Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 45 - ARTHUR'S VISIT

Chapter 45 - ARTHUR'S VISIT

'I thought she didn't like someone. Who was that man, then?' Stefan had this question in his mind the entire time he was driving back home. He knew of her two brothers because he asked Chris to investigate her before. But, he didn't know who that other man who came with her two brothers.

Since he didn't want to waste the food, he just gave them to the street children and other people who needed food. As for the gift, he brought it back with him. He will just give it to her during the night.

Just like how he was upset with Arthur coming to visit Cayenne, Cayenne was upset with her brother as well. Now, she needed to find another place to live. She didn't want the man to keep coming, now that he knew of her address.

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