The rampant energy sent them through a odd point in time and space. Enough that Hyperion was absolutely furious at the incident itself. The blood pearls were immediately used to try and fix the issue.
Acquiring the Aspects of Time & Space with the energy he currently had stored was a gamble but it paid off. Everyone on the ship and the part of the island they ripped from existence were told very explicitly not to cause any issues.
Causing a bit of his memory to return before this place helped a lot. Removing a few mental issues he had when picking up a sword. Now he could teach Kuina a lot better as he reacquainted himself with a two-sword style.
The blood knowledge was passed to Robin and Morgan. Other information was passed to those who had the most accomplishments in their work. Zoro and Kuina taking the sword skills. Stella taking Rocks D. Xebecs' experimental knowledge with the ships Doctor.
Various sailors took the battle knowledge that left them pretty shock at how intense it was. Helped a long way for mental training for them. Maps were upgraded by those who understood them the most.
An island nearby needed to be checked for someone. Hopefully material for a weapon could be obtained. Hyperion needed better material to work with. That or an abundance of one type anyway.
-A few weeks later Kuraigana Island-
"Found him!" Hyperion declared looking at the ocean. The ship pulling in to dock pretty quickly after a few upgrades were made to it. To his right on the deck, Kuina stood with her two weighted swords in anticipation. "Oi! Dracule Mihawk!"
*Boom!* His voice amplified by his mental energy travelled directly to the man in question.
"Hmm!" Suprised, Mihawk turned to see a ship with a weird Navy flag. A second one waved higher, a flag with the words People Navy on it. "What is it you want?"
"Teacher.. he looks.. Dangerous," Kuina said. "That is going to be Zoro's teacher?"
"Correct. While I will be your teacher primary. However, you can learn from him as well." Hyperion stepped off the railing and slid down to the ocean in front of Mihawk on his halberd. He sailed across the water at an even pace. "I wish to duel you. When I win, you join my crew and become a teacher and a Lieutenant in bounty hunting. You win and I will give you whatever or anything you want. And I mean anything."
Mihawk was amused at first, but then the moving across piqued his interest. As well as the pressure exuded by such a young boy causing a cause for concern as he approached.
Behind Hyperion, spirit energy fluctuated. Enough that he gave off the image of a monster more than a little boy. The damage from dealing with the crack caused his cultivation all kinds of issues. As he had to redo all his seals to remove the taint that spread throughout his body.
Best time to use it all. Before it was wasted anyway. And just the help he needed was currently in front of him.
"Hah! I doubt you could. But a duel.. I agree." This Mihawk was younger and seemed to not have settled completely to his stoic future self. Which was good to Hyperion. He still had the special sword. So, that was at least happening. "Well, there is enough room here to fight. Will your ship be ok so close?"
"Oh yes." Hyperion turned to the ship and placed his hand out. Just in case. "Hah!" A force of mental energy protected the ship and kept it a good distance away. "Shall we begin?"
"Hmm yes. You are weakened by something. How odd that you think you can beat me." Mihawk had observed Hyperion with a glance. Seeing that his breathing was slightly off he could tell the boy was forcing himself somehow. Or he was either ill or weakened by poison. "I am Dracule Mihawk. I wish to know the fighter I am getting ready to duel." He pulled his sword off his back in preparation.
Mihawk attire consists of a wide-brimmed white hat decorated with a large plume. A white coat was to the side. A white shirt with a red vest. Flower-patterned sleeves and collar. The sword he used was the one from more of the manga iteration it seemed.
Yoru is a curved black blade in the shape of a Latin cross, with a golden crossguard decorated by red gems.
"I go by the name Monkey D. Hyperion.." Hyperion pulled out the sword on his right hip. A simple katana with a reverse-blade on it. He then drew a standard longsword with his right. A small circle at the very tip before the point. ".. but call me Captain if it makes you feel better."
It was neither Pride nor Arrgonance that left his mouth, just belief he would win.
*Woosh!* Mihawk swung first with little effort. However a blast of wind left out. Mihawk had used One Slash as an opening move. It traveled effortlessly to Hyperion and was met with a flickering light.
*Sching!* His attack hit against Hyperion's mental energy.
*Chish!* The power from the slash breaking it instantly. After the swing, Mihawk had his sword gripped overhead behind himself ready to deliver another strike.
"Ho ho, nice." Hyperion smiled. "Your attack One Slash. Here is my own." Hyperion outstretched his dominant sword arm at a 90-degree angle. He stepped and slashed in the same go. 'SkySlash!' The silhouette of a man appeared behind him from the energy. It looked a little like the Greek God Zeus. Complete with a toga.
*Fwoosh!* A gold black gale of pressure went straight to Mihawk. Eyes wide, Mihawk countered feeling his hackles rise from danger.
"Black Blade, First Day!" He shouted. A counter move he had waited to use. With Hyperion's next attack containing more power than he thought, he didnt hold back as a smile formed on his face.
Bringing his Black Blade with a double grip from over his back, Mihawk's counterattacked quickly with a powerful downward slash that wrapped around Hyperion's slash.
*Twist!* As the attacks clash, Mihawk watched blood leave from Hyperion's mouth. He was disappointed his opponent would not be able to continue. It was short-lived. "Oh!"
"Shine Bright!" Hyperion swallowed the energy in the area to supplement his own that leaked out. "Heh!" With a kick of his feet, he was off. Spiritual energy wrapped around the swords to keep them from breaking.
*Tap, boom!* An explosion sounded from where he kicked off from. His strength was uncontrolled with his body unchecked trying to break through. The sound caused the ground to become unstable as he moved.
"Black Blade Arc Moon!" Mihawk attacked with his Yoru at great speed in retaliation. He did not underestimate his opponent after that display of power. He cut through the pressure and engaged Hyperion in a clash.
*Fwwwooosshhh!* Air pressure wrapped around as the blade's collided, a force of wind blew everything away. The ground broke apart and the clouds parted. The ground rumbled for miles.
*Ching!* Hyperion pushed his opponent back slightly. The size difference makes it really hard for him to do so. Mihawk was not having any of that, as he pushed his sword back in a clash to give a little room. *Ding!* The off-hand sword pushed back as the dominant was moved for an attack.
"Tch!" Mihawk jumped back. Just in time as Hyperion swung sideways in a crisp swing. "Grrr." Mihawk growled as he felt a cut across his chest. Mihawk made a downward swing, he launched Flying Slash Attack quickly. It traveled through the cracks in the ground and splintered off. Attacking from all sides Hyperion was a sitting duck. 'How will he escape this? What!?'
Mihawk was surprised that the boy did nothing. He did, however, feel a disturbance in the air.
"Haaa!" Hyperion exhaled as his blood energy cycled. A swing of the off-hand sword sent a disruptive sound wave through the area. "Pursuit!" The right sword was angled in front like he was leading a charge. In seconds he ran through the broken terrain pass the slash marks directly at his opponent.
*Tap, tap!* Each step destroyed the ground more as he moved. Sound explosion crushing space uncontrollably in his wake. Jumping from an almost finished platform made from the destroyed ground, he directed the remains of his Spirit energy into his next strike. Sound and Space energy wrapped around his swords as he placed them togethor.
*Wooom, wooooommmm!* The combination of the forces was causing the area to fluctuate with power. Open space bending a little from the intensity.
'Flying Slash Attack!' Mihawk launched the attack again to build a few seconds to prepare his next move. A grin on his face as he felt his sword skills increase the more he fought.
"Stop!" A voice said from the shoreline. Mihawk and Hyperion turned to see Kuina and Zoro covered in dirt and water. The two swam over at some point. "You will kill each other, you idiots!" Kuina said. Zoro next to her said the same.
"Yeah! How can we learn if you two are dead?"
"Hah, you are right." Hyperion sighed. He pulled all the power back to heal himself. His body was so close to advancing to the next realm, not much could stop it now. "Koff!" He coughed a little blood and looked at it burn up.
Mihawk's attack had passed through uncontested and cut into him. With the energy just taken in by himself, he just received a bad gash on his shoulder. The wound already sealing up.
"Teacher!" Kuina yelled.
"Easy now. I am going to be fine." Hyperion sent both swords away. With a pull, his halberd was back at his side. "See, still standing."
"Hmmm!" Kuina and Zoro searched him over. Circling around like little animals looking at something weird. "Ok. We just need to find Zoro a new teacher. You two will most likely kill each other before yielding."
"No," Mihawk said. "We can call this a draw. That way neither lost nor won. Since you can give me anything, give me back my sister if you can. Then I will teach the boy. Maybe your master on the ship can help me."
"Master?" Hyperion cocked his eyebrow in wonder. Then it hit him again. He forgot he was a kid again. "Yeah, no master. But I will ask my grandpa to help. I am sure the old fart has some pull."
"Hmmm, where is she?" Zolo asked surprised. "Maybe we can go and get her right now."
"Yes." Mihawk told them of what happened. His sister was arrested by the World Government. He was then convinced to work with them for her survival. "Can you free her?" He was hopeful since the boy was just so young with this kind of strength. He had to know of someone that was powerful enough to help. 'Wonder who his grandpa is.'
"Hmm, give me some time and I can find out." Hyperion responded. He was referring to when they return to their own time and get things situated. "That is what I can offer you."
"I will give you five years! That is all I can give you." Mihawk gave him a deadly look. Letting Hyperion know in no uncertain terms he would be quite cross if he didn't solve the issue.
*Brrpp!* A small dimensional collapse appeared not to far from them. Hyperion froze in place at the very idea of getting sucked in some where.
"Alright. Excuse us, we have some other things to see to." Hyperion nodded and picked up Zoro and Kuina to run far away. "Time to go!"
But it was to late. They were sucked in quickly. Hyperion had just enough time to connect his ship in the distance with his Divine Sense to have it pulled along. Hopefully, they were not sent somewhere else far off.
When the Dimensional Crack closed them inside, it immediately reopened and spread in seconds. An entire timeline was completely destroyed in the aftermath. Everything reverting to energy that followed Hyperion and company as they returned back in time.