Chapter 5 - Little Guy

"No, no, no, no!"Sasuke said to me.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!"I said in response and forced my way in to his house. Right now we're arguing about me moving in with him along with Naruto. It's a week after our duel and I talked to the Hokage to allow me and Naruto to move in Sasuke, he said if I did it would be fine but refused to allow Naruto. But I said if he allowed it I would tell him how to beat his paper work problem and immediately agreed and I told him to use Shadow clones and quickly left before he could change his mind bringing us here. I talked to Guy about it and he agreed but would also visit us daily to check up on us and Naruto was happy that he could live with Sasuke and me and help Sasuke as his friend and rival, though rivalry is one sided.

"Get out!"Sasuke yelled at me but I just put him in a headlock.

"No! And remember the bet? You have to do everything I tell you to! Also you have to call me big brother now!"I yelled in his ear while he helplessly struggled to get out my hold while Naruto started laughing at him.

"Hahaha! Ah man! I'm glad I'm not you Sasuke EH!"He yelled the last part from surprise as I got him in a headlock as well.

"Who are you laughing at? Don't think you are different from Sasuke! You have to follow my orders and call be big brother to! Unless you want to fight me of course."I said the last part scarily calm freaking Naruto out and begging for mercy.

"Stop! Please! I was kidding! It was a joke! You know I was kidding, right?"He said quickly.

"Then call me big brother, both of you!"I yell in their ear.

"Bi--"They start saying but stop themselves.

"Huh? What'd you say?"I said.

"Big."But stop themselves yet again and I tighten my hold one them.

"You were saying?"

"Big. Brother."They say dejectedly.

"Great!"I say and let them go making them sigh of relief.

"Now Sasuke show Naruto a room he can use and help him place his things from the storage seals we brought."I said to Sasuke as he dejectedly walks away and does as I say.

"By the way I'm going to start training you guys!"I yell to them.

(6 Month's Later)

"What did you want to show me, Guy?"I asked him. Right now Guy brought me out to a small oasis in the forest of death.

"I think it's time I show you my secret technique!"He exclaimed surprising me and exciting me at the same time.

"Really? When can I learn it!"I asked excitedly but see him smirk.

"Soon, but first! A lesson on where the gates are themselves!"He said making me groan in annoyance but affirmed my resolve anyway to learn it. The gates go as told:

1. The Gate of Opening, located in the brain's left hemisphere, removes the user's mental inhibitions. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Front Lotus, a technique that tires them afterwards.

2. The Gate of Healing, located in the brain's right hemisphere, increases the user's physical strength. This has the added effect of re-energising the body, enabling it to rapidly recover from exhaustion.

3. The Gate of Life, located on the spinal cord, turns the user's skin red when opened. Other effects include the user's pupils disappearing, their hair standing on end, and bulging veins all over their body. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Reverse Lotus.

4. The Gate of Pain is located on the spinal cord. Rock Lee opens this gate as he's about to use the Reverse Lotus, seemingly to increase his speed; as he performs the Reverse Lotus, his muscles start to tear. Opening the gate on this occasion also causes Lee's nose to start bleeding.

5. The Gate of Limit is located in the abdomen. Rock Lee opens this gate as he's about to deliver the final blow of the Reverse Lotus, seemingly to increase his strength; after completing the Reverse Lotus, Lee's limbs receive compound fractures.

6. The Gate of View , located in the stomach, increases all the user's abilities. The power that emanates from the user is enough to displace surrounding bodies of water. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock, wherein the user's punches are so fast that friction with the air produces flames. Opening this gate has sometimes been shown to create an aura around the user; in the anime, the aura is green.

7. The Gate of Wonder, located below the stomach, causes the user's body to secrete a blue sweat. The sweat immediately evaporates, creating an aura around the user that can be mistaken for chakra. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger, a single punch that creates a pocket of compressed air. After opening this gate, Guy's muscle fibers rupture, causing him intense pain if anyone touches him.

8. The Gate of Death is located at the heart. Users open this gate by puncturing their chest with their thumb in order to direct the chakra there. While open, the user's heart pumps at maximum speed, granting them power a hundred times greater than they are usually capable of, far beyond that of the Five Kage. A "Steam of Blood" is emitted from the user's pores and hair, resembling a flaming red aura. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Evening Elephant and Night Guy. The eighth gate causes the body to continually heat up until it's been cooked from the inside-out, reducing the user to ash.

{Btw this is straight from NarutoPedia so if you think there's something wrong don't argue with me.}

"Ryu, I'm going to guide your Chakra to the first gate to get started but the rest you have to do on your own, ok?"He explained to me and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Great! Here I go then."He said and then felt him pumping his Chakra in me as it went to the left side of my brain. When he opens it I feel a sudden surge of strength, as I open the second gate I start producing heat from my body making a cylinder of heat around me but I start struggling to maintain it. Opening the third my eyes go blank and my skin turns red, as veins over my body bulges and hair starts floating as a blue aura surrounds me, the air turns red around me to and my Chakra flailing from my body and I feel the burden increase that much more but I could probably hold it for a few minutes. As I push the fourth open I knock out from not being able to handle it as the gates close by themselves.

"So, threes your limit, huh?"Guy speaks to himself.

(6 Month's Later)

It's been 6 Month's since Guy showed me the eight gates and I am looking for rock lee since I know he will become a disciple of my father unless there is a butterfly effect but I think he never reached his full potential by the end of Shippūden. I ask around in the academy for him and I get the information pretty easily since a lot of civilian kids make up the academy, I'm respected by them for being the second person to be top of my class from Civilian side of things after Minato the fourth Hokage. I find rock lee training.

'He really is a little Guy.'

"Yo."I said crouched on a tree branch above him.

"Huh!"He yelled in surprise seeing me.

"Calm down, names Ryu! I think you know me, right?"I said to him and a look of recognition passed on his face before a scowl replaced it.

"What? Came to see the failure of the academy for yourself?"He asked mockingly and I just laughed in response surprising him.

"What? I'm like you, you know. I have no aptitude for Jutsu at all but I'm still at the top, though you count bending as Jutsu."I said the last part to myself.

"Really? Then how do you control elements?"He asked me with disbelief.

"You see, that's a secret. But I only got my powers at 7, before that I had nothing except Taijutsu and I still think I could beat my class at that time, all except maybe Sasuke and Naruto from my training though. Maybe Shikamaru too if he wasn't lazy all the time."I said surprising him.

"Then why are you here?"He asked me warily since he doesn't know my intentions yet.

"Oh, I just want to help you."I said simply surprising him.

"And why would you want to help me?"He asked.

"Because you have potential and I think with my dad's training you can reach your peak, and also be a good Taijutsu sparring partner."Yes I call Guy dad now and when he heard me say for the first time he started crying rivers of happiness and started running around the village yelling something about youth getting a lot of noise complaints, I laugh a bit remembering that memory.

"C'mon, I talked to my dad already and he said he'll take you as a student if you can take the training."I said and walked away and looking back I see him struggle for a bit with his decision but in the end chooses to trust me.

After that I introduced him to Guy and he was impressed by Lee's determination and hard working nature so in the end took him as a student but Lee will still have to wait to graduate.