Chapter 2 - I am...

Waking up I look around and see I'm in the hospital at night confusing me before I remember what happened before I passed out. Bringing me out my thoughts I see Guy walk in with his usual smile.

"Hello my youthful friend!"He said and sat down at a chair next to me bed.

"Hi. Can you tell me why I'm here?"I asked him.

"Well seeing as you collapsed I don't really have any medical knowledge so I couldn't tell if you would be alright or not so I brought you here, just in case!"He said with a thumbs up and smiling making his teeth sparkle so much I had to close my eyes for a few seconds.

"The doctor said that you overworked yourself and with the diet you seemed to have and the exercise you were doing your body couldn't support it."He explained to me.

"Why are you working so hard?"He asked me.

"Because... Because I want to be a ninja. I want to be a good and successful one, the strongest. I'm from a civilian family that died during the Kyuubi attack, so I have no aptitude in jutsu, but I won't let that stop me."I said with a fire burning in my eyes making Guy smile.

"I see."He said and got up.

"Where are you going?"I asked him.

"Don't worry my youthful friend! I will be back!"He said and left the room. I decided that instead of thinking about it I'll just sleep, and sleep I did.

(Next Morning)

I wake up to the sunlight coming through the curtains of the window and stretch my body while sitting up. A few minutes later after waking up fully I was going to leave my room but then the door opens with Guy there with his usual smile.

"Good morning my Youthful friend!"He said to me and even though I just woke up there's something about his energy that can't let you feel down.

"Good morning G--"I was going to say Guy but stopped myself remembering he never actually told me his name and it would be weird if I knew it.

"Sorry but you never actually told me your name."I said and he got a sheepish look.

"Sorry 'bout that. I am Konoha's Sublime Green Beast! Might Guy!"He said while doing some wierd poses making me laugh a bit.

"Sorry sorry, my name is Ryu, just Ryu. I have no family name since even though I know I come from a civilian family I never knew their names nor could anybody identify them since my Mom gave birth while at home with my Dad there and they were crushed in it beyond recognition..."I said sadly remembering my past in this world. I notice Guy get a bit of a bitter expression since even though he can always be happy he also knows when to take things seriously.

"It's fine though since I'm over it, I learned to let go of it. It's also another reason why I want to be strong, so I don't ever lose a loved one."I said and notice a look of, relief? On his face.

"I'm glad! So Ryu, do you wanna be adopted?"He asked me and understanding what he was implying made me widen my eyes in surprise.

"Why would you want to adopt me?"I asked him since I remember rock lee was basically his son but was never adopted by Guy.

"Because, I see my younger self in you. I used to be a weak boy wanting to be a strong ninja, and I did become one. When I was younger though, it was my weakness that got my Dad killed. During the war when I was with my Genin team we were attacked by the seven swordsman of the hidden mist. My Dad though got to us and saved us, but he died while doing so. After that I promised myself to never be weak again, and trained even harder than before! And that's how I became Konoha's Green Beast! Jonin level ninja, Taijutsu specialist Might Guy!"He told me, even though I knew of the whole ambush it's different hearing it from the person themselves who experienced it.

"Sure."I said.

"Sure?"He asked wondering what I meant.

"I'll let you adopt me."I said with a smile.

"Great because I did the paperwork last night anyway!"He replied making my lips twitch.

'WHY THE HELL ASK THEN?'I screamed in my mind and seemingly reading my mind he gets a sheepish look.

"Well I grabbed your stuff from the orphanage already and the doctor cleared you when I spoke to him earlier so come along and I'll show you your new home."He said flashing me with his usual smile.

We then walked to his house and its higher end compared to others but it also makes sense since he is a Jonin level ninja. He then showed me my room which seemed to be one of the guest rooms, there are two. I could tell from how bare it was but I'm happy I get my own room. This also can take care of my Danzo problem of him trying to recruit me to the Root probably.

(2 Years Later)

It's been seven years since I've come to this world and today's my birthday. In this time Guy has started training me and I've also started to see him as a father figure, in this life I never met my parents and in the last they weren't exactly the best but they at least gave me the bare minimum so can't complain much. I noticed I started looking like Sung Jin-Woo for some reason. I've met Kakashi and he's become a big brother figure from how he acts and he sympathies with me of the pain of having to deal, especially everyday, with Guy but at least Guy is fun to be around. Guy started teaching me his Taijutsu style and I surprisingly have a good aptitude for it and Taijutsu in general. I'm also planned to join the academy next year. I've also made friends with Naruto and the rest of the Konoha nine from cannon except Hinata, I never see her around, probably cause she's locked up in her family compound training. Sasuke also isn't the broody type he is in cannon yet since the massacre hasn't happened and he's just shy now.

"Come on Ryu unless you wanna be late!"Guy yelled at me, referring to having my birthday party at the famous ramen shop.

"Coming!"I replied and went downstairs. We then walked to the ramen shop where I see all my friends, I'm planning on making Sakura useful so I've been trying to destroy her fangirl personality along with Ino, slowly but surely it's happening. I've also introduced Naruto to everybody before so they know that he isn't the monster made out to be making him cry of happiness a little and thank me.

"Hey everyone!"I said to them all.

"Happy Birthday!"They all replied and each gave me a hug along with a present.

"Old man! Give me the usual!"Naruto said to Teuchi.

"Sure! By the way it's all on the house!"Teuchi said surprising me.

"Don't worry 'bout it Ryu, it's your birthday and I want to repay you after what you've done for Naruto."He explained before I could ask and I just sighed in defeat.

After that we ate and had fun it was evening already so we all said our goodbyes. Walking home with a smile along with Guy I get a sudden influx of information and feel pain from not being able to process it all of a sudden so I pass out especially since I'm still a kid technically.

(Next Morning)

I wake up in a hospital room again and see Guy next to my bed with an anxious expression, but ignore him and think about the information I got. It seemed to be all knowledge on Avatar ranging from fighting styles to the history of the world along with how to make a perfect tea.

"Ryu, how are you feeling?"Guy asked me bringing me out of my thoughts remembering he was here.

"I feel fine, but there's something I will need to talk to you about after we leave."I told him with a serious expression since if I got this knowledge I want to see if I could also bend like the Avatar, or bend at all really.

"Sure, let me get the doctor to clear you."He said and walked out the room and came back a few minutes later with a doctor. After they cleared me I brought Guy to training ground 3.

"Why are we here Ryu?"Guy asked me.

"Well, I think it's better if I show you."I said and hoped I could actually bend. I closed my eyes and focused on the river in front of me. After a few minutes of trying something I was about to give up but then felt the water. I pulled on it while moving my body according to how I want to move it and I slowly brought up some water but then felt the connection break.

"Ryu, what was that?"Guy asked me, shocked at what he just saw since he didn't see me do any hand signs so it couldn't have been a Jutsu.

"It's a bloodline I think, let me see if there's more."I replied. I then got on all fours after taking off my sandals and focused on feeling the ground, after a few minutes yet again I felt the earth and stood up and kicked the ground bringing up an earth wall in front of me.

'I remember the Avatar being able to bend quickly, but never this quickly.'I thought to myself seeing what I'm doing.

"Guy, I think it's best if we talk to the Hokage."I said to him seriously to which he nodded in agreement. He then picked me up and ran to the Hokage tower but everything seemed like a blur from how fast he was moving. We then arrived in front of the tower and went inside and met with the receptionist.

{Hiruzen isn't gonna be evil or anything btw he's just gonna be the old guy who made a lot of mistakes. But he will also be a Hokage first when it comes to things.}

"Hey, we need to meet the Hokage."Guy said to her with an urgent voice.

"Ok, let me see if he's busy."She said and went to his office and asked and I could hear him agree and say something about paper work being the bane of his existence. We were then allowed in and I could see him with a warm smile on his face.

"Lord Hokage."We both said with a bow since we need to show him respect as the Hokage.

"Guy, what brings you here? And Ryu no need for the formality's after everything you've done for Naruto."Hiruzen said with a smile still.

"Lord Hokage, Ryu has shown an ability that you need to hear off."Guy said and urged me forward.

"Old man, can you get secure the room completely since I believe this could be a big secret."I said to him with a serious expression and seeing this he got serious to and motioned his hand making the Anbu go away. He then pulled out a scroll and unrolled it and did some hand signs before slamming his hands on the scroll making fuinjutsu markings appear.

"What do you need to tell me Ryu?"He asked seriously.

"I believe that I have a bloodline." I said to him surprising him and making him get a look of disbelief.

"Ryu, what are you talking about?"He asked. I then told him my ability to control the 4 elements and how they have sub-levels where lightning would be considered as one under fire.

"But aren't you from a civilian family?"He asked me.

"Yes, but I think that's the exact reason why, maybe we had this bloodline but since no one in my family line tried to be ninja I'm assuming, they never unlocked the bloodline."I lied right out my ass.

"That is a possibility, Ryu, if you ever need anything, please tell me."He said trying to get on my good side I guess since if I become a ninja I can be extremely successful and empower Konoha.

"Sure thing Old man."I said with a smile and he smiled back.

'From today onwards, I am the Avatar.'