The Goblin witchdoctor, waves his staff around the fires in the lanterns responding and turns first nation green. He goes into a chant proclaiming the marvelous and deeds of the Goblin king and how he earned the thorn crown. The glorious battles he fought in the old world. How he triumphed over all his foes. Became the most feared Goblin to ever live.
The Witch Doctor spoke in Trollic the anceint tongue of the three tribes. Which none of the Goblin's in front of him understood. These new bloods fresh off the goat milk no nothing about the real history of goblins.
He waves his staff again, pulling the attention of the fire. The fires explode into Stoneface, colors. The witch doctor after all these years he still got. The Stoneface may be long dead but he isn't.
His voice carries on the wind reaching thr ear of Goblin present.
"Brother's and sister's, friends and I see some enemies..." murmurs explode as goblin separate into their respective tribes an instinctual reaction, the Witch doctor shakes his head see how far his people have fallen... "I stand before all of you all with no hate, or fear in my heart for you my brothers and sisters. Free of the shackles of ignorance that once gripped my heart and made kill those who would become my ally. Today you will meet the goblin, who created me. The Goblin who made us strong. The Goblin who will make you all strong and lead us into a new glorious future."
The tiny goblin king stands up his crown, the only thing remotely impressive about the Goblin. He is wrinkled and weathered. His voice is deep as a well and echo's through the entire Get.
"Friends we are the are the last of our generation. You are our future and as our future you have a responsibility to each other. To your people not just your tribe. Your people as a whole. I have spent a lifetime fighting other goblins to get to this point. To this day and I would do it all again. For all you this my gift..."The Goblin king removes his crown, crushing it. The crown explodes in his hands the flakes falling onto the goblins. It is absorbed into their skin and small tattoo appears on different parts of all the new bloods.
Tau system gives him a message, 'Your anceint bloodline has been activated. Upgrading Mob Goblin System, 24 hours remaining til complete.'
Tau looks at the gobo's around all them, some are shocked and surprised. Some are even cheering loudly. It hits at this moment that he is also a Goblin. That he is no longer human, that he is part of a Goblin tribe. The message broke that small hope at the back of his head that he could return to normal. Gcina grabs his hand tightly, he is shaking. He might not have been a good or even decent human but he wasn't the worst. He treated fairly as long as they did the same to him. Diana hugs him. The wave of emotions pooling out of him, he letting go of a little sister who at 15 is already in university. His parents with their jobs and roles. He has never fit in even before she was born their was a distance between him and his parents. He is happy that they will ha e another child to look after them. Tau cries letting go is hard even if your only thinking it. He let's go of his humanity, he let's go of it all his failures his dreams and everything else that has weighed him down. Palesa holds his other hand. He accepts this no matter how long it last he will make it as a Goblin. He will protect his mob.
The Goblin king continues, "I leave behind the my power and a challenge to all of you. Go build a nation that will survive a thousand years beyond any other. Go into the world and show them goblin pride."
The Goblin King fades into specks of light, in the nine colors. The entire Get erupts into celebration. The witch doctor is only one crying at the loss of his last friend and says to himself, "I will watch over them for you all of them."
The lasts a week, in that time it become clear that goblin society will change so shortly. They meet up some of their other class mates like Andile and Fesi who are basically following Helena around she is a powerful bonemancer the latent abilities has made her extremely brasin and difficult to deal at the best of times other have formed groups with those that come from this world and have already left to start their kingdom,
Gcina has the mob train in the morining together their they have been practicing and coordinating. Palesa is great close up and mid range fighter. Diana is learning potions and alchemy to help support the group. When the others are resting Tau has been gathering materials or hunting. Today at the end of the festivities he has a surprise for the girls.
He has worked really hard all week raising his level thou he is only at level 9 he has collected enough money to do what he wants.
Entering the Get from the southern forest, Tau check his stats.
Race:Forest Goblin
Level: 9
Titles: Mob leader
Health: 29
Intelligence :3
Racial Points: 9 [unused]
Passive [mob leader] if you surrounded by you mob you are granted double your stats.
Goblin Rage: when you loss half your health, you become enraged. Grants double you strength.
Forest Blessing: 25% increase to find rare loot.
He also picked up a bow and arrow plus, a spear during the week. Whenever the girls are with he doesn't have to worry about long range but on his own he has to use his bow. Which he is not half bad with.
He finds the girls braiding each other's hair, they all look amazing. The night they have spent together have only brought them. He knows things about their bodies that Noone else knows like the birth mark on Gina's thigh. Diana's nipples are ticklish and especially during sex are very sensitive. Palesa is Palesa her scent is intoxicating as they get stronger she has only become more inticing.
"Hey guys, I have a surprise for you." While Diana is the first one to see him, she waits until Gcina has greeted him first. They spend a moment in each other's arms then her and Palesa also have their turn. Each lady is a little different in affection and Tau is slowly learning each other them.
"What's the surprise?" Ask Palesa she is not one for the unknown. Her hair has been tied into space buns with two braids running down on either side. This really accents her features well. Especially now with her blue skin.
Gcina dyed her hair red Tau likes because it matches her personality. She is really firey and he is loving it especially when it's just the two of them she is most firey then the conversations alone are always heated.
"Yey! Where we going?" Asks Diana cheery as always. She has really blossomed and make a living healing people in the Get. It has made their mob popular a lot of people drop off, offerings to her.
Gcina takes his arm, and they walk together she is always stays on his right. Advicing him and protecting the Mob. He take across from the ruin palace where people go to seek advice from the wicth doctor. There is a large pile of leaves. The leaves are arranged in a way that they form a ten metre high wall.
"Tada!" Says Tau. All of them just look him wandering why the hell he brought them to a grass wall.
Diana being herself, "It's a nice wall and all but what is it suppose to do?"
Tau laughs and says "You are meant to push the wall the surprise is behind it."
They all move toward the wall held by sticks and poorly knotted wall. A together and without much force at all. They wall comes tumbling down revealing a small yet cozy hovel. It is ten metres wide and high semi circle of mud. They all marvel at what few decorations he put on the wall. Of the hovel Gcina is most impressed by the snake skin pretending be a door. It is very colorful and different from all the other hovels that are not only smaller but don't have these little touches.
She invites him in with them the chimney hungs from the down in the center. The bed is a large sunken bale of hay and other scented grasses. Strong smell like roses and lavender would have ruined the feeling. Tau has taken fully the ways of being a Goblin.
"This really amazing, and you did this all by yourself and none of us noticed." Tau puffs up his chest it had been really hard to do so but with a few good kills during the week he bribed some of the others around the Get who are still acclimating to becoming goblins.
They all spend the night in their new home together, Palesa suggestion lasting all night long.