*Chk!* The door slid open to reveal Morgan and the student that brought him over.
"Master Isshin, this Navy official wishes to see Kuina!" The student said quickly.
"Calm yourself. You are still lacking discipline." Koushirou said calmly. He turned to look at Morgan with a stare then Hyperion who appeared from nowhere. He attempted to admit a little pressure but was amazed it was ignored easily. 'A powerful man. Is he from that place?'
He ignored Hyperion completely. Thinking the only threat was Morgan.
"Kuina how are you?" Morgan knelt beside the girl and spoke softly. The image of his son Helmeppo ill like this made him drastically worried. He sent a small sound transmission to Hyperion asking him what was found out.
'Small mix of different things it seems. She was destined to die from an illness after a fall. This is slight overkill.' Hyperion sent went his Divine Sense. His eyes on the girl's father. 'This man is pathetic. Then again different beliefs.'
Kuina's worse moment was when she left after hearing her father bad-mouth her for being a female. In anger, she beat the adults in the dojo viciously that day.
Here, she had been ambushed by those adults and their friends later, beating them and taken critical life-threatening injuries. She then fell from the stairs because of the injuries at home. To strong-willed to seek help, not wanting her father to think she was a weak little girl even in that state.
"You wish to continue as a Swordswoman yes?" Morgan asked.
"Kuff.. I would like that a lot." Kuina felt herself getting stronger by the second. Hyperion moved over and placed his hand on her forehead and was healing her just enough for she could talk. "But.. I am just unable to get out of bed right now." Her smile was pained.
*Wham!* The door flew open.
"Kuina.. huff.. huff.. you ok?!" Zoro asked coming over. He saw the coat on Morgan but it didnt stop him. A fearless kid already. "You are going to be better right? You cant run away from our promise!"
"Zoro that is enough!" Koushirou said. "This is not befitting of a swordsman."
"But.." Zoro looked at him and gritted his fists tightly. "I am sorry master." He bowed and looked at Hyperion and Kuina. He felt a weird sensation coming from them both. Instincts letting him pick on something weird between the two. 'What is this feeling?'
Morgan spent the next 30 minutes talking to the father as Hyperion talked with Kuina and Zoro. He said nothing to Koushirou during that time that left any room for argument that he would see the girl again.
The student thought it was disrespectful until he heard that they would help her. Even he thought their master was a little to strict on her at times.
Talks went on for a bit more. Hyperiontelling no lies and making no promises to the two.
"So you and Kuina will come with me us?" Hyperion asked again. "You will be healed completely. And you two can chase your dreams to the utmost limits."
"You cant do this. They are children." Kuina's father said after hearing all they had to say. Koushirou was more concerned about the idea of his student becoming part of the Navy more than anything with his daughter at this time. His ties to Wano might be threatened if he did allow this. "Since when did the Navy do this?"
"New Navy. Well, my division anyway. I wish to see how far they can go. I rather not see them wasted here." Morgan stood up in front of the man. "Have a problem with it?" Koushirou bared his teeth in anger for a moment. The best option would be to let them go without a fuss.
"We are running out of time." It was mostly spoken for himself.
"It.. is.. my .. decision.." Kuina said. "You.. never.. Really.. Supported me." She stood up and walked forward on wobbly legs. Staring at Zolo she shouted. "I want to be the strongest Swordswoman in the entire World! Every World there is! I will do whatever it takes!"
*Boom!* A bit of power went through her from the soul. She obtained the first state quickly for her Spirit. Spirit Realm: First Energy Condensation. Hitting the seconds as her body rumbled with blood energy flowing quickly.
"Kuina…" Zoro mumbled.
"My daughter.. you are a girl.. you cannot.." Koushirou stated slowly. He felt a stare from Morgan silencing him.
*Wooom!* A light left Hyperion's hand and engulfed Kuina. He stepped forward placing some of his own Blood Energy to help speed up her body refinement.
Kuina winced in pain as both went to work. Her illness was forced to retreat as she was healed.
"Haaa!" Kuina exhaled loudly spitting up some black sludge. Her breath containing power. "I feel so light." She looked at her father with mirth. "You would let me die then let me go with him? I hate you!" This was not just the anger of a child. But a promise born from within. She would return one day to make him pay for this.
"Easy now Kuina. Even though I would love it for you to hate him and gain strength that way. I rather you go a different path." Morgan put his coat on the girl and looked to Zoro and Hyperion. "What about you?"
"I.. have nowhere else to go. The dojo has been home for the longest time." Zoro looked at the ground then to Kuina. "I will come to. I will show you that I will be a great swordsman. Even better than you!"
"I look forward to that day.. My friend." Kuina smiled then fainted. The ordeal to strong for her little body. "Zzz.. mmm.. Zzzz.." She was out like a light. Morgan picked her up and turned to leave.
"If you wish to gain your right to be her father again. Gain strength and beat me. Better yet.. Beat her. I dont think you will amount to much in either case. Your old ways are even outdated for this place. Filthy "Wano" people." Hyperion transmitted directly to the man's ears. He smiled coldly at the man.
Morgan pulled out a bag and dropped it. "That is 5 million. Enough to help with whatever you need for now."
The group left and stepped outside. Robin was just sitting down with the mouse running around her feet. She picked up a cart and some supplies while she waited outside. Seeing the cart with the supplies they got on and left.
Few weeks later-
They currently hovered near to Cocoyasi Village.
Hyperion had moved to the island with Robin and Morgan. The crew patrolling the waters for a bit to secure the area and deal with the pirate activity they came across. His disposition was peaceful as the memory he regained was fixed and awakened a few cultivation techniques to study and train while his body matured.
Kuina, Helmeppo, Zolo, and the Boa sisters taking a walk around the town.
The stop was a high risk one for to many reasons currently. But, it could shed light on a lot of things. The Scenario with the Arlong Pirates were murky at best for him right now. Something about mermaids buzzed in his head a little.
Approaching an Orange Grove, Morgan decided to take point on this one. ith Bellmere being a former marine and all, he felt he had a better chance than say Hyperion who had the image of a kid. Robin decided to take a trip around town by herself. Slightly depressed about something Hyperion thought.
"Survivors of Oykot kingdom... hello." Morgan said to them. "Former Captain Bellmere what nonsense is this? You look like shit. And worse, you could be so much more. As well as give those girls a better life."
"Tch, you already know about my other daughter.. that is disappointing." Bellmere looked at Morgan with a deep intensity. A bit of hatred as well. Which made no sense. "Why are you here Captain?"
"For you and your daughters. You had such a promising career. You can have it again. Your daughters as well as having a better life." He picked up an orange off the ground. Placing to his mouth, he gave it a sniff. "Sniff, sniff, how nice. May I purchase some?"
"Umm sure." Nojiko ran up to him. The innocence of a child on her face despite the few years of trouble they went through and still had technically. But a big sale could help out greatly. "How many?"
"How many to help you girlie?" Hyperion felt compelled to speak. Only drawing a slight bit of shock from Nojikowho saw the Halberd. She recovered pretty quickly. "I can pay, don't worry."
"About 12 crates or so." Nojiko nodded thinking that was close to the limit he could afford. But was surprised once more.
"Then 24 crates it is. Please take your time." Morgan smiled at her and watched as she went to work. He looked up and stared at Bellmere to get back to business. "I want you to join my "crew" specifically. You and your daughters. You can say no if you like."
"I say no!"
"Very well." Morgan looked at Hyperion who looked at the sky. It was very peaceful on the island currently. Having trained a little himself, he could tell Hyperion was using his Divine Sense checking the place over further. "Hmm, that is disappointing. Do not get killed in the coming days." A few minutes passed in silence as Nojiko finished up. "Hardworking child you are."
"Best way to live!" Nojiko had a full tooth smile.
"Thank you. Here is your payment and goodbye." Hyperion picked the crates up all togethor and turned to walk away. Balancing them was pretty easy. 'The others have intercepted a few pirates. I hope they do pretty well.'
"Wait, that is it?" Bellmere asked as she saw they were really leaving. "You are not gonna try anything else to convince me?"
"No. I asked, you said no." Morgan shook his head as they kept walking. "Guess I should have practice some better words. But something about her was just a little to intense for me." He whispered lowly to his little boss.
Hyperion chuckled a little but he could understand the issue. Bellmere did carry a type of intensity about her. Nothing he hadn't come across before though. But Morgan was more sympathetic to what she would go through in the coming years if she came with them.
"You will die in the coming days due to your own foolishness. A pity however since these girls deserve better. You should have never stopped training. Ever!" Hyperion said over his shoulder and kept walking.
"Bellmere .. is he right? Are you going to die?" Nojiko asked scared. She stared at her adoptive mother and saw she just stared at the departing figures. Turning, she finally saw the cape and the words on it. "People's Navy? What's that mean?" Her head cocked to the side a little. "Are they different than the World's Navy?"
"I.. I dont know. We will wait for your sister then eat." Bellmere lied a little. She heard a few rumors in town about the group. A set of Bounty Hunters that cleaned up all pirates they came across that had bounties and a few troublesome bandits as well. 'Can't really be them. And that kid.. he reminds me of that man to much.'
Bellmere gave a shiver before moving to go inside. The money they just earned would help a lot in getting actual food.
"Not bad oranges here, not bad at all. Such a shame." Hyperion said as they moved. His Divine Sense continued to search the island for anything special. But not much he could find. A few open areas that would be perfect for a base or hideout. or maybe a water park attraction. "Head to the hotel and rest up before moving further on."
"Sounds good. How about some shore leave for the troops?" Morgan asked hopefully. Hyperion did increase the training drills intensely as they moved further out. Even on the open water, they had to bust their ass in training. He received a nod of approval. "Thats good."