Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 40 - SHE FAINTED

Chapter 40 - SHE FAINTED

Because of their cold war, Stefan didn't inform her about her approved switch schedule. He didn't give her the phone that he bought and he didn't let her eat. When he realized what he did, it was already Monday morning. Cayenne didn't say anything about getting hungry or blamed him for not getting any food to eat.

She chose to stay silent and prepared for her other work. "Can you wait a bit? I'll just cook breakfast for us." Stefan told her but Cayenne just gave him a smile.

"There's no need to trouble yourself with that. I can eat at home."

"Then, who will eat breakfast with me?"

"You can ask Chris to eat with you. I'll just ask the taxi driver to come and pick me up."

"No way. You need to eat with me."

"I will be late."

"I will just pay for your late hours. You need to eat with me."

Cayenne looked at him with an expressionless face. "Okay. Let me cook breakfast first."

"No, I'll cook for us."

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: