Once out of the castle, Fenrir began to howl which triggered wolves in the forest to how all around the castle.
Odin, Zeus, and Tiamat as well as the other gods heard the continuous howling and ceased their battles. It took Tiamat a moment to pull away from hers as Drache was being relentless.
Fenrir looks back at Obsidia and Zero and nods, then heads toward the forest ahead of them. The girl still was confused but didn't argue as the three were nice to her. Fenrir keeps going deeper for several minutes and then finally stops and lays down for the girl.
Obsidia and Zero catch up and beside him. The girl slides down from Fenrir's back and sits beside him.
"We never did get a chance to ask for your name, little one." He says softly and looks down at her.
She looked down for a moment, nobody had ever asked her for her name for so long that even she wasn't sure herself.
"I...I don't remember." She replies softly.
Fenrir looked up at Obsidia and Zero who both looked away.
"This is why we wanted to help her... She's been trapped in his castle for so long, every time he used her power...." Obsidia shook her head trying to stay focused. "She reminded myself of us when we small."
Zero looked down, "You now have a chance to help her. Both of you. I promised to protect her and I won't let any of you get hurt." Both Obsidia and Zero now felt something that wasn't fear. For once someone they barely knew is actually caring for them.
"Fenrir..." Obisida says softly and looks at Zero, who had his eyes closed and head resting against her. "Thank you. I think we'll stick with you."
He nods softly then feels the girl rest against him. In the distance he hears a pack of wolves approaching. A large black wolf walks up to Fenrir, who is cautious at first, but can tell the wolf knows who he is. The wolf howls, calling the pack forth which surrounds the four, but instead of going for an easy kill, the black wolf growls at his pack. A small white wolf walks up to the girl and rests its head on her lap.
"They know who you are... How?" Zero asks softly.
"I'm Fenrir, I'm sure one has probably seen me in my true form." He replies. But something was different about this Alpha.
The pack stayed on watch so Fenrir, Obsidia and Zero can rest. The girl gently pet the pup with no issue. Fenrir rests, but he still can't quite place why the Black wolf feels familiar. Has he seen him before? He shakes it off for now and closes his eyes.
While the four rest in the woods Odin and the others were able to retreat thanks to Tiamat, who managed to cause a blinding light above the battle. Odin and Zeus were now in the woods after sending the other gods home. Tiamat finally lands beside them and walks over.
"Your Grandson seems different, Odin. Did you do something to the boy?"
He shook his head. "I did nothing, old friend." He sighs softly. "Losing the ones he cared about the most, is what did something." The old man looks up at the ancient Dragon. "I need to speak with Ra. Set killed Fenrir's siblings..." Tiamat looks down. "How is Loki dealing with this?"
He shakes his head. "For now we need to focus on the ones Fenrir rescued. They need more help as of the moment." Tiamat looks down at Odin "I can look for Fenrir and the others. Odin, you mentioned visiting Ra, now is the best chance to do so."
"I am worried about Ra. You're right."
Zeus walks over to Odin and wraps his arm around him. "The two of us can handle this. Go check on our old friend."
Odin nods then steps away through a portal.
"I will continue to watch the castle while you search for them. If you need, Fenrir's Cerberus is here somewhere, I can summon him if you need"
"Tis all right old friend. When he howled I was able to place a direction while I was in the sky." She stands up ready to take off.
"Then be careful, they will be watching."
She nods then takes off to the sky. Zeus looks back to the others who were recovering from the battle. Cerberus, the three headed hound, now stood guard as he watched over the others. Zeus walks over to the hound and gently presses his hand on his shoulder. Cerberus looks down at him with one head, allowing him to pet him.
"I know, this isn't over yet."
Tiamat flies through the air as quickly as possible without getting noticed. As soon as she got past the castle, she was greeted by howls below her. "That sounded like more than one pack..." She flies past and slows down, lowering herself further away to make it seem like they were farther from the castle. Being on land, she begins to crawl through the woods, trying to stay low so she won't be seen. For a moment, Tiamat finds nothing, until she hears growling ahead of her beside a large tree. Looking closer she can see at least twenty wolves ahead of her.
"I see the boy made some friends." She crawls closer to them. The wolves start to get closer but are stopped by a large black wolf. The wolf could sense no hostility and the pack goes back on guard. He looks up at her then turns around and walks past the tree. A few wolves move out of her way letting her pass. Tiamat follows the wolf around the tree.
Fenrir was resting with the girl against him while Zero rests across him with Obsidia leaning against him, the black wolf returns as she looks over at him. Once he sits down a large dragon head turns the corner. Obsidia begins to panic until she hears Fenrir across from her.
"Hello Tiamat...." He lifts his head slowly and looks at her.
"It is good to see you are safe. I also noticed your new friends."
Fenrir smiles softly, "Something felt familiar about them when they came." He sees Tiamat look at the girl. "She's the one we rescued. As well as Zero and Obsidia." The siblings looked at Fenrir then eachother. "These three lost everything because of Archangel, the master of The Six."
Tiamat could sense their abilities, Zero was similar to Fenrir, Obsidia's was different from everyone else, but once she started to look for the girl's, Tiamat began to shiver. "I understand why he did what he did. Her power is beyond comprehending. We need to get this child away from this castle."
Fenrir nods, "That's the only problem. The moment we move, they will find us." He looks down at her and starts to think.
"I might have an idea." Fenrir and Tiamat both looks over at Obsidia.