Chereads / New World: Beginning Saga / Chapter 20 - Sakiro vs. JiJiO

Chapter 20 - Sakiro vs. JiJiO

"I'll help."

Yuuki's face brightened up. "Great let's go!"


'I can't believe I actually agreed to help her back then.' Sakiro thought.

Kamio laid on the ground in pain. JiJiO's fists were directly above him, coming down fast. Sakiro stood up.

"Stop it!" Sakrio yelled at JiJiO.

JiJiO's fists stopped right before hitting Kamio and crushing him. "What is it?" The giant man asked, annoyed.

"I think you've caused enough damage for one day!" Sakiro shouted.

JiJiO raised one of his hands, in a fist, and threw a punch at Sakiro. Sakiro jumped up and dodged the punch. JiJiO's punch hit the floor, causing it to start cracking. Sakiro landed on the opposite side of the room. JiJiO turned to Sakiro and threw another punch. "Protect!" Was the only Sakiro said before getting hit with the attack.

JiJiO brought his hand back up and stared at Sakiro standing in the same spot without a single scratch on him. "What the hell! How are you still standing!?" JiJiO yelled at Sakiro in anger.

Sakiro smirked. "You're not familiar with physical magic, are you?" Sakiro asked.

A giant scowl appeared on JiJiO's face as he started to throw many punches at Sakiro. Sakiro jumped into the air and landed on JiJiO's right arm and started running up it. JiJiO took his other arm and tried to punch Sakiro off but missed. Sakiro jumped into the air, going towards JiJiO's head, and punched him in the face, knocking him over. JiJiO hit the ground with a loud crash. The floor started to crack and crumble from underneath JiJiO, causing a huge hole to open in the middle of the room, with JiJiO falling in. Sakiro walked over to Kamio and helped him stand, with an arm around his waist. "You ok?" Sakiro asked.

Kamio looked up at him. "Yeah, I think I'll survive."

"What the hell happened here!" Bella yelled in surprise as she saw the remains of the cells.

"This is not good. Mackerel will be pissed."

"The prisoner must have escaped, from my guess he must be with JiJiO." Bella walked over to the hole and looked down it.

"Damn, I can't see anything down it," Bella said.

"I need food." Bella heard from behind her.

She turned around and saw nothing besides the motionless body of Yuu. "Who said that?!" Bella yelled.

"Where am I anyways?" Bella heard from the body of Yuu Sakimoto.

She walked over to Yuu and looked at her face. Yuu was now awake but could not move. Yuu looked up towards the ceiling and saw Bella's face. "You! Why are you here?!" Yuu screamed at Bella.

"It's simple, I brought you here," Bella said, smirking.

"I'm surprised you're already conscious. It must be your ancient power." Bella said. Yuu attempted to stand but fell back down.

"I will win this!" Yuu yelled at Bella.

To Be Continued