Chereads / Biology of Monsters / Chapter 5 - Biology of the Soul

Chapter 5 - Biology of the Soul

< Log - Year 90,510 - February 7th >

Kris has fully recovered and is currently undergoing minor physical therapy, it will only take around 3 days until she is fit for lite experimentation. It should be noted that until other subjects of [2] have been captured and/or volunteered for experimentation that subject 2A should be treated with caution and care.

I have detected trace amounts of an unknown energy source developing around the facility, two drones have been selected to preform analysis. Living creatures found nearby to the entrance of the facility have been documented to also hold a fragment of said energy source... unfortunately the source dissipates upon death and all subjects are harmful and potentially capable of causing integral damage to the facility.

Puncture wounds have been deemed ineffective against a vast majority of creatures that have evolved to this day, weaponry must be updated to accommodate, Vulcan has been placed in charge of manufacturing new weaponry to deal with threats.

It is all a little confusing... animals shouldn't of changed so much in such a little amount of time, it took millions of years for a beetle species to develop the ability to spit fire and yet in only 88 thousand years a WOLF managed to accomplish a more effective evolutionary trait... and moreover, had such dominance over the ecosystem to be able to survive with a bright red coat.

This leads me to a theory of ' Active Evolution ', during the re-formative years of nature, species that found themselves to be more adaptable to the ever changing ecosystem that was around them, eventually leading to genetic changes that allowed genes to be mutated, replaced, enhanced, ect. actively as opposed to the opposite. This has been found in few squid species before Armageddon so it is something that has been done before evolutionarily wise.

I hate not knowing what the hell is going on...


I will be designating Kris Alpha class permissions within the facility for a temporary amount of time so I do not have to babysit her anymore, I have also updated Omega class permissions to accommodate to this change.

Our next move will likely to be an attempt to reach out to Kris's home, after that it might be reasonable enough to attempt to fix our satellites... they have been busted for many years now, it's about time we reclaim then.

Kris has not stopped talking about a ' Necromancer ', I might have to subject her to amnesia inducing therapy.

< End Log >

< Log Data - A.I. / Drone Population >

This list contains all A.I.s and Drones contained within the facility as well as knowledge used to differentiate the two.


Bellona - Log Data Memoire

Nike - Material Analysis

Janus - Project ' StarDust ' Monitor

Radia - Project ' Calamities ' Monitor

Sylvania - Creature Analysis


Vulcan - War / Security

Thanatos - Biofuel / Back-up Security

Bacchus - Biofuel / Food Cultivation

Sol - Satellite Monitoring

Nox - Cleaning / Study Memoire

Mercury - Cleaning / Cooking

A.I.s are robotic companions trained to be closer to normal computers via a prioritization of memory and mathematical function, they are they primary caretakers of the automatic functions within the facility and are objectively inhuman in nature.

This contrasts distinctly with Drones, who carry physical bodies and a prioritization of pattern recognition. With it, they learn and grow similarly to humans albeit slower and less efficiently. They do still comply with coding in consideration for such event they betray humanity.

There is one other physical manifestation of artificial intelligence contained within the facility, it's name has been stricken from data and hasn't been found. It's type and traits are unknown along with it's appearance.

< End Log >

Lua was busy, recently the raids against her facility was increasing both in scope and in frequency. Something inside was clearly driving these creatures mad, but there was no evidence of chemical or physical interference.

It completely undermined the natural concept of energy in animals, large animals require large amounts of food to survive... a natural ecosystem could, under no circumstances, survive and produce enough food for beasts of this size and density.

It wasn't long ago that Vulcan came across the red wolf, but that would be an isolationist creature in any other world... for whatever reason there were whole packs of the things here, and they were all well fed to boot... yet, small animals thrived and existed to this day, and despite the ridiculous numbers of both the various plants and other resources were irrationally surviving.

Where were they getting energy? Photosynthesis? Unlikely. Did they evolve bodies that allowed them to survive on much less food and water? That could be it, but Lua still wasn't sure. Infact, she was positive something was wrong.

The changes in biology were far too advances for only 88 thousand years... were her clocks wrong? Some kind of malfunction? She needed something to give her at least an estimate... because as far as she could tell with carbon dating, it was either 88 thousand years that have passed or 88 million. She shouldn't of been able to survive that long, her facility would only remain sustainable for at most 2 million years... what had happened?

Lua pondered this in silence while eating a meal with Kris, they were the only ones in the facility that needed to eat of course... the dining hall was filled brainstorming as both contemplated the future.

Kris was worried about her home, she had only recently been assigned to deal with a threat in the forest and she had failed.... but, she knew deep down inside she wasn't supposed to. Something about this place screamed towards her empathic soul.

She could innately sense Lua's frustration, but she did nothing about it. Kris sat in silence while eating her meal, until Lua broke the deafening silence with a question.

" Kris. What is the outside world like? "

Kris was stunned by this question for a second, then asked with a slight tumble of her words.

" W-why do you ask? "

" It has been many... many years. What is currently going on in the world?

" U-uh... oh! Uh, a Hero has been recently summoned to fight the Demon Lord... that's pretty interesting huh? "

Puzzled, Lua questioned further.

" Demon? Like the theistic kind? "

" I... uh, I guess? They are beings of evil connected straight to dragon vei- "

Lua interrupted her with a question.

" Dragon? What are you talking about? "

Kris was tense now, everyone knew about Dragons and Dragon Veins! Right?!

" E-eh?! Y-you know... big scary lizards that b-breathe fire and fly-! They have been around for thousands of years now... h-how long have you been inside here? "

" Since the world first ended, how long it's really been is a mystery. "

Kris dropped her fork in shock, her face greyed as those words entered her brain and rattled all knowledge she had until that point... her, a rustic hunter girl, was now talking to someone older than even the gods she worshiped.

" Kris... tell me. How old do elves live on average? "

" Hm-!? A... uh, e.. 2,000 years maybe if cared for? On A-average... hm... about... 1,500 years?? Why-?"

" Just a theory... I was under the assumption you lived the same lifespan as humans. Evolution into something like you would take... approximately 48 Million years. I can tell based on your societies culture, that being based on your clothing and language, that elves have been around for at least 6 million years... the earth should be much different... "

Kris was dumfounded.

" E-eh? "

" Sorry, I ramble. Either way... Dragon Veins, continue on. What are they? "

" O-oh... a, yeah... they uh... so, Dragons are connected to the weave... when they die, they leave that connection into the ground... animals and monsters can extract energy from them... and some shamans can use them to cast spells or summon creatures! "

It was Lua's turn to be dumfounded, this words sounded straight out of fairy tale... and to be more specific, something a kid would think up. Was she referencing Crude Oil? That would back up the time signature she created... but... animals and ' monsters '? Shamans ? Spells? The Weave?

A Fairy tale. It had to be, it doesn't make sense for magic to exist in real life... it contradicts with reality and Lua's Calamity theory... nothing from something and something from nothing... distasteful.

Had Armageddon truly wiped away the fundamentals of science? Impossible, surely... it couldn't be... but... Lua hadn't seen Armageddon itself, nor understood what happened. She had already evacuated per request of the Drones... what had happened?

With Vulcan's entrance, Lua was awoken from the unending spiral of thought she laid herself in... the complications were summarized to Vulcan himself who immediately accepted... in fact, welcomed it. Any form of power he could gain to protect and serve Lua would be worth anything he could give, but Lua had other thoughts.

' If... magic were to be real... and nothing could be brought from something and something from nothing... that may be another option to bring back humanity... I must explore this further. '

After a bit of back and forth questioning from both of the parties, Kris revealed many things about magic... apparently, it was a rare talent. Many couldn't use it because it was directly attributed to the soul.


Lua knew about the soul... it had become the object of many years of study in the biological and mechanical field, humans often had souls... that much was true, but they desired artificial ones.

Lua unfortunately didn't have the opportunity to learn more about the subject, a certain rival scientist facility had cracked it many years ago and perfected A.I., with it... the world was locked from development, they had a monopoly on learning. The soul was a heavily protected target, it was rare to even find articles referencing the soul in any passable way.

Kris had made an offer, " I could potentially unleash the power in your soul... but, if I fail then you might lose the ability to use magic in a meaningful way. "

Lua carefully responded while attempting to learn more, her curiosity blinding herself to the clear impossibility of it all..." Failure results in? "

Kris neatly said " Impotency, Sealing, Death. Failure can lead to those three results. "

" So what your saying, is that it's a gamble for supreme power. " Vulcan chimed in, he was building up heat fron the excitement of it all already. " Not unlike Genetic Soldiers, ay Lua? Maybe your smarty pants could figure out a way to make the magic equivalent of drone tech. "

" Cut it, Vulcan. We don't even understand the properties behind it to a science yet, we don't want a ' Staff of Hermes ' again. Kris, continue. What are the varying use of magic compared to say... Guns or bombs. "

" Oh, well uh... Ok, so there are 5 main forms of Magic with a few variations of them! When your magic is unlocked, what attribute you get is determined on your personality... and if you use a Dragon Vein you have potential to have a second one! "

" Explain the attributes, make sure to note this down Vulcan. "

" Ok, so there is fire, water, earth, wind, and grass... they all provide increases in ability for their users and in addition allow the respective element to be harnessed and used like a tool! "

" Variations. "

" Right! We have Lightning, Healing, Alchemy, Barrier, and finally Summoning in their respective offshoots! They provide less powerful buffs to their users, but stronger capabilities in their actual magic! "

" So, Kris, for example... If I were to be unlocked with say... Water. I would gain aquatic adaptations and the ability to move water with my mind, and if I had the variation of healing then I could potentially heal wounds of myself or an ally but lack those adaptations? "

" Exactly Mrs. Umbra! But... I am not very good at it... but my brother, Prince Arid, is very proficient at it! "


" Wait, you are royalty? "