Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 20 - QUESTIONED

Chapter 20 - QUESTIONED

'My goodness! What kind of set up is this? He didn't really have to kiss my head, right?' Cayenne thought while she kept her eyes close. 'Wait! I might be jumping to conclusions. He might have just pressed his mouth on my head.' She added to counter her own thoughts.

Stefan let her sleep for another half an hour since it was still six in the morning. There's still three hours before her shift starts. He didn't know that Cayenne was already awake.

The two of them were still cuddling together when she felt her other side was feeling numb. She wanted to change her position. Uncaring of his presence, she turned to the other side and had her back facing him. Nonetheless, he didn't let go of her. He was still hugging her even though he was wide awake.

'I'm starting to question my decision again.' She thought to herself while keeping her mouth shut but her eyes were already wide open. She was just trying to feel what he was going to do.

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