A few months later-
Hyperion was given charge of a small group of trainees to conduct Garp's experiment. A special commission was arranged by Garp. Some laughed at the idea of a child training recruits. But stopped once they saw the training he subjected them to.
Navy Seal and Al-Saiqa (Libya) training. To say the group under him had better days was not a joke. But they were the poorest members to join from the Goa Kingdom. And the budget was tight. With Hyperion taking the expense of the people under his ownership, it made it easy to nudge paperwork in a certain direction.
The fact they all signed Provisional contracts with him, helped even further. He gave them some blood energy to fix some basic ailments while they trained in the beginning. A little spirit energy to remove the propaganda and social issues that developed.
A good bit of energy was generated from the Provisional contracts. All the energy generated from it was sent towards re-establishing an Aspect. The faster it formed, the harsher the training given to them. But the more they all improved so complaints died down quickly.
Considering a lot of them did not want to be shone up by a little girl like Robin. Who, with good food, water, and a better outlook on life developed pretty well. She actually looked to be in her early teens by the looks of it to most of them. Physically older than Hyperion but not soul-wise. One thing Hyperion found out is that she came across the Paramecia Devil Fruit Flower Flower already somehow.
Currently, they were out at sea testing the ship out. Completely paid for by Hyperion with his money from bounties. As well as a small chip in by Garp to show his support for the project. And his trust in his grandson.
Garp himself was currently checking on a different matter elsewhere.
"Captain!" Robin called coming up. She had a worried look on her face. "A call for aide came out in the area. A marine ship was attacked by the cat pirates. Good chance for a bounty collection and to help!"
"I think we are already near the area." Hyperion pointed overboard. Robin and a few others following his finger. The closer the ship move, the more the picture came into focus for them. "This is a bad day.."
"This is pretty brutal.." Robin said under her breath. The crew nodded a little as they started to prepare themselves.
Several bits of wreckage littered the place.
*Tap!* With a jump, Hyperion sailed through the air towards the Marine vessel. The others not even attempting to make the jump.
Several marines floated in the water. As well as a bunch of debris and a few pirates mixed in. Very few pirates. Most likely from return fire by the marines, before they were dealt with by a stronger enemy.
As for the Marine vessel.
Hyperion just finished pulling back his Divine Sense from the area. The information helps to feed in the gaps generated from the Scenario that started up for the crew. More spirit energy could generate if he took them in. If they survived anyway.
"Haa, a little recollection is in order." Hyperion sighed heavily. Looking more like a troubled man than the kid he currently was. Tapping his foot in thought, he wondered about a few matters in East Blue. "How much trouble will this pirate cause if left alone?"
The marines had just come into contact with the Pirates of Captain Kuro. The crew was decimated leaving only Morgan alive due to the plan of having him bring the other guy as a replacement for himself. Faking his death while he did something or another somewhere undercover.
Morgan himself is under deep hypnosis of sorts to help play the part. The problem with that, a few of the marines were still alive. But just barely at this point if left alone.
"Yeah, gonna wake you out of this. Right now Morgan. Think you will make a decent "Contractee" and I did not like the man you will become.. or is it became?" Hyperion placed his hands over the man. His Divine Sense contacted his soul to set up the contract. He used the full incantations of the spells to minimize energy usage. "Glad my knowledge is coming back faster."
Hyperion was extremely careful as he tapped into the man's psyche. As well as using his Divine Sense to help clear up the confusion and explain who he was without mental suffering from what happened.
Someone who fought for something did not deserve this. Taking out pirates and the like that oppressed the people deserved a little more. Making sure he didn't turn into what he himself originally fought against was a big direction to help with.
As the provisional contract was signed by the soul, information entered Hyperion more specifically about Morgan. A pretty jacked-up life that was set to spiral horribly in a few years. Even worse from an interaction with Luffy.
Seeing as the death of his wife sort of messed him up, that was something Hyperion could not change easily really. Long since dead and resting in the afterlife. No reason to force a deal with Apophis to bring her back.
Morgan could but he wouldn't.
'Panacea.' Reciting mentally the technique, the hypnotize suggestion was wiped from his mind as well as the overwhelming fear of dealing with Kuro finally. The memory was there still, as Hyperion wanted him to remember a little. 'Definitely, a way for him to aspire to wipe that particular band of pirates out.' Hyperion then administered first aid using herbs and finished the other spells. Morgan woke up from his haze midway. "Easy there big guy don't.."
"Ahhh!" Morgan screamed bloody murder as the medicine in his wounds restored the damage. His jaw came back first as that was closer to the area with the most potent herbal treatment started. "Ah...ah.. ah!" Morgan started to toss and turn in agony.
"Yeah, that was kind of bad on my part. Hehehe..." Hyperion chuckled dryly. Having forgotten about pain tolerance for people. He stepped away and watched as the man healed and continued to thrash about. "Pain is only fleeting. You will be fine in a bit. But if you hurt yourself while thrashing about, you're out of luck."
"Damn you, brat!" Morgan got himself under control after five minutes or so. But then the energy in the herbs seeped into his bones. Said bones grew on his hand causing him to lose it again. "You little bastard!"
"Oh, how about you give me a thank you for healing me?" Hyperion didn't mind the curses really. It was to be expected. So he just smiled at him. Looking very much like a cruel child. The more Morgan screamed, the more energy he received. 'Such mental anguish from him, more than enough to make some elixirs for my sailors in the future.'
"I will make him pay for this!" Morgan grumbled. His anger reached new heights. All the pain he felt was directed towards the Katz pirates. "You are called Hyperion eh?" Focusing enough to ask questions, he sought to make more since of the provisional contract. Making sure he was not just delirious from the previous incident.
Morgen and Hyperion discuss what his job was. Morgan is unbelieving but only a little considering his current state. the healing of his body was due to the medicine, but he would be a fool not to notice the energies inside his body currently.
Hyperion was thinking of another matter.
'Hmm, those dying people in the water will have some information. Robin is rounding them up pretty quickly. The sailors are following the orders well enough. She is doing quite well.'
After understanding enough, Morgan looked at those he survived with all this time. The idea of them dying didn't sit well. He made a snap decision.
*Splash!* Morgan jumped in the water going to the weakest that he could spot first. Everyone he grabbed, he turned to the nearest life boat and threw them towards a waiting sailor.
Hyperion had moved below deck and grabbed the medical supplies to bring back up. He started treating those on the ship as best he could as they were brought over. A few woke up and couldn't believe a kid was treating them.
Wrap up-
3 hours later, everything was done as best they could do currently. The remainder of the marines would be given a burial. To far away to maintain the bodies while traveling. A few of the Followers had put them in a small area on the ship and covered them with ripped sails.
"The backup is about ten minutes out," Morgan said exhausted as he looked at Hyperion. "what are we gonna tell them?"
"Ehh, the truth. Well, the higher-ups will be told anyway. You survived the attack by Captain Kuro and his pirates. They left a decoy while they escaped. We will tell them they are laying in wait for a few years." Hyperion looked at the ocean and saw where the backups were coming from. A West Blue detachment. "Most likely they will declare him dead."
"And the look alike?" Morgan looked at the tied up sleeping man. "What of him?"
"The "Gallows" for him I take it. He is a pirate that will serve his purpose." Hyperion shook his head in dismay and turned to Morgan fully. "Will you follow me, Morgan? Not the Marines or World Government or "Any" other power. But me, the individual that stands before you?"
"I don't know. I have my son to think about." Morgan looked at the deck thinking for a bit. The information from the contract was vast. The fact that Hyperion was a Champion doing a Pantheon's work was something else. Much to understand. "I do not want to be weak and used again. Can you promise me that?"
"No. Everyone gets used. People tend to ignore it in make-believe or whatever type of mental persuasion." Hyperion shook his head at that. "Even I am used. Just not bothered by it. I am used, and I use in return. If you don't want that happening to you, get stronger, or isolate yourself from others."
"Tch, you could have just said yes you brat!" Morgan grumbled. A few of the others nearby just snickered at him. Seeing him riled up by a kid was something. But the pain was to intense to really catch most of what was said. All they knew, is that they lived. They were the lucky ones. 'They have changed somehow. I have as well. But just a little. My head feels a lot clearer.'
Thoughtfully, he looked up. Blinking at the sky, the sun shined on him giving a funny feeling.
"I can promise to be as honest as I can about things. That is all. My memory is currently messed up a little." Hyperion shrugged his shoulders and sent a sound transmission to Robin. 'How goes everything for you?'
Robin: All good to go. I checked them over with the Soul Search technique, as long as you do not betray them, they won't betray you. They are very grateful to not have died. I don't think you will regret this.
'Hmm, I am sure I won't.' Hyperion just needed the years to pass to rise in power and his body to develop. East Blue was a good place to do so. With the other areas going training. A small flux of energy drew his attention. 'Alright then.' Morgan signed a full contract. The marines signed the provisional one after Morgan talked to them. 'Sleeper agents are always good. That and finding out about psychotic people manipulating the government is a good way to push the desire to live and have the strength to the masses.'
As they waited as the boarding finished plans were made for the immediate future. With all the information obtain from the contracts, Hyperion was able to see a few scenarios unfold. A few people could be saved and brought to his side. Those whose destinies that were at an end and twisted by the Dimensional Collapse.
Kuina and Bellmere would help for Robin. Help with the trauma and get her out of her shell and teach her a few things about life. A better layout of the islands appeared in his mind as well. Lots of places to stop and pick up food and water.
A large number of islands for training and to test things further.
The remainder of the voyage was spent talking to the marines and talking to Morgan in detail. The marines saved from the water, were super excited. The idea of being sleeper agents in the World Navy intrigued them.
The pay helped tie things over really quickly for Hyperion.
'Yeah, this will work. Once we get settled I will get them some weapons as well as let them spend that money. After they go through the briefing.' Finishing his thoughts, everything turned a little more peaceful.
That didn't last long at all. A small pirate ship came into view off the port side. Most likely thinking Hyperion's group was easy pickings considering the damage to the ship and the debris in the water.
Naval Base-
"So you two caught Kuro Eh?" The Commanding Officer asked. Eyeing the torn clothes on them both and the blood on Morgan. "Not to injured either, bolds well for the future."
"Yeah no we did not. It is in the report right there." Morgan shook his suprised it played out like Hyperion said. Hyperion stood to the side chuckling. "I am not disagreeing with that report. You can say whatever you want."
"That we will." The Commander smiled. It would make good P.R. and a way to tie in some goodwill with Garp. Listing a joint job well done with some bounty hunters. The marines involved would receive nice entries in their jackets to make things smooth out some. "This will be great for us. I am promoting you to Captain Morgan! That son of yours needs you, so I think the promotion money will help get a good nanny."
"Thank you, sir!" Morgan saluted.
"Hyperion, the position would be yours if you joined up. Would really inspire people if such a talented kid joined the Marines." The Co. gave him an appraising look. But it was no dice. He rather stays a Bounty Hunter and works with the people on his terms. "Since you are so determined to do what you think is right, that training group you have will be under Morgan in charge of a special division in the area. Good luck!" The Co. was more than pleased. 'Finally a Navy Officer of the people fighting again. The lunacy will come to an end at least here anyway. Just need to talk with Garp to get his grandson involved in an official capacity.'