A carriage was a little slow. I couldn't obviously compare it to a modern car, after all that world didn't even have enough technology to make a motorized car. Although the speed was reduced, I was comfortable.
"Sheis-Whatever, when did we arrive?" I exclaimed.
"We're halfway there."
If it's been, like, three hours, and we're still halfway there? He had told me that it was the closest kingdom in the region, so I was startled by progress that we are still. Looking at the curtain that carriage, I could see that we were on a dirt road, the rest was a gigantic prairie, endless with the naked eye.
Speaking to Sheis-Whatever, I remembered something that strayed me before asked... How do I understand speech and be able to communicate in this world?
I hadn't noticed before, but everything I've heard, I understand, everything I've said, people understand. I had a decent dialogue with Asura in her restaurant, I could also understand what she was talking about. The weirdest thing I couldn't figure out, whether I was speaking Japanese or not.
Another thing that bothered me was that apparently this was the only communication skill I acquired. When I tried to read something from the menu, I couldn't understand anything. The lyrics are completely different, it's a very different language. If I don't learn, it might make it harder for me from now on, since apparently I'm a lord.
While i was lost in my thoughts, Sheis-Whataver interrupts them.
"Silverstein-sama, this is going to be your first experience in political communication. This treaty of allies serves to extend our trade routes, so all ministers expect you to have a great dialogue with the Kingdom of Elves."
With this interruption, I could see. They weren't speaking Japanese, it was another language, but I could understand everything, as if it were already my native language. This in my head was just causing confusion.
"Are there ministers here?" I say.
"Oh, your jokes is still active... Ministers are handpicked by the current Lord, in your case, Silverstein-sama."
Do I choose ministers? That's a little too much. Here in this world, perhaps there has been no idea to put democracy. But I also could see that even without it, everyone lives of good size, although in my vision was a little wrong.
"Sheis-Whatever, how do I see my magic status?"
This question had come out of nowhere, really changing the subject from water to wine. But I was curious enough. Asura used magic to light some kind of stove, and she didn't seem to be a high-readiness mage, a sorceress or anything like that. Would that mean I could use it too? Sure?
"There are mana points, they were created precisely for this particular case. Only in this place can you assess how strong you are. Although I don't recommend going on one."
He didn't recommend it?
"Why" I Asked.
"That place usually has a lot of adventurers, they're constantly re-incoming, to show how strong they've gotten."
"I understand... Is there any in the Elf Kingdom?"
"In every kingdom, there is a Mana Point, after all this world revolves around it."
Does this world revolve around magic? That's complicated, which is why Asura, a simple cook, managed to use a fire magic to light that stove.
"How do spells work?"
"Spells are divided by elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Wind... But there are exceptions."
"Yes, there are the rare elements, Light and Darkness. I am very glad that you, my lord, have been blessed with the light element, you are one of the rarest and strongest."
Light element? I have that kind of magic? Although it was very comforting, knowing that I had something so strong, I wondered if I could actually use it the right way, since I don't know how this kind of thing works.
"What spells can I use, Sheis-Whataver?"
"Hoho, it's an honor. You currently know 115 spells of light, among them: Arc of Light, Change of Time, Sword of Light, Light Protection, Speed of Light..."
Real Aros Silverstein, where did you go?
Sheis-Whatever was quoting how many spells he knew I could use. There were so many that I got lost in the top five he'd listed. But only in those five, they had interesting nomenclatures. As a result of the Light element, I could reach the speed of the same name, from what he said.
"How do I active these spells?"
"Reciting them, but you have gained the incredible skill, that knights of the kingdom take years and years to learn... You can create the image of the spell in your mind, and so shoot it."
Does that mean I have a cliché light novel skill, where I only think of the shape of magic and loose? I think I'm going to make one now.
I'm going to try to create an Arc of light. Will it work? Do I have mana for that? Wait so in this world is like RPG, if I'm out of mana I don't do any spells?
Without realizing it, I closed my eyes, made a position as if I were holding a bow, and I think of an arc of light.
When I think about the shape of the bow, the size of it... comes a strong light coming out of my mind. That was a strong light, I couldn't even hide from the light, after all I had my eyes closed. In the middle of that light I saw a gap with an arc shape.
When I open my eye, I see a beautiful bow. White, very bright that was a blind eye. The bow made a wave effect, as if it were made only of light.
I'm pulling the bow rope slowly, meanwhile, an arrow seems to be forming. The more I pull, the more it forms. The arrow also had a nice shape, it was white equal to the bow, and with waves because it was made only of light.
When I pull the maximum of the rope, the arrow is completely complete, its tip was so beautiful, it seemed to destroy anything. I was excited about the light that the bow was ethered, it was so beautiful.
I point the bow up, and i let my fingers off the rope. I did it without thinking, I thought she would stick in the roof of the carriage. But when I let her go, it made a huge noise
The arrow drilled a huge hole in the roof of the carriage, turning it into a "convertible carriage".
"I am okay, Sheis-Whatever, I'm the one who shot the arrow."
The coachman looks at the broken roof of the carriage, and makes a furious face. I think that carriage was pretty expensive for me to destroy.
Despite this, I confirmed that I also know how to use magic in this world, for me it is still unbelievable, I move my hands without believing what I did.
"Forgive me, I didn't know my magic was that strong!"
The Coachman makes a face of indignation and sends a "tsc", then turns around controlling the horses with even more anger.
"Sheis-Whatever, when we're coming, let me know!"
Enjoying the bench that was as comfortable as a bed, I go into it and start closing my eyes. A lord's stance is really tiring.
Almost closing my eyes, I see the cloud sky. This was not unusual, but I see that Sheis-Whatever gets quite concerned about the situation. He tells the coachman to walk a little faster.
"Silverstein-sama, you don't have to get out of the carriage, I'll deal with it myself!"
Sheis-Whatever's face was too confident for someone her age. He did not appear to be weak, his posture and height disguised his age.
Before I even knew it, I heard too many horse's paws, not counting the wheels. My despair caused me to get up, in the carriage that had lost its roof, I use it to see what was happening.
Three more wagons had come closer to us, all of which were in an attack formation. And the one I see driving the wagons were even more impressive.
They were demi-humans, humans with animal ears, in this case wolf ears. They were wearing iron armor, and they were equipming long swords.
"We want you to deliver the Lord of Lalario, Aros Silverstein."
Are they after me? Have started political wars on my first day of reincarnated? This life I'm in right now is really going to be tiring.
"We will not deliver... What do you want with Lord Aros Silverstein?"
Sheis-Whatever questions them, even if he's snaking a sword he didn't even know he had.
"Our king has given orders to capture him!"
The king of demi-humans wants to capture me, for what specifically? Did I do any harm, or had Lalario declared war against them before I reincarnated?
Sheis-Whatever takes his sword and stands on the bench next to the coachman. He couldn't go anywhere because the ceiling was broken. How can I help you in this situation?
"Use the Time Reversal, so the ceiling will be restored."
Again I hear the distorted voice that helped me at Asura's restaurant. Since you helped me once, I must trust your words again.
"Time Reversal!"
After my recyto, it escaped and I didn't even have to talk. The ceiling began to come back as it was before. So Sheis-Whatever up there and starts going into combat training.
The demi-human wagons surround us, two on the side of the wagon and one behind. Everyone with their guns in their hands to confront Sheis-i don't know.
"Icarus Tempest!"
Sheis-Whatever recites her magic, which begins to envelove her sword making her more powerful than I'd ever seen. He seemed to have confidence in what he was doing.
Two demi-humans climb on top of their wagons, and jump into ours, but Sheis-Whatever fires two attacks that give a strong wind wave, causing the two to fall in the middle of the dirt road from where we were.
The other demi-humans who drove the wagons, recite a fire magic at the same time, and sending directly to the wheels of the wagon.
The wagon runs out of wheels and begins scraping across the floor, making a big nasty noise.
I recite the magic again, only this time not complete, it was just to test if it worked. So the carriage returned to wheels, helping the coachman.
"I drive 10 years for that moment!"
The coachman gets excited, and begins to walk faster with the carriage, but the demi-humans were still persistent. They followed the carriage and still hit the sides.
"It's all right Silverstein-sama, I'm sorry for this!"
"It's quiet Sheis-Whatever, just focus on what you're doing."
My cold words go to Sheis-Whatever, but it was a plan for me to attack, too.
Again I think of the arc of light, and it appears in my hand very easily. I show up through the small window of the carriage with a shot of light, hitting the side of the wagon. causing the taint through the bush on the side of the road.
With two wagons left, Sheis-Whatever take the lead position and take a long leap. He raised his arms with the greatest force he could, along with his sword.
He would go in front of the carriages, the demi-humans get scared and get their guns out again, leaving the horses in control. But it was too late.
Sheis-Whatever differs a very strong blow, breaking the road and the two wagons that were in the way. Giving a huge shock of the explosion of his attack colliding with the carriage.
"So my butler is strong ha?"
I'm impressed that Sheis-Whatever has that speed, that strength and that mobility at the age he is. In my other life after becoming a NEET I lost all that I also had.
With his speed, he quickly returns the carriage (which by the way was at an absurd speed).
"How cool Sheis-Whatever! I want to be strong like you!"
"You've overtaken me a long time ago, Silverstein-sama! But we need to get to the Elf Kingdom faster to report this incident!"
"Of course!"