"We appreciate the offer, but we have work to do back at the capital." Lumiette tried to politely decline the invitation, work was piling up and only she seemed concerned with it.
"Don't worry Lumiette, we'll be really quick." Magnus insisted "I've already marked the place with my flying raijin so we can go there and back in an instant. I Just want to show Gali where we're setting up our new sect."
"Last stop before we go home! Please say yes."
"We really are falling behind schedule my love."
"Us too, Magnus we haven't even started this week's work yet." Noelle reminded.
"Pretty pleeaase?" Galileo begged.
"With cherries on top?" Magnus added.
"You two… fine just go Galileo." Lumiette caved in.
"YES! Love you babe!" Galileo kissed her on the cheek.
"TO JOKER CITY!" Magnus put a hand on Galileo's shoulder, and they vanished.
"Those two together are something else…" Lumitte sighed.
"Like a couple of little kids…" Noelle shared her sentiments.
"I told you begging works." The boys appear in front of the halfway remodeled palace overlooking the whole of Joker city.
"You are a top notch manipulator Magnus."
"We gotta work on your puppy dog eyes though. You really have to sell it." Magnus made his eyes water on command.
"I see, I see. Begging is a powerful weapon" Galileo agreed.
"MORGIANA!" To both of their surprise she was standing right behind them.
"Noelle and Lumiette asked me to come along and make sure you didn't goof off more than you already have. Yes, I can use the flying raijin Magnus." She answered both questions before they could ask.
"Well umm, welcome to Joker city Gali!" He ushered Galileo through the city. "Soon to be the real Heavenly sword sect, this place has plenty of space to accommodate all of our members plus the applicants we were too full to take. The nine highest peaks of this mountain, where I'll situate the peak masters when they arrive, each possess their own unique atmosphere and rare resources. The Doflamingo family would sell these very special natural treasures for a fortune. Also, this mountain is a grand magic zone, and when I add the training formations the over abundant natural energy here will increase my disciple's growth even faster. I'm going to leave the market open to the public to keep bringing in revenue, but I'll move it outside the mountain. Did you know it's the only market with more goods than Hodge on sale? Everything else shall be private sect property. Another genius business venture by yours truly, it's like everything I touch turns to gold! It's too good to be true HAHAHAHA!"
"Simmer down big brother…"
"(I gotta go conquer a grand magic zone for Dragon Tale. This place is so cool…)"
Back in Joker city Baby5 and Viola had been left in charge of sorting out Joker city's assets according to Magnus' prewritten plans. The slaves were all freed, and many of the black-market merchandise were under review to be freed, destroyed or left on shelves. Many of the freed toys who stayed to serve Noelle, happily worked getting the sect ready for their Empress' return. Seeing Magnus and Morgiana had returned Viola came to greet them.
"Welcome back Mr. Pendragon, Morgiana…and you must be Galileo Vermillion."
"Finally some recognition!" Galileo happily shook her hand. "Good to meet you Viola."
"You're as 'energetic' as rumors say. Are you feeling better Mr. Pendragon? You left so suddenly."
"Much better. How has the work here been going?"
"It's going smoothly, here are all the records. As you can see…" She and Magnus began talking about statistics and policies, as they got deeper into conversation Galileo got lost. After a point it seemed they were speaking another language, boring him into wandering off. Morgiana was the only one who noticed him leave.
Galileo took in the scenery of the city until he reached the river that fed into the coliseum. "A river inside a mountain? Where does this go?" He 'followed it through the mazelike caverns of the mountain. At some points he had to squeeze through tiny gaps, others were wide and spacious, there were even a few times he had to swim in the river with the fish. Through all of it Morgiana wasn't far behind, curious to see what he'd find. Apparently, dragons had a knack for finding rare treasure, and the exploring was kind of fun she thought. After some time, Galileo found himself atop a great waterfall. He wasn't sure if it was by Magnus' design but, there was also a large torii gate overlooking the edge. He decided to take a break there. Sitting on the gate he noticed a small black carp no bigger than a common goldfish try to climb the waterfall, struggling against the harsh waters. It fought hard and got much higher than all of the larger fish, some as big as arena fighting fish couldn't even climb that high. Seeing it fight so hard made him want to cheer for the carp. "You can do it little dude! You're almost there!" Despite it's efforts it fell back down.
As it climbed Galileo remembered something Troy told him about in their last life. Magikarp's evolution to Gyarados was based on the myth of the carp leaping over the waterfall. He looked around and saw that this was the perfect stage to test the myth. Now he was even more invested in the little fish, then he had an idea. If the carp would become a dragon upon crossing the gate, what happened if it received a true dragon's blood? He bit into his wrist and let blood pour down into the waters below. The larger fish tried to drink it, but the little carp greedily hunted down every last drop. It grew bigger and stronger with every gulp, its scales became stronger and it grew large fangs. Galileo kept pouring blood until he felt a little lightheaded and sat down. Now easily the largest in the pool of water scaring off the competition, the carp tried again but it seemed like climbing the waterfall became harder for it, as if the world were fighting against its evolution. "Fight magikarp! Become a Gyarados like I intended!" The fish gave it all it had and lept up passed the top. That's when it changed, the carp continued to rise into the air as it passed through magic circles that appeared to block its path. Shattering each barrier, the fish grew longer, developed arms and legs and, grew horns as it changed form. It had become a true dragon! The ascending dragon destroyed all in its path bursting out of the mountainside. A thirty-meter-long black dragon let out an ear-splitting roar as it circled the mountain tops spewing fire all around. The dragon's dance pulled in storm clouds and fierce winds darkening the sky as far as the eye could see. The clouds seemed to dance with it, and the earth trembled with each of its mighty roars. "Bwhahaha I made a mega Gyarados!"
"He created another true dragon? Should I have stopped this?" Morgiana thought from behind her rock. Before she made a move her brother's maniacal laughter could be heard in the air above the dragon. "WHAT MAGNUS!"
"HAHAHAHAHAHA behold the birth of the Abyssal Dragon! The first true dragon born of this world!" Lightning struck as soon as he spoke adding a dramatic effect.
It looked at Magnus then turned it's sights to Galileo. Seeing the one who enabled it to break through the dragon descended face to face with Galileo. It stared calmly before it began to shrink rapidly, and it's features changed again until it was a girl standing among amid a cloud on the gate in front of Galileo. She had the same fiery hair flowing much longer, razor sharp fangs, and deep azure eyes as well framed by red markings.
"Here put this on." He gave her his guild master coat while covering his eyes.
. The coat fit her like a long dress "Thank…you…" she said stoically with a bow.
Look at you little sis! You went from a baby carp to a true dragon!"
"Little sis…"
"Bwahahaha, well you do share my blood now. I guess that's why we look so similar."
She looked at her reflection in the water below, then at Galileo to confirm their similarities. She smelled her wrist and smelled Galileo too. "We're similar…"
"Right. So what are we gonna call you?"
"Abyssal dragon."
"How about an actual name?"
"Take your time if you need to."
"What is your name?"
"Then I will be Galilea…similar to you."
"Galilea Vermillion…that doesn't sound bad at all." Magnus commented landing next to them. "I'll have to repair that later, but it's a pleasure to me-" Before he finished his sentence Galilea dove at him. Grabbing a log she looked around to see Magnus behind her. She threw the log at him and appeared behind it slashing at Magnus with her claws, he deflected her with the smaller one of his Zangetsu. Magnus pushed her back and she let out a huge blast of fire which was met with a giant fireball jutsu blowing a bigger hole in the ceiling. Galilea breathed in and exhaled a giant torrent of water with such pressure it bore through the mountainside. A golden ribcage formed around Magnus stopping the attack. She raised her hands and the storm cloud tightened to just above Magnus, revealing clear skies everywhere else.
"This is a bit much, isn't it?" Magnus looked up at the storm increasing in intensity over him and sighed. "Alright Gali number two, lets play." Magnus raised his hand as well, lightning started to dance in his palm. "Kirin!"
At the same time two columns of lightning fell from the clouds one in the form of a thunder beast the other a dragon. The creatures of lightning clashed midair but the dragon was quickly overtaken. The lightning crashed into a wall, destroying more of the mountainside. Fire began to gather in Galilea's hand but Galileo punched her in the head. "Ow…" She turned to her new brother confused why she was hit.
"First off, what are you doing?!"
"His swords are shiny…I wanted them…" She pointed to Magnus' golden Zangetsu.
"You can't just rob people sis, especially not my friends!"
"Friend? Is that someone stronger than yourself?"
"Wha? No you little shit!"
"Galileo is stronger than Galilea…but he is stronger than Galileo…What is second?" Power must demand remand respect she thought.
"(Was there any need to say that?) Second you can't be jumping around in only a coat!"
"Ah…I should take it off… it's in the way."
"No! You gotta wear clothes! Wait until we get something that fits you better."
She pondered for a moment, then made shorts and a long-sleeved top of darkness. "Is this suitable?"
"Umm yeah that works for now…how many of my powers do you have?"
"I have a question…if I can't 'rob' friends, can I take from insects?"
"(What valuables could an insect have?) I guess that's ok…"
"Everything good here?" Magnus approached carefully.
"Yeah, we gotta set a few rules though. Go introduce yourself."
Galilea stepped forward and bowed "Hello. I am Galilea Vermillion the Abyssal dragon. Sorry for attacking…I liked your sword. Galileo says attacking friends is not acceptable."
"(She was trying to mug me just now…) Well you shouldn't attack your friends, he's right about that. I'm Magnus Pendragon and that girl over there hiding poorly is my sister Morgiana."
"(Hiding poorly? When did he see me?!)"
"Come on out Morge!"
"What when'd you get here Morgiana? I thought you were with Magnus."
"I followed you up the river…" Morgiana joined them, slightly embarrassed Magnus saw her. She believed her ninja training to be superior to his, but Magnus truly was a prodigy. "Nice to meet you Galilea."
"Morgiana is strong too" Galilea noted inspecting Morgiana carefully. "She is a friend?"
"Thanks…and I would hope so." Morgiana sized Galilea up too while smiling in her face. There was a quiet friction between the two of them as they shook hands, both slowly tightening their grip.
"(I can't help but feel like…)"-Magnus
"(…they're gonna have issues.) "-Galileo
Their silent face off was broken when both of their stomachs growled. "Big brother! I'm hungry!" They turned to their respective brothers.
Back in the castle Magnus and Galileo made gourmet pizza, simple and delicious and got Galilea a real outfit. She picked an all-black outfit consisting of a hooded dress and long black boots, she also refused to return Galileo's coat. In the dining area Galileo couldn't doubt this girl was his sister the way she guarded her food. They assured Galilea no one would take the pizza, but she didn't let her guard drop until not even a scrap remained. Morgiana ate slowly to savor her delicious meal, but Galilea stared like she was plotting to pounce on her at any moment. Morgiana put a barrier in between the two of them, and Galilea took it as a challenge. She smashed into the barrier with blazing claws blowing the whole dining room away with the initial impact. All that was left was the bit of table Morgiana was sitting at with her pizza. Galilea tried to pry the barrier open with her claws but an almighty push sent her across the room.
"Girls cut it out!" Magnus shouted.
"She started it" Morgiana said from inside her barrier.
"I wanted her pizza…she wouldn't share." Galilea said dusting herself off.
"Gyarados you gotta chill…"
"Not bad for someone who isn't too good with nicknames" Magnus laughed.