Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 52 - Prologue:

Chapter 52 - Prologue:

"When the world was remade, the Old Wolf God made two pairs of beings in his own vision. Man and Wolf then Lycan. Each one of these beings were created to live together and fight side by side of need be. He taught Man and Wolf to live in coexistence to hunt together and to play. The Lycan was and still is the Guardian of our forest and is passed down to the next who is ready for the challenging threats of the outside." In a barely lit room of a small wood cabin, an older man who looked fragile with a thick white beard placed his hand on a young boy's head. The boy had hair white as snow and red eyes. "My boy… This village will be yours to take care of one day, but for now you need not worry."

"Grandfather… There was a story the world had been destroyed before the gods created this one. Is it true or just a story?" The young boy asked his grandfather out of curiosity. He was eager to know more but then realized his grandfather would not answer.

"Those are just tales passed down from generation to generation. Not even the prophets can tell you if that is true or not." He gave him a small hug then struggled to stand up. "Get some sleep. I will go talk to your Father." He looks back to his grandson and sees the boy was already asleep. He smiles and walks out of the boys room and leaves the small log cabin. Across the path in front of him, he could see villagers working on a tall wood spike wall surrounding the village.

"This village keeps growing Father…. Soon we'll have to expand our borders if this keeps up." A deep voice is heard from beside him. The man was much taller than his father. His hair was short dark brown like the trees that surround them. His arms were crossed, showing his lumberjack like build.

"You are wise, but it is too soon to plan on expansion. You need to focus on your son right now…" The old man kept his eyes out watching. "I fear the prophecy may be true. He's beginning to look like the Old Wolf God more and more with each passing day."

"Father… He gets it from his mother. She only had the white hair." The man looked down.

"Vincenz… Your late wife would be proud of you both. I wish I could have been there instead…" The old man feels his sons hand on his shoulder.

"Can't be talking like that, old man." Vincenz held him close. "But I understand what you mean… With her gone…" He forces himself to shake it off. "As the head of our clan, I need to make sure our people are safe. And if that prophecy comes true, who knows what will happen."

"The prophets do. 'A child born with hair as white as snow and eyes crimson like blood, will awaken the Old Wolf God.' That prophecy has been passed down for so long." The old man tells his son with a small trace of fear.

"It is so vague. What happens if there is more than just him? We haven't heard from Moon Wolf or Vulpus for so long, either of them could be in the same situation." He looks over to his father with a worried look.

"I assume you haven't seen it then have you?" He tells his son. His old weary eyes looking up at his son. He could tell he hadn't seen nor heard what he's speaking of. "It is your son. He is the bloodline of The Old Wolf God. Even those eyes can see better than mine when I was in my prime." The old man begins to walk away, patting his sons back. "As a Guardian, even you should see the power in him hidden away." After leaving his son, the old man head to his cabin and continues to think about his grandson.

Vincenz stood there in the center of their village, thinking to himself. For years when he had first seen his sons eyes open, he wished the prophecy wasn't true. As he grew up more and more he could see it clearly and no longer could fight to protect him against it. "You're not alone in this Terek." He says to himself, quietly speaking his sons name in the air. "Luna. I wish you were here with us to see our boy now…." He stares off into the distance watching as the busy village begins to die down in silence. "Looks like I better head out for now." He starts to head toward the gate when he gets punched in the arm.

"Vincenz! Where has your mind been?" A Lycan stood beside him, his lower half was covered in brown leather pants while the rest was exposed. His red fur and hair covered his arms, feet, and chest.

"Connor… Sorry I've been thinking about a lot lately." Vincenz stood there for a moment before being joined by another Lycan. He was quiet as he approached from the shadows. His fur was black almost allowing him to blend in. By the time he stood beside the two nothing had been said. Not even a word from him. "I'm sorry I'm late you two. I was trying to make sure we got as much as we could done before night."

Conner walks ahead of him while Vincenz slowly transforms into a Lycan. "Come on Vincenz, you too Luc." He tells the two as he exits the village. The silent Lycan, Luc follows behind quietly and wordlessly as the three Guardians enter the forest. They walk for several minutes until the wooden gates are barely visible to them.

"You know the routine guys. We meet back here at sunrise." Vincenz tells the other two. "I'm going to see if I can find the Hunters and have them return before it gets too late."

Connor walks up to him but stops. He had seen this look once before. "I'm certain nothing has happened. They would've sent a Rider back to the village by now if something did."

"I'm not worried about that. I'm worried Gregor pushed outside the forest" Vincenz looks back at him. "Let's hurry with the routine before it's too late." He drops to all fours and rushes through the forest. He already had the Hunting Pack's scent and began to follow. After running through the woods for a few hours already, the scent began to grow stronger, as well as the smell of blood. Before deciding on leaving the woods or not, he stops on the border and stares past the tree line. His fear was soon to become reality as he could see piles of blood and bone surrounding a small child in this massive clearing. Another forest sat miles away on the opposite side. His eyes widen as he rushes forward through the tree line and clears the distance in one charge. He reached the boy and sees Snow White hair as well.

"This cannot be…" he tells himself as he continues to look around the area. He looks up and howls for the others then looks back to the mess around the boy. Now that he has called for the others he calmed himself until he noticed a familiar set. A bow chiseled with wolves near the handle and small wooden talisman shaped like a wolf. "Dammit Gregor…"

"Connor, come with me. We need to go to the south." Vincenz yelled out as his companions came running out of the forest. Their breaths visible as they grew closer. Once Luc and Connor got closer they could see the horror of the corpses surrounding the boy. "Luc, take the boy back to the village and meet us at Kane's Arch."

Luc nods then carefully picks the boy up off the ground and sprints back toward their village.

"Kane's Arch. You don't think the Jackals were attacked so you?" Connor asks looking at the blood and bones surrounding the area.

"That child had was covered in dirt and snow but he had sand on him. There's only two clans in the Souther Desert, Connor." He looks back at his old friend.