Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 26 - GENUINE LAUGHTER


The two of them talked at the rooftop for few more minutes but Cayenne decided to come inside after remembering Stefan's words. She needed to stay warm to avoid catching cold and infecting him. It wasn't long after she came back when someone knocked on her mother's hospital room.

"Delivery for ma'am Cayenne Ardolf." The delivery man stuck his head on the small opening of the door to see if he was in the right room.

Cayenne was dumbstruck upon seeing the small boxes inside the plastic bag. The name of the delivered items was Sweet Love. It was from the café that Stefan said he was at earlier. "I'm Cayenne." She walked to the door to open it widely for the delivery man to come inside. Luiz and Kyle took the plastic bags from the man while he was showing Cayenne the details of the order and the person who ordered them for her.

"Thank you." Cayenne mumbled while signing the delivery form. The delivery man left after making sure that everything's given to her.

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