Chereads / Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction) / Chapter 53 - Ch. 52 The heavenly sword sect

Chapter 53 - Ch. 52 The heavenly sword sect

After a full day of exploring, shopping, a few fights among some other things, Galileo was satisfied with his tour of Hodge and decided it was about time to head back to the capital. He still had to report back about Heart and go check on his subordinates. The Vermillions had planned to set out that night, before Morgiana reminded Galileo of something important he'd almost forgotten in all the modern fun. "How can you leave now Gali? You haven't even seen the sect yet."

"They're still open in the middle of the night?"

"It's a sect not a shop Galileo, anytime is acceptable to improve oneself." Madara walked into the room. "The sect master and it's disciples all live there."

"Ninja can use doors? We all saw that right?" Galileo said to Madara sarcastically.

Madara ignored him "Magnus, I actually came to talk to you about the sect. I've received a few more reports that stronger monsters have been coming nearer to the city from the neutral zone. It would be wise to expand the range of our patrols. Also, you have several permits to pass off on."

"Why would you be getting the reports Madara, shouldn't they go to him?" Galileo was sure it was Magnus' city.

"He's Toukage, hence the robes. So, of course he'd get the reports." Magnus answered, seeing Galileo's confusion he continued to explain. "Madara was the one who initially came up with the village/kage system that ended the warring ninja period. Since I was using his system, I figured Madara could run it much better than I could have. I was uncertain at first since he just went from enemy to ally, but in the little while he's been here the village has become much more efficient."

t/n note: 'Toukage' is Japanese for 'sword shadow'

"Then what does that make you Magnus?" Lumiette asked.

"I'm the daimyo, lord of the land of Camelot!" Magnus answered proudly.

"Speaking of the daimyo, a lot of his paperwork has piled up because he decided to take an extra long vacation." Noelle added.

"About that…" Magnus disappeared.

"I can't believe him." Noelle said shaking her head.

"Been there." Lumiette sighed looking at the empty seat.

"Maybe he was eager to get to the sect first…" Morgiana said believing the best of her brother.

"Iffy" Yuno countered.

"He still has to approve these permits. I'll accompany you there to find out."

"Bwahahaha! To the Heavenly Sword Sect!" Galileo flickered out of the room. Everyone else followed shortly after them.

"So is most of this just following those two around?" Dalli asked Gaian from the back of the group.

"More or less…Galileo and Magnus are always at the center of something. It was my first time with the group, but the trip to Heart kingdom was eventful to say the least." Gaian answered as best he could being a recent addition himself.

Built in and around the giant demon's skull near Hodge's outskirts, the Heavenly sword sect was emotionless Magnus' legacy. Having set the standard of power and dignity in the land of Clover people came from far and wide hoping to gain even a fraction of what he had to teach. A gathering of those committed solely to the pursuit of the sword, the members of the sect were elite swordsmen from all walks of life. Even in the dead of night the clanging of steel could be heard as the sect members sparred tirelessly, while other's meditate for hours on end trying to hear their zanpakuto's name.

Landing in front of the sect, Galileo took a second to admire how the skull was remodeled. Nine towers now surrounded the property and a large pavilion had been built in front. As he started to wander around by himself, he didn't get far before he realized that he was being watched. He decided they weren't worth his time and tried to enter the gates, but a hail of shuriken landed in front of him. "Hey! What's the deal dammit?!"

"Identify yourself." A swordsman clad in all black with his face covered appeared in front of him. Even their scent and magic power were concealed making it difficult to identify them. It was clear Magnus security had ninja training as well.

"Again? Does my face mean nothing in this town? I bet that bastard forgot mention me to security on purpose." Galileo muttered angrily.

"What are you mumbling about? I asked you a question."

"Take a good look at me, do you really not know who I am?" Galileo spread his arms and spun around slowly so the guard could get a good look.

"Never seen you before in my life…I'm getting tired of your stalling." The guard readied his blade.

"Did you just-That's it! After I beat your ass, I'm gonna go find Magnus and beat his ass…security thinks they can just attack ME? I should have facecard all over Hage by now." Hearing the threat issued to Magnus the guard attacked immediately. Galileo allowed the sword to pass through his lightning body and swung a claw at him. The guard could barely block his attack before he was sent flying into a nearby tree. "You can't even cut a logia? You're centuries to early to be fighting me!" Purple lightning cackled in his raised hand as a large bolt was called down on the tree and the guard. The guard had no time to react and braced for the end when the lightning was spilt in two, saving his life. "Now what? Oh, it's you."

"Peak master Iori!" Dressed in the sects white and gold Daoist robes and a sleeves coat worn only by the peak masters, Iori Sengoku stood in between Galileo and his prey. Wild excitement danced in his sharp eyes as they faced off. The tension of haki and sword intent clashing caused the surroundings tremble and quake, and many of the other sect students came to see what the commotion was about. The guard retreated to safety.

"I never thought I'd get this chance so soon." Iori said elated.

"I was wondering what the Ogame style was capable of" Galileo said cracking his knuckles.

"I hope I don't disappoint" with that Iori vanished from sight.

"(Heh, going on the offensive huh. I already know what move you're using, I read your manga)" Galileo seemed to trip on his own two feet dropping almost to the floor meeting Iori at eye level. "Shidensen."

He was surprised to see Galileo match his technique, performed moderately at that, but it didn't stop Iori from following through, he only smiled as he prepared to kick off. "True Shidensen x kosen" to Galileo's surprise purple lightning cackled around Iori and he exploded off with a tremendous burst of speed. The sound of a roaring tiger could be heard as Iori thrust his sword at Galileo with a twisting push.

Galileo met him head on "Soaring dragon thrust!" A long blue eastern dragon followed the path of his open palm, the winds changed direction and became more intense to speed Galileo up. Their attacks met faster than most could perceive as purple lightning burst outwards charring their surroundings.

They stepped past each other and turned at the same time "Seaquake!" Galileo swung a rumbling backhand.

"True Gurusen!" Iori crossed his arms so that his free hand was positioned under the sword holding right hand. When Iori swung his sword the free hand pushed his sword accelerating his slash more. His sword burst into flames mid swing, scattering blazing lotus petals into the air. An even bigger explosion rocked the area as the two were blown back, ash and dust spread everywhere.

"What happened?"

"What do you think? Elder Iori cut that kid down! Didn't you see his perfected Ogame style? Every technique has become a mystic art!"

"I don't know, that kid looked pretty strong. Whoever he is…"

"How do those bastards not know who I am? What rock do you guys live under!?" Galileo's hardened scales allowed him to take the attack with little more damage than a shallow cut on his arm.

"Hahahaha! You're a tough one Vermillion!" Iori's sword arm sustained some damage and his sleeve was shredded but otherwise he was fine also. "Let's make this more interesting" throwing his sword up, Iori began weaving hand signs. "Sword style: Damocles." Above them hundreds of swords appeared suspended in the air. Iori's sword landed in his hand as he attacked, but Galileo used his boosted gear claw to counter his strikes. Galileo couldn't take the offensive because swords would randomly attack from above whenever he made a move. Galileo was pushed onto the defensive blocking and dodging blades from multiple directions.

"(Alright…I'll try that out.)" In the sky above the swords a great storm cloud gathered quickly shadowing the entire sect. "Dragon of tribulation!" A massive bolt of blue lightning rained down in the form of a raging dragon devouring all of the remaining swords and taking on Iori.

"Iai! Perfect sever" Quickly sheathing his sword Iori waited until the dragon was just upon him to draw and swing. Galileo chose not to block but dodge after a premonition of his head going flying. Within ten meters in front of Iori everything was split clean in two including the dragon of lightning, which violently exploded all around him.

Iori stood at the end of a charred trail on the ground, smoking heavily. Despite his situation he didn't seem pressured in the slightest, in fact he was having the time of his life. His spiritual pressure surged up when he sheathed his sword to grab the more ornate katana with a five-prong guard. Each prong held a colored jewel for one of the Ogame style's elements. Lightning(purple), fire(red), water(blue), wind(white), and earth(green). "Judge the strong!"

"Peak master Iori! That is enough of your shenanigans." Stopping the battle a man in similar white and gold robes appeared in between the two of them. He wore a gold phantom mask covering his face. "You had a new recruit agitate my guest, nearly costing their life, just so you could have a fight. Not only that, you were going to release your zanpakuto without permission. What is the meaning of this?"

"Yeah, yeah, won't happen again." Unfazed by the reprimanding Iori sheathed his sword "Sorry Gali, I had the kid get on your nerves so you'd fight me. Morgiana told us you were coming to see the sect, so I thought I'd have a little fun with you."

"Bwahahaha! No harm no foul. Who's the masked guy?"

"I am the master of this sect in Lord Pendragon's stead."

"Cool…speaking of, did Magnus ever show up?"

"No he-"

"Galileo! What's going on here?" Magnus and Morgiana show up a few paces ahead of the others.

"Nun much chillin."

"What's all this?!" Magnus was upset the beautiful scenery around his sect was mostly ash now.

"Déjà vu…" Mogiana said inspecting the scene. "How did you like the perfected Ogame style Galileo?"

"It was wicked!!!! I gotta put some respect on you Iori, those moves were on a whole other level from what I expected!"


"I would have liked to see how you handled his Zanpakuto." Morgiana said with a little disappointment.

"Yeah me too." Galileo looked at the second sword with a slight longing.

"Let's find out then." Iori was eager to oblige.

"NO!" Neither Magnus nor the sect master wanted to see the property damage continue to rise.

"Psssh killjoys…"

"Aww come on, lets us go another round!"

"Another time and place Galileo, you know how Magnus gets about his toys" Noelle's said.

"Fine…wait how'd you guys know what happened?"

"You could see that column of lightning from the capital! You could have destroyed half of Hodge!" Noelle snapped.

"I had that lightning under control…(kinda)."

"No worries I stopped it" Iori smirked.

"You're the reason he used that technique in the first place! And your zanpakuto? Really? You remember what happened last time you used it! It's way too destructive to be released anywhere near here!"

"WHAT DOES IORI'S ZANPAKUTO DO!?!" Noelle's admonishment only made the sword sound more intriguing to Galileo.

"Let it go Gali." Lumiette patted his shoulder.

"(Told you these guys kept it interesting)" Gaian whispered to Dalli, who was paralyzed with awe after seeing the Ogame style.

"Even peak masters are no match for Lady Noelle…"

"That's a scary little girl."

"If you got time to be nosy, you can be training. A million swings, all of you!" Iori's glare scared off the peeping disciples.

"If we're all done here shall we get on with the tour?" Magnus said changing the subject. "Come inside everyone…I'll deal with this mess later."

Inside the walls of the sect was like a different atmosphere. The air felt thick and heavy, but at the same time refreshing. The reason for this were the three formations Magnus erected around the perimeter. The first simulated increased gravity tripling it's pressure, the second rapidly healed anyone inside preventing fatal injuries, and the third drew in nature energy from the outside world feeding into the members. With every step one could feel themselves becoming stronger inside the confines of the Heavenly sword sect.

Although Magnus ran the sect, he delegated the job of sect master to the masked swordsman. Under him nine masters in the way of swordsmanship were elected to teach their styles as well as skilled elders who help manage the sect. Some of the styles he taught were recreated from various anime sword styles he'd remembered. The nine peak masters, the best in different sword styles Magnus had mastered, were named as such: 1st peak Kozen of the Hidden mitsurugi style, 2nd peak Mia of the Wolgwang style, 3rd Peak Saizo of the dragon sword style, 4th Peak Rinrin of the Nature sword style, 5th Peak Iori of the Ogame style, 6th Peak Sect Master Magmillion of the One sword style, 7th Peak Magnus didn't say only he had someone he was saving the spot for, 8th Peak Seshin of the Massacre sword style, and the 9th Peak Alice of the three sword style. The masters were all heavily revered throughout the Pendragon territories as unparalleled swordsmen only finding competition among one another.

While anyone could join, the trials and training were designed to be as grueling as possible, weeding out all those with weak wills. Upon passing the entrance exams, outer disciples received a blank asauchi to train with. The outer disciples would cook and clean, waiting on the inner disciples who only after having awakened their zanpakuto could be permitted to one of the nine Peak master's tutelage. These inner disciples made up a majority of the sects fighting force and were taught to create new styles and techniques based on what they learned. Finally, the core disciples were the sect master, peak masters and elder's handpicked disciples. They were by far the most promising prospects and received plenty of benefits. Many trained tirelessly hoping to become a core disciple, but the leaders of the Heavenly sword sect were very selective about who they allowed to gain access to their greatest treasures…their techniques. With the full might of the Heavenly sword sect, Magnus estimated it would take at least five of the magic knight's squads to rival it. Seeing the way the people here trained no one had a hard time believing it.

The sect master explained the workings of many different training facilities used exclusively in the heavenly sword sect. Each school of swordsmanship, referred to as a 'peak', had specially made regimens designed to increase their student's prowess by leaps and bounds. The deeper into a peak one delved the more unorthodox the methods. Since it was nearly impossible to die within the sects walls, the teachers could go as far as they wanted. One training session was so gruesome that Lumiette fainted when a student was nearly split in two. Dalli tried almost every technique they witnessed, and to many of the sect's staff surprise he noticeably improved with every attempt.

Seeing the amount of effort Magnus put into building the Heavenly sword sect into such a formidable force made Galileo a little jealous. Sure his Dragon Tale was a tough little group, but he knew five magic knight's squads would stomp them flat. It gave him a better insight into the way Magnus trained Asta, Noelle ansd Kirsch also. Why they grew faster than his own disciples. After the tour he was excited to get back to the capital so he could begin to implement changes to Dragon Tale. However, Galileo got side tracked yet again, when Magnus asked if he wanted to go to Joker city next.