys break the bank here, you should check our shops IN TOWN. We have a some of this stuff on sale there. Even tailors for custom pieces." All Galileo heard Magnus say was he could save points and spend gold instead of system shopping.
"Why don't we go check it out now?" Leopold was excited to go, but he realized no one followed him to the door. "What's the hold-up?"
"This buffet."
After breakfast they had made their way into town. Around town the Pendragon's were like celebrities, everyone greeted them happily when they came through. Shop owners urged free goods on them, and kids would ask them to sign this and that. Everyone knew Magnus as the hero of the commoners and made sure he knew they were grateful.
The bustling shopping district area had an urban feel to it, as the architecture was styled more modernly than the rest of the city. Instead of towers, several skyscrapers rose up high with department stores, boutiques, game rooms, a few parks, theaters, bars and restaurants. Magically projected billboards showed advertisements and public service announcements while people went to and fro. It was the biggest gathering any of the Vermillion's had seen. Leopold was surprised that Clover really had so many more people compared to the capital. There were shops of all kinds selling everything from trinkets to magic swords to modern appliances, most carrying the Pendragon seal (meaning Magnus owned it). Some travelers would argue that his market was second in merchandise only to Joker city because Magnus didn't allow the sale of black-market goods, but guess who now owns Joker city?
Stopping at the high-end department store sponsored by Rebecca Silver 'Otaku Depot', The group went in to look around. Aside from having all of Rebecca's books on display, there was all kinds of merchandise based on the newly popular stories. At the back was what they came for the huge collection of outfits and costumes on cosplay. Magnus had many of the designs altered and massed produced, keeping original designs from the system for himself.
"Hello Lord Pendragon, Welcome to Otaku depot! The entire store has been closed for just you and your party, please enjoy your visit. Let me know personally of there is anything you need." The manager was quick to greet Magnus.
"It's fine we're just looking around. Alright guys, everything's on Gali. Get whatever you want." Magnus laughed and everyone split up to find what they wanted.
"Hey bastard don't put everyone's bill on me!"
"Here's a discount card you'll save a lot hahaha!"
Shopping around everyone quickly ran up a big tab finding all kinds of cool outfits. Every now and then someone would ask Magnus the significance of certain characters when deciding who to dress like.
Leopold saw Endeavor's(My hero acadamia) flaming costume and got it immediately. He wore that flaming mask with pride, though he couldn't really pull off the beard. "Look out criminals, I AM ENDEAVOR THE SYMBOL OF VICTORY! HAHAHAHA!"
"That's so cool Leo!" Asta was happy someone finally was a superhero like him.
"Hey I just got an idea!"
"What's up?" That's the last the group would see of Asta and Leopold today who snuck off to go fight crime in Hodge.
"This is the way a man oughta' dress!" Bandit had a custom piece. A solid gold suit of armor similar to Seiya's gold cloth(Saint Seiya) with a black and gold ringed tail. "Check it! The Raccoon gold cloth!" When he found out it was made of real gold he swore it was never coming off.
Jude couldn't get over how crazy it was for them to hold a festival and then buy out an entire store the next day. He knew about how rich nobles spent big, but these kids acted like the world revolved around them. If he had remembered correctly, Magnus and Galileo were putting a lot of big institution's work on hold just to play around.
Seeing Bandit's fixation on raccoons, and his familiar sand-based techniques back in Joker city had Magnus curious about him. Kurama had noticed it too, but they never asked because Magnus left so abruptly. As he was thinking about it Morgiana approached him. "Magnus, I've been wondering about Bandit for a while now, that chakra is oddly reminiscent of Shukaku.
"What? How do you know-"
"Don't you remember? We received them back home, after they were summoned by Mother's summoning jutsu. You became the host of the nine tailed fox spirit Kurama. I received another, the three tailed monster cat Matatabi. The others were sealed into and died with other Camelotian officials probably reincarnating throughout the lands somewhere. It must be another memory you lost, don't worry they will return soon."
"A jinchuriki? Never heard o' that." Bandit answered their question straight up. "But I do know Shukaku, he's been lookin' out for as long as I can remember. If y'all are friends wit his folks, I'll take ya to see him later."
Lumiette had already amassed the most outfits by far and chose to wear the red and white battle dress worn by Asuna (Sword Art Onlilne). She made Galileo model several dozen outfits for her amusement before he changed into Kirito's black outfit to match her, but Galileo refused to buy the swords that went with their outfits. When she finished with Galileo she had to see what she pictured for everyone else in person. Yuno wanted to find himself a superhero costume as well but couldn't pick one, until Lumiette presented him with white robes and light armor worn by sesshomaru (Inuyasha). It was so cool even his roc told him to take it. Charmy was dressed as Wren (Inuyasha) to match him. For Mimosa Lumiette picked a dress similar to Bisque's (Hunterxhunter), but Magnus nixed it at the thought of her turning into a hulking monster. The two of them went back and forth picking different costumes for Mimosa, who was enjoying playing dress up a lot, until they finally settled on the blue and green dress worn by Wendy Marvell with the feathered sandals (Fairy tail). Morgiana was browsing casually when they pulled her aside to dress her in all kinds of precious little costumes. Her session ended in her wearing a cute blue and white dress, set with bloomers and a black ribbon hairband worn by Alice(Alice in wonderland). Fed up with their doting Morgiana poofed away being a shadow clone. She was sticking to her armor, she just needed a distraction to buy her some time. Derieri who preferred to wear only darkness wasn't safe despite sitting quietly in a corner, she was forced to try on Leone's (Akame ga kill) outfit. Magnus was upset Akame wasn't here to see how good it looked.
"I think this is the first time they've had a conversation without us there." Galileo said to Noelle watching Magnus and Lumiette laugh together choosing outfits. After Morgiana, Gaian and Dalli were their next targets to dress up. They ended up in the gi worn by young goten and trunks(Dragon ball Z).
"I was wondering how they would get along by themselves. There was never much reason for them to interact outside of the two of us."
"It looks like they're fine. I was never really worried though, two of my favorite people were bound to get along."
"Who would have thought that cosplay would break the ice for them."
"They actually have a lot in common...they'll keep you in a library for hours" Galileo said matter of factly.
"You're right about that" Noelle chuckled. Magnus and Lumiette were hardworking prodigies, who devoured knowledge and almost always acted with grace(when they thought no one was looking they could be monsters too). They were constantly helping the people around them too. Noelle had known them both long enough to see how they are. "What I will never understand is why both of them love you so much."
"Everyone loves me No-no, you should know that by now."
"Ew, it sounds gross when you say it."
"As gross as me saying Lu-lu, but Lumiette likes it so… Nah I gotta think of a better pet name than that." shrugging casually. "I'm not gonna turn into some prince charming, but still she deserves better than me…well my manners anyways."
"Look at you, growing up a little, tiny, miniscule, fraction of a bit(I'm proud you could actually realize that much)."
"Gee thanks."
"Just keep trying to do better, Lumiette will appreciate every step you take. Oh, and it wouldn't kill you to be more open with her, I respect you like your boundaries but don't wall out your biggest supporter. She gets tired of learning about you from us, when she's right next to you."
"I'll try… Speaking of, telling her about black pull was a real low blow."
"You had it coming, and she even uses that to keep you out of trouble. Give Lumiette more credit, she always acts in your best interests."
"I guess you're right…"
"I'm always right Gali, you should know that by now." Noelle said leaving on that note. "Come on, let's go join them."