Chereads / New World: Beginning Saga / Chapter 25 - Yuu vs. Rex

Chapter 25 - Yuu vs. Rex

Kamio and Melissa ran through the tower trying to find an exit. "Damn another deadend." Kamio said.

They turned around and went back the way they came from.

"So you're the bastard in charge?" Yuu asked.

Rex glared at Yuu from under his hood. "So what if I am? You are just a criminal." Yuu crouched and put her hands on the ground, "Splitter!" She yelled in anger.

The purple energy beam weaved through the ground until it burst out beneath Rex's feet. Rex jumped back before the beam could hit him, dodging the attack. "Did you think that would work?" Rex asked while still in the air.

After Rex landed he ran towards Yuu and punched her in the gut. "Ahhh!!!" Yuu screamed, coughing up a lot of spit.

Yuu fell to her knees, holding her stomach. "I'm not so easy to beat like the rest of the incompetent fools in this tower." Rex told her.

Kamio and Melissa walked down a flight of stairs looking for an exit. "Have you spotted anything?" Kamio asked Melissa.

"No." She said quietly. They arrived at the bottom of the stairs, and a long wide corridor was what was in front of them.

"Damn, looks like more walking." Kamio said.

They started down the long corridor. 'I wonder how Sakiro's doing; And Yuu, I haven't seen her since we got separated.' Kamio thought. 'I hope she's okay.'

Rex walked over to Yuu and kicked her in the side, knocking her down to the ground. "It's clear that you can't beat me." Rex said.

"So, will you accept defeat?" Yuu stood up, almost falling several times.

"N-n-never, I-I will w-w-win." Yuu said barely above a whisper.

"Ahh." Rex sighed, "then die." Rex surrounded his left arm in a grey aura and threw a punch right at Yuu's face.

"That's enough, Rex!" Someone yelled at him.

Rex stopped his punch right in front of Yuu's face. He glanced over at where the voice came from. Irima walked towards the both of them. "Y-you?" Yuu said.

"Irima?! Why should I stop? She's a criminal!" Rex yelled in anger.

Irima walked up to Rex and slapped him across the face. "Yes, she is a criminal but, in most ways, you are too!" Irima yelled at him.

"What do you mean?" Rex asked her.

"I know all about what you've been doing to that poor girl, Melissa," Irima explained to him.

Rex didn't reply, he stared at the ground with a scowl. "You girl, I'll give you 5 minutes to leave the tower, after that, you will be hunted. Got it?" Irimia told her.

"W-why should I l-listen to you?!" Yuu asked, upset.

Irima sighed, "Just go, I have more important things to deal with, than answering your questions." Yuu looked at them with anger in her eyes.

"Fine." She said and started walking the way that Irima came from. Once Yuu was out of hearing range Rex asked Irima a question, "why would you let her leave?"

Irima looked at Rex. "I have my reasons."

Kamio and Melissa stood outside the tower, looking up towards the top of it. "I wonder where they are." Kamio said.

Melissa looked at the door and saw a person walking out. "Hey, who's that?" She asked Kamio.

Kamio looked towards the door. "Yuu!? What happened?" He asked and ran up to her. "Are you okay, did you win-" Before he could finish his sentence, Yuu cut him off.

"Shut up!" She yelled.

"I don't want to talk about it right now." She said walking off.

To be continued