Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 18 - CAN WE TALK?

Chapter 18 - CAN WE TALK?

After few minutes, Stefan came out again. Though his hair wasn't completely dried, there was no droplets of water as well. It was just a little damp. He pulled out his chair and sat on it so that he can eat. Cayenne placed the glass of apple juice in front of him and took a seat across him as well.

"Sorry for lecturing you earlier." Cayenned spoke slowly and softly. "I didn't mean to do it that way. I was just a little worried."

"That's fine. I have never had anyone who showed concern for me. It's a little sudden but I am not angry."

"Thank you."

Stefan just chuckled and took the platter of rice. "Don't think too much about it. Let's eat." He placed some rice on his plate and gave it to Cayenne after. "What made you decide to cook?"

"It's not good to always buy some take outs. At the same time, I can't just wait for you to come home and cook all the time. Since I always come here ahead of you, it would be better for me to cook our food."

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: