New Dimension-
The soul of the Fallen Champion traveled down into a pregnant mother who was resting. Powerful contractions stopped long enough to give her a break. The Dimensional Collapse caused problems in the area already. Just small ones in this location. Like her being alone to give birth to her son.
Fractured Origins and Futures already a hindrance in the grand scheme of things.
Entering into her womb, the Fallen Champion sped things up on instinct.
"Uggh! What is happening!?" The unsuspecting mother gripped the sheets tightly. Death would take her at this rate. But a feather wrapped in lighting floated down from the ceiling. Then another. One of a peacock and the other of a hawk. A warm light engulfed the woman. Passing on words of power that she could not resist. "I, just do not want harm to befall my son..."
The feathers completely vanished. The peacock restoring her vitality. The hawk restraining the power of the Fallen Champion that would have killed the woman to be born. As more messages passed into her, she understood that the child was not really hers or her partner. But the blood and her womb were needed to facilitate birth in a good way in the Dimension.
The Champion's very body would facilitate additional energy to heal the Dimension. The more he rose in strength, the stronger the cracks will heal and restore.
In hours, the second fetus was finished with its growth. The mother's next set of contractions felt almost pleasant. The energy swirling around her.
Hera lightens the burden, considering the pain the woman just went through. As well as the future emotional trouble she would have to overcome. The first baby came out easily enough. The one that was not her son.
"You already have a name. But will carry something of us as well." She looked at the child that slept. Not crying as she expected him to. "Monkey D. Hyperion. What an odd name." Feeling the light around her dim, regular contractions return. "Time for you to come out my son!"
Hera wouldn't deny her everything. Going through a regular birth, the woman felt exhausted. "My Son. Monkey D. Luffy. Nice ring to it."
The door opened as a large man came in. His white cape lifted up behind him. The symbol of this Dimensions military on it. Monkey D. Garp looked shocked at the two babies. One sleeping and the other crying a little. He yelled loudly for the midwife to hurry over.
"Quiet now." The woman said softly. Afraid the "other" baby would wake. But he didn't stir. Garp ran over-excited. Happy to at least help in any way. He cut the umbilical card for both babies. "You are like a kid sometimes, you know that?"
"Hehe.. just so happy. Didn't think I would get two grandchildren after all." Garp was all smiles. "Fine marines they will be."
The woman said nothing. Something told her that wouldn't be the case for the most part.
Few Years Later-
The boys grew up well. Both are energetic for one. Luffy was more adventurous than Hyperion. Who mostly spent the time that could be used searching the place or "meditating" a lot. No matter how much Luffy bothered him, he would not move at times.
Luffy also learned the hard way about playing a trick on Hyperion. Throwing water on him while in an extremely deep meditation at that.
Enough he didn't budge but sat there soaking wet. Catching a cold overnight.
Waking up sneezing and shaking, Hyperion hung Luffy from a tree and poured honey on him. Laughing the entire time as ants crawled over Luffy.... as well as a bear taking a few swipes at him.
Two others he didn't care for, Sabo and Ace tried to get Luffy down. But Hyperion just beat the two up soundly. They always skipped the training that Garp had them do whenever they could. Stronger than kids their age, but not able to fight experienced fighters or adults. Well, Ace being the "oldest" held out longer.
It wasn't until a very angry Garp came that things changed. Berating Hyperion for going too far and putting Luffy in danger. The bruises on Sabo and Ace did not help his case at all. Sabo and Ace got off scot-free.
Hyperion was placed in confinement. Which was perfect for him. It was punishment by Garp that he didn't grumble about in the least. Isolation allowed for more.. training on his end undisturbed.
Hyperion was trying to recover his Aspects. Which would allow him the ability to store energy once more. Almost every waking moment was spent rebuilding his cultivation base back up. Rebuilding his "core" to be twice as durable.
Twice as powerful. And twice as big. Only then would he be able to retrieve anything left over from his "Internal Space" deep inside his soul.
As the moonlight poured off his body one night, Hyperion felt the core form completely finally. His Aspect of Light returning. And everything it brought with it. Techniques revolving around light are available again.
A small grin on the Fallen Champion's face containing a memory tied him over a little. Hand raised up as moonlight danced around it, Hyperion felt generally happy. Comfortable with his skin once more.
"These Shining Fingers of mine are back!" He said in jubilation. "Divine Sense" already spread out not detecting anyone nearby. "Ground work for it is already there and I already know all the ins and outs. Just need to rise up the cultivation realms again for more devastating power output."
As the joy of the power washed over him, Hyperion did a handstand. His arms spread wide as he started to do push-ups. Legs moved as he did a few cycles and stretched.
Sweat dripping down all over. Flying against the walls in the room. Moonlight still enters his body to power his cultivation further. No rest for the ambitious.
Hyperion's blood started to thrum in his vessels. His bone marrow enriched from his body cultivation as he worked harder. The marine training Garp gave was to light. By the standards of an ancient former God anyway. The training he went through in different Dimensions were many.
But Garp did take note of the limits of the children. Adjusting accordingly.
Which was fair since he did not want to hurt "his" grandchildren. With the status of Sabo causing a bit of an issue as well.
Luffy's and Hyperion's mother had left two or three years ago. Hyperion not caring really, but Luffy bawled like a baby. He was very attached to her.
Wasn't long before he forgot the woman entirely.
About the time Sabo and Ace came around anyway.
Which happens around that age anyway with kids. They forget really fast in the formative years.
"Almost there!" Hyperion fingers broke the stone floor as he gripped it tight. Fingernails ripping off easily. Blood in his body passes through once more before the heart stopped. He held for three seconds. Then for 6 more. Slowly color drained away as he turned pale. Body weakening as it was deprived of blood. 'Almost there!'
Black seepage poured out the pores. White mist hits the ceiling after exiting his pores. The sweat all gone as Hyperion's body started to shake. Still, he held on.
If one looked closely, they would see the skin looked weathered. Old but tough. The longer it went on, the tougher the skin turned. A technique to strengthen and augment the skin. With it being one of the larger organs, it was best to take care of it early on.
A small bit of moonlight turned red as it entered his core. This was what he was waiting for. The fresh spirit energy mixed in his core in a violent swirl. Hyperion forced his body to start up again. A slight pain as his heart was flooded with energy unprotected.
*Splurt!* The energy forcing more of the old blood out. Burning it away and helping with the internal refinement. The internal organs were always a pain to refine. But helped remove the common flaws and imperfections that existed in the human body.
"Damn, that's smarts!" His teeth clenched at the force of spirit energy that started generating in his heart, he kept on pushing on with the other organs. "More black sludge! Always stinks!"
The black seepage was weakness and impurities forced out. The spirit energy caused the organ to change more at an accelerated rate. To survive the future strain he would put on it, this needed to be done and soon. Not only did blood flow through now, so did "blood energy" to help enrich the body continuously. Which would only grow stronger as he trained his Body up.
"Might as well do two Aspect with my other organs while at it." The Aspect of Light was great for all he would do. But more was better. Hyperion's lips puckered as his chest rose in tandem. "Bwwwwaaah! Mooooo! Eeeeeiiii!"
Different sound pitches left from his mouth. Echoing around the room and then looping back under the direction of the Divine Sense. The Aspect of Sound was abundant and very easy to obtain energy from.
*Thum!* The vibrations pierced the opening of his flesh, attacking his bones and viscera. Shredding them on a microscopic level.
Unable to support his own body anymore, Hyperion flopped onto his back. Regulating his breathing to pull in more moonlight and force the change on the rest of his body. Then full focus on recovery. The lungs and kidneys were next. Followed by the stomach and intestine. The eyes and nerve endings through most of the body after. Then the bones and extra muscle tissue that would develop.
'Spirit is on track as well as Body. Mind already done during infancy. Just need to hone everything until the next breakthrough. Techniques are plentiful anyway. Memory is strong just lacking resources for the advanced stuff. Guess the "tattoo" arts will be needed after all. Such a long time since I used it.'
As the light dance around the room, Hyperion tried to remember deeper details. But not much could be recovered still. The memories had dissipated from the damage from when he "fell" at the end of the war. 'I can not remember my friends and family faces. Barely remember my boss Zeus. Wonder how they are doing?'
Thoughts plagued him enough to distract him from the pain. As his energy continued cycling on instincts and routine. If anyone had microscopic vision, they would be able to see the most tiniest of strands moving through his body in a pattern. Only slightly faster if he did it himself.
Melancholy plagued every Champion of the various Pantheons at one point. No matter what Aspects they took up.
"Squeak squeak!" A field mouse scurried about on the windowsill. Seeing a human layed out was nothing new for the animal. Something they tended to do a lot as the mouse saw it. But the swirling light was new. As well as a latent ringing sound. "Squeak, squeak, squeak!" It hopped down and scurried over. Stopping tentatively a bit from Hyperion.
Not getting in grabbing range.
'I will not hurt you little mouse.' Hyperion sent his Divine Sense to the mouse. Basically speaking to its mind. But in actuality, it was the soul itself. The mouse jumped in a fright looking around wildly. It scurried up the wall and out of sight in an instant. "Hehe, even a mouse scurries off at me now."
Focusing back on his body, Hyperion got to work. His core stable finally as well as his organs. Opening to his Internal Storage finally. Completely depressed now, he closed his eyes lamenting.
Everything that was inside was now gone. Jewels, artifacts, books, food, emergency resources, and weapons. Not even his clothes and soulbond items were inside.
'Even my gifts from others are gone.' Hyperion felt a deep regret at some things that were irreplaceable. 'Guess I should have opened those last presents.'
It meant they would be lost to "time" and the "void" if they disappeared during the transition. Only those with those Aspects could get them now. Well, try to recover them anyway.
Not wanting to completely give up on it, his Divine Sense turned deeper inward away from the surroundings. 'Something has to remain!' His Divine Sense about the only thing remaining in strength.
Searching every nook and cranny for miles showed nothing. The hours trickled away with no results.
"Haaa, not a single thing." Hyperion left his internal space defeated. Now mentally exhausted as well, he went to sleep. "Completely from scratch." Those were the last words as went to lala land. Sleep would be black and devoid of dreams for the most part.
Internally, his internal space regained some light. No longer so dark. But that was it. In time he would fine it changed in newer ways. All the items inside had dissolved into energy to strengthen it. Currently, he was just too weak to notice.
The little mouse from before looked on curious once more. Something about the human intrigued it.
"Squeak! Squeak!" The mouse scratched its ear looking around curiously. The moment the Divine Sense entered the animal, it changed a little. So close to the circulating spirit energy in the room, was changing it even more so. "Yaaa!" It gave a little yawn feeling sleepy all of a sudden. It curled up on the windowsill. Joining the human in lala land.