A few went ashore on the island as a Bounty Hunter group. Morgan would stay in pursuit of any pirate ships in the area. Trying to ambush the Arlong Pirates with any chance they could.
A hotel on the island would act as their rendevous point in case anything happened out of control.
Thanks to Hyperion expending all the Time & Space energy accumulated to help understand it better, Mihawk was already back and confirmed the Boa sisters were safe and sound at home. Clearing up most issues as they focused on the primary task at hand.
With Hyperion having gone through his recent Breakthrough, he looked really tall for his age. Despite not even being a teenager on record, he stood a foot taller than Robin. His hair a dark black with white tips.
His skin a permanent tan like most of the crew from time spent out on sea training. After scouring the island for any pirates that may have snuck on, they decided to get some food. A time of relaxing was not bad.
-At the hotel-
"How is everyone doing?" The server asked politely. Seeing the plain dressed people, he was quite happy about the visit. As well as the patronage from them.
"Good. Not bad grub here." Zoro said between bites.
"Mihawk, eat up already," Hyperion said to the brooding man.
Garp having come through with information about his sister made the situation a little better. The news was not good as she was lost during a means of transport to Impel Down. But confirmation said someone who looked like her was in the Kingdom of Alabasta. Mihawk sent the message to his younger self, having the information done in the way for him to search the country while he takes care of the issue he naturally would have taken care of while moving.
"You get to fight the worst people in the New World soon. That should be a cause for celebration. Count down the days. Not much longer."
"Haa, yeah." The man mumbled. "That man.. no. That thing is a monster." Mihawk just looked at the food for a bit absently. "To get stronger, what would I do?"
"Teacher eat up. The food is good." Zoro said. He took just enough time before stuffing another grilled steak in his mouth. "So good!"
"Yeah, I should." Mihawk started eating as well. "Not bad, not bad at all." After about an hour of enjoying their dinner, things finally kicked off.
*Chk!* The main door opens as a Fishman entered. Everyone stared as he was the only oddball out in the room. He walked over and sat at a table. A few more entering afterward like they owned the place.
"Where is Kuina?" Robin asked.
"She went with this orange her girl." Zoro said before taking a swig of his juice. "Think her name was.."
"Nami?" Hyperion's eyes turned serious as he stood up. A "scenario" starting and passing information over to him. Zoro nodded. "Haaa, I will be back." Leaving the table but reaching back to grab a piece of meat before Zoro ate it. "I know not to leave my food near you. Dangerous."
Robin follows behind him. She didn't want to miss the next event.
"Keep your guard up Zoro." Mihawk whispered to his student. Dessert finally came around. The boy kept eating but his sword was a little closer to his non-eating hand. "If they cause a problem, make a move instantly. Be quick and decisive when protecting friends or stopping your enemy."
"Mmh!" Zoro nodded and kept eating. "This is so good than what was on the ship." A few fishmen started to move about seeing Mihawk's sword. Moving to it was a bad idea. Another grabbed at Zoro's. "Oops."
*Bang!* The bottom of the sword sheath moved up. Smacking the fisherman's hand. The offender moved back in surprise and then further moved back in pain. Before Zoro could say anything in anger, Mihawk was taking out the others with him. A brawl started just that easily.
Stopping a Meaningless Death-
Kuina had taken out two fishermen but was tired from the fight. She was still a child fighting against adult mutants technically. Arlong stood back impressed by her skills with a grin on his face. Thinking of ways to exploit her as well as the others for Fishman use.
The bulk of his crew keeping the military ship that hounded the area busy. Little did he know the young girl in front of him was part of the same crew. Mistaking her for being another child hidden in the village.
A few other fishmen were unconscious from Kuina taking them out really quickly. She used quick methods to keep from getting overrun, despite it going through her energy quicker.
"So.. three girls. The tax is pretty high. You have the protection money Bellmere?" His voice came out sickeningly sweet. As if he was doing them a favor. "I will overlook her having been missed before. See, I am a good guy."
"Yes, we have the money. A good sale just happened today." Bellmere looked to Nojiko. Gesturing for her to get the money from the sales. Hyperion having bought some more oranges when they first arrived. "Go get it to pay him." The girl didn't move. She shook her head no in defiance. "Go ahead. It is ok."
The former Marine was a little sterner but still to soft when ordering her.
"No, we can buy some supplies to expand the orchard with that. And you can see a doctor. for that cough." Nojiko shook her head fiercely in refusal. "Eating oranges.. all that time was bad for your stomach to. And the smoke is not good for you either.. Or your teeth.."
"Yeah!" Nami added in. "Why should we have to pay this fish breath?" She stared at Kuina and Arlong for a moment. Kuina gave her a nod as she lifted her swords up again to keep fighting. 'She is so strong.! I will be like that one day! It will make map-making so much easier if I can go for long periods of time.'
"Oh.. not listening eh." Arlong took a few steps forward. Staring Kuina down. 'This brat is probably good for one more move. The boys have gotten sloppy. To be beaten by this human.' Another step forward, and Arlong felt a chill. "Hup!" He jumped back just in time. A slash of wind passed by in front.
*Sching!* It cut across about four feet wide in the dirt. Pieces of rock inside glowing from the friction. Kuina put both weapons down to support herself. She was spent. Both physically and spiritually.
'I wish I had not taken my training swords with me. To exhausting in a fights like this. But I haven't learned enough of that Manual yet.' Kuina vision started to fade slightly. 'Have to keep this monster back. Teacher.. where are you? At this rate, I will have to use that technique.'
"Hey, you have done well." Hyperion sent the sound transmission to her. A wisp of light energy entered her. Kuina felt the energy revitalize her pretty quickly. She stared at Arlong defiantly. Ready to have another go at him. "I saw everything. Good job."
Arlong took a step back not liking the look of things. His eyes having caught a little of what she was wearing and putting a few things together.. He could beat her, but he would take a little damage. And a few other things were nearby.
That military ship patrol group that did not take bribes caused him a little panic as the thoughts formed up.
"Oh, hello. You are far from home fishy." Hyperion said smiling. He gave Arlong a look that bore into the pirate as he walked past. Robin kept a critical watch on Arlong. Not as brazen as Hyperion with enemies. She even moved around the bodies on the ground. Unlike Hyperion that stepped on them in a brutal manner. "I say, you have trained pretty hard today." He placed his hand on Kuina's head giving it a pat.
Bellmere and Nami thought that it was odd considering he looked to be around the same age as her. They realized it was the boy from before after a closer look. Nojiko recognized him due to the sales she conducted with him, and seeing him around the village.
Arlong was furious at the treatment of his comrades. But the clothing Hyperion and Robin wore caused a little concern. The Bounty Hunters were well known for catching any corrupt officials and pirates in the area.
"Why are you here?" Robin asked over her shoulder.
"Just.. here.. to.. buy some oranges." Arlong made an excuse as he picked up two of his lackeys. "They were out .. and we had a little fun with the locals. But it is getting late. Have to get back to my ship."
"Oh, that makes sense." Hyperion nodded. He currently pulled in the energies produced by the family's Torment & Perseverance. Considering Arlong's ship was nowhere nearby at that, he would be forced to travel by sea. Giving Hyperion a good estimate of the fishmen's capabilities in the water. "I saw a few others at the inn. I think they started talking to two of my crewmen. Don't really know."
Robin created a few hands that pilfered the pockets of the knocked-out merman. As well as putting some dye packs in their pockets.
Arlong took off in haste. A bad feeling in the pit of his stomach that pushed his hatred for humans higher. If looks could hurt, Hyperion would have bruises.
"Thank you." Nojiko said. She hugged Kuiana who could barely stand from the abrupt tackle. Nami did it as well knocking her over. "You were so cool!"
"Haha, thanks." Kuina blushed. They were a little bit different then her, but she felt their kindness. 'They are like Zolo. Sincere.'
"Why didn't you go and get the money as I told you?" Bellmere asked with her head lowered. A mix of shame and anger in her voice. The incident of when Morgan and Hyperion were there last popped up in her head. This caused a stirring up of her instincts and what she used to be. A strong woman and not.. the sorry excuse of what she was now. "You could have been killed. All of you!"
She even directed the anger at Kuina.
"Better to die fighting what I believe in, then dying like an idiot." Kuina said. Her words cut in sharp. "If he would have killed you in front of them, I can only imagine what would have happened to them. Or the village. I heard of you when I was younger. You were a role model to several people. Imagine my surprise when I met you and you folded so easily."
Both an appraising and a disappointed look from the youngster.
"I bet the thought popped in your head, you could have pinned him to the ground and blown his head out with a single shot. But fear overtook you. Doubt and foolishness. Staying your head as well apparently." Hyperion mumbled. "But, slacking does that to a person."
"Later Nojiko, later Nami, you two are great." Kuina said as Hyperion lifted her up. She was happy the halberd was not on his back. "It was.. interesting to meet you Bellmere I guess. I can only hope to see you again."
Hyperion took a few steps before getting stopped. It was Nojiko that grabbed his coat. Robin looked at her then to Nami.
"Wait! I.. want to be like her!" Nojiko said determined. "I want to be able to protect my mom and sister!" Nami let go of Bellmere and grabbed her sister. She nodded agreeing. AT least knowing the situation was not that good. "We.. have to pay her back. She saved us from dying in Oykot!"
"We.. have to return the favor!" Nami nodded. "If she is by herself, she can pay tribute with ease. And afford food and medicine for herself."
"You can not take my daughters from me!" Bellmere cried fiercely. She had tears coming down her eyes as she stared at Hyperion. It didn't take her long to understand that the man that was with him last time Morgan, was not the one in charge by the way, he showed up this time. "I.. I am their mother! I.. will not let you!"
*Boom!* A strange energy passed out from her outburst. She hit Hyperion only with a force of her will. Then collapsed.
"Mom!" The two girls cried running over to her.
"Well.. that was something." Robin watched with a small smile. "She naturally concentrated her Spiritual Pressure."
"Yeah, that way is called Haki." Hyperion stifled a yawn. "Very weak compared to trained Spiritual Pressure. At the highest level recorded here in this Dimension, it can make people faint. Several old people Dimension already had it for the longest. And it was way stronger and more versatile. Making people faint is childs play. Killing is where it is at."
On his back, Kuina spotted a small trace of energy leaving his eyes. She wonders how much Hyperion experienced in his life. Little did she know, someone else wondered the same thing.