Tau is sitting nursing a headache. The system is so convoluted giving ever ounce of information the specific classes. This would be a fantastic find under normal circumstance however, the system does not have any information on the progression of the classes. Even the Goblin paths are listed by Og, Hob, Sha and Dre. Tau cant click anything to find out if he will become a Goblog like Rurik. Tau thought he could impress Gcina a little by showing at least he is prepared.
He smells a familiar inviting and comforting scent. Gcina rubs the back of his neck. It is early evening when she comes out of the tent. Her fingers feel unusually cold to him. He drops the sword pulling her into his lap. She giggles as she falls straddles him. Kissing him until a grunt comes from the main tent. Palesa walks back in.
"Right I did promise I would behave," Gcine puts her arms around his neck lovingly. Some of the other gobos go to their respective bands to spill the tea on the couple. One, in particular, has finally found what he had been looking for. his shadow fades back into the shrinking crowd.
"You should have killed him you know?" Gcina says to Tau. He shuffles about making sure he is very comfortable. His hands exploring her ever-fascinating mid-region. Tau looks at her in the eyes taking a second to be in the moment.
"I should have never let it happen in the first place," Tau says. Gcina has a silly look in her face.
"That's a sweet sentiment but not possible sweetie, every day there are hundreds of dangers that pass us by without us ever knowing. Even those we know of can't always be stopped. Are you going to string up ever human who insults us." Tau thinks about when are they ever going to be in contact with humans. At the moment the other Goblin Get's are still going to be a handful.
" Yes I will. I will hang each one of them by their toes and let the rats feast on there flesh." Gcina's hand rubs his cheek. She shakes her head.
"This isn't a movie, we are fighting for our survival here. You need to think about how hanging ever human, will make our kingdom look." Tau crinkles his forehead, Gcina is thinking so far ahead already.
"Fine! I will treat them like I would any other gobo." Gcina points at Raul who is still hanging out with Tau.
"I'm not sure that will work either, some of the beastman would go to war for such a thing." Gcina says stealing a kiss and an embrace from Tau.
"I will cut that throat when it bears its fangs at me... Anyways I wanted to talk about the system it is very detailed and yet not." Tau changes the subject since he really has nothing else to add. If others want to try take advantage of them. He will have to show them the error of their ways. He also explains the bonus points further and the racial perks eventually rubbing his head trying to get it all out.
Gcina giggles he is really stubborn on certain points. He is so wonderfully straight forward and honest. Listening to him she is reminded of herself and how overwhelmed she felt by the system. It has lead so many people to there death. She decides to tell him the first big secret.
"Can we please talk inside hun, I have something important to tell everyone." Even thou she phrased it as a question. She is already pulling him along into the tent. Tau allowed it because it's really boring being a tough guy. Plus the girls are all together he wants to her how far along they are.
Inside the tent Palesa immediately pulls him to her. She basically jumps on him, kissing him all over his face. Gcina sits opposite Diana who is still working hard. An intimate moment later Palesa sits next to Diana giving her a kiss on the forhead. Tau takes a moment to compose himself. Palesa had been trying to get a rise out of him and as soon as she did she went to sit with Diana. A very satisfied look on her face.
Tau sits next to Gcina, she puts her arm around him. The atmosphere is cozy especially with the smell of fresh limbs been grown it is similar to fresh meat. The boy is still out and will remain so. Every couple of hours Diana gives him a mixture to replace his strength otherwise he would have died already.
"It's no secret that we were all summoned here right." Gcina says, Diana, Palesa and Tau either nods or grunts. Tau smiles at Diana he is still a little worried as the bruises on skin are still visible.
"What is a secret is that there is a system for goblins." Tau ears twitch when Gcina says this. Even Palesa is little more serious. Diana still cute as buttons.
"What do you a system for goblin?" says Palesa unable to hold back and wait while Gcina is trying to figure how to phrase it so that it makes more sense.
"The system as is now, is for every participant. This includes Gnolls, Humans, Nagits and Azadi. And if course all manner of Dreads.
Diana is excited at the mention of these people's she has never heard. She knows that the kobold are a type of Gnoll plus with the mention of human. She is able to guess that the rest must other types of races. Unlucky for her Gcina doesn't expand further.
"From level ten everyone can access a tailored system." Gcina decides to pause here, she can see the wheels turning in Palesa's head. Diana is trying to keep focus on what she is doing which isn't easy as she has been going for a long time.
"So then why aren't we all doing it why just him?" Palesa asks Gcina having come to the crux of matter. Gcina shuffles a little closer to Tau.
"It's only a reward system, you won't be control your development. Unlike right now where you can see and plan your way." Gcina says hoping they understand. She does not know how to explain the analytics of how the system works.
"Why doesn't it just add on to my existing system why does it convert it." Asks Tau. From his veiw the reward system is an aspect that could fit in very well to the rest of it.
"Because of the horde." She raises her hand immediately as someone if not all of them are about to ask something. Stopping them.
"I know this because this isn't my first time. I did when I was nine and was brought into the previous version. When the Goblin king won he wished for all goblin to be brought back and so I returned to earth. The memories he gave us include what he found out about the system and its inner workings." Palesa's mind wonders, 'what it must be like to have someone elses memories, are they affect her lover some how.'
"How do you know you can trust those memories?" says Palesa looking at Gcina. Tau nods and awaits an answer.
"I tried it out on myself already, but because I'm not the leader. So it has limitations for now." Tau snickers she is the leader they basically follow her lead.
"You are the leader thou..." Tau says looking at her and holding her hand. Everyone agrees with his sentiment. She has been the lube of this relationship.
"No I'm not, in proper gobnite society. Males are figure heads and Females control the power. It is set so that their stability in gobo society even thou our leaders constantly die. It why females have every trade craft as a possible job." Gcina says smiling waiting for Palesa who eye brow raised at just the right moment.
"Even if you say your are not, we still follow so should not the system recognize that." Tau says admently to Gcina.
"It's fine the system world is meant for boys to destroy and girls to build. It's just the way things are." Gcina says Palesa's smiles nodding in agreement. Boys system seem to focus a lot on combat.
"So your saying I should use the reward system why?" Asks Tau if he can plan his growth and develop the skills sets from the classes and job then he should be fine. Why do they need this rewards system.
"Horde system. The Goblin horde system has access to rewards that no one can create. It rewards will give us goblins advantages that no one else will have."
"How are the reward so special." asks Tau.
Gcina replies, "They are from a time before the tournament when goblins ruled their own planet and weren't the lowest ranking."
"What's the real price?" Asks Palesa
"It's that you have to follow the daily mission. Which are sometimes deadly. Failing a mission is not an option." Gcina says Tau is squeezing her hand.
"How will the others not find out?" Asks Palesa.
"I'm pretty sure they will and others like me will try do the same. Goblins are selfish I don't see anyone else working together as close as we are in fact in the three surrounding Gets, we are still the only mob." Gcina says.
Tau thinks the brains swirling around his head," so how do I activate it. "
Gcina looks at him and says" You say Activate horde mode. "
Palesa says," that sounds very ominous. "
Gcina nods from what I remember the horde is a powerful goblin artifact that has many powers.
Tau say," It's that easy I just says Activate Horde mode."
A golden light envelops him a small box engraved in scratch appears. The detailing intricate and seamless. It opens up a blue pill In Front of him.