Chereads / Clayton’s New Year Quest / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Henry watches as Squall, Quistis, and Sephie take another trip to see what Laguna and his boys are up to. They end up seeing Laguna, Kiros, and Ward standing at the edge of a cliff overlooking it. What were they up to?

"Hey, is this the right way?" Ward wasn't sure they were going the right. The team didn't know where they were in this dream with Laguna and them. Kiros came from the left and nodded that they were going the right way. Laguna seem to be staring at something. Ward was disgruntled because they had patrolled the wrong area last time, and he didn't want to that again. That when Laguna turns around with a frown on his face.

"I think we might be at the wrong place again." The guys shake their heads. Laguna isn't good with directions. The Laguna took out his map to look at it. Kiros and Ward watch as he looked at it. He then looked up at them. Something was wrong.

"Sorry, guys. I brought the wrong map." Now the guys had no idea where they were.

"I have a bad feeling. Maybe it's just my imagination play with me. But something doesn't feel right. He shakes it off, and the team continues to go down the cliff. They enter a place where rocks are going down a conveyor.

"These rocks are using used for tombstones. Why is there such a big pile of them?" Kiros could care less about why the rocks are there. But Ward was looking at Laguna, and something seemed off about him.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting strange?"

"I'm not acting strange. I'm on the cautious side." Then Laguna heard a noise from behind. He looks ahead and sees someone in a white uniform. Laguna notices it's an Esther soldier heading towards them. Then one sneaks up from behind Ward and Kiros. Time for a fight. They had better get to moving cause more of them would show up. So they continue forward. They head down a circular structure with a ladder. They go down the ladder, where they come upon an underground tunnel. Laguna looks in front and sees something shiny. He bends down to pick it up. It's an old key. Then Laguna feels a draft and notices that his back pocket has a hole. This was the pocket he put the key, and now it's lost. They walk over metal plates, and one of them has a loose latch. Laguna comes up with a great idea.

"What if we take the latch all the way out? So when the Esthar soldier come by here, they will fall through." The guys agree. Because they wouldn't make it out of here alive if they have to fight all those soldiers, they got to make use of what they have around them. But Ward and Kiros don't his plan will work too well. But they started giving Laguna's plan some thought. Maybe these soldiers won't be that smart to figure out they will fall for a trap.

"You don't give me any praises. I know I can be a genius at times." They wanted to take back what they thought about him after he boasted about his genius. As soon as they left, a soldier follows them and fell right into their trap. Then Laguna finds another key. But this time, he puts it in his pocket. No way it can go missing until he sneezes. Laguna doesn't have luck with anything. They come up to a blue and red switch with 2 fuses attached.

"You think it might be a detonator?" The Laguna thinks on it. On the way here, they noticed a blue boulder to the side. Maybe he chooses one of the fuses; something will happen to that boulder.

"So if we click this blue fuse, it will move the shoulder behind up, and the red one is for the one we passed a minute ago." But Ward wasn't sure how strong that detonator would be once its goes off.

"Don't worry if we're behind it before it goes off. It should be ok." So they chance it and set the fuse. They decided to go with the red switch. They heard it go off but not sure where that boulder ended up. They press the last fuse, which was the boulder right next to them. They would need to find possible cover for this one just in case. They headed up the ladder in front of them and waited. But the blast wasn't as strong as the last one. This one was rather quiet. They check the area, and nothing seems out of place. They go back up where they came from and continue. They finally end up outside on the edge of a mountain. Right behind them are Esthar soldiers. As they crawled to the edge, they see the ocean.

"At last, we're saved."

"Yeah, luck was on our side. Back to Galbadian, we go." The team was tired and exhausted. But Ward suffered the most out of the two. It looks like his throat was cut in the last battle. No more talking for him. Laguna spots a boat. He tells the guys that they're getting on that boat. So he grabs the guys and throws them over before heading over himself. So Zell and Rinoa are pacing back and forth, waiting for Squall, Sephie, and Quistis to wake up from their dream. The first to stir was Squall, and the girls got up after a few minutes.

"Did you see Laguna again?" Zell knew that what happened.

"Looks like Laguna is in Trouble. I hope he'll be ok." Sephie was frown due to this dream. After seeing them jump off the mountain and not knowing how they turn our can kind of sour the mood of being in a dream. Quistis didn't understand what was going on.

"I can see that you guys have been through this once before. What was that?" Squall was thinking to himself it was only him explaining; he would say it was some crazy dream, but when you have to explain to someone else, it would be whole another story.

"Well, right now, we don't have the time to figure it out. We need to get to Galbadian Garden." They weren't that far from the garden. The others left while Rinoa wanted to say something to Squall.

"I think I might have gone a little too far."

"It's whatever. Let go."

Meanwhile, Henry is enjoying the openness of this world. It has been a while since he has been in the open. So he wants to enjoy it and relax for a little while. However, the feeling is not what it seems. It is like he is being watched. That's when Squall walks up behind him.

"Don't get too complacent. You never know where the enemy is lurking."

"Oh, sorry. I don't get out too much. So I forgot where I was."

"It's fine to relax, but you should always be alert." Henry likes Squall. Even if he isn't the friendly type. Parts of him remind him of Clayton. But he knew that sooner or later, he will see his dear friend. The Galbadian Garden was right in front of them. As they enter, they see robotic type machines up in the air. The Garden has a different atmosphere compared to their Garden. It's quieter. Which Squall kind of digs. The rest not too much. Since Quistis had been here a couple of times, she knew the headmaster of Garden pretty well.

"You wait here. I got and talked with the headmaster and explain our situation." While Quistis went off to talk to the headmaster. The rest of the team would take a tour around the Garden. They were just about to when they were summoned over the loudspeaker.

"All Balamb Garden SeeD members. Please proceed to the 2F floor of the reception room." Look likes Quistis's conversation with the headmaster worked out. So they head up to the second floor and enter a room. They stood around waiting until Quistis came back from meeting with the headmaster.

"So, how did it go?"

"They understood." She walked up to Zell.

"And for your wondering question. Balamb is safe." Zell took a deep sign of relief.

"They release a letter stating that we would not be held responsible."

"So that means Seifer taking all the blame."

"Looks like it. The sentence has already been laid out." The team was shocked to hear that. Rinoa fell to her knees after hearing it.

"He's dead?" As she thinks this over, "yeah, why wouldn't he be? He held the president as a hostage," she didn't want to believe it. Then she tried to blame it on Squall's team. Quistis was a little upset about the situation dealing with Rinoa's group.

"If it hadn't been for your group, Seifer would never have been involved." Quistis went on about how Rinoa's group didn't prepare for the worst. And being selfish, think Seifer sacrifice himself for her. The whole team was feeling bad about Seifer being dead. The Rinoa goes on about how much she likes him and that talking with him, she felt like she could do anything.

"So he's your boyfriend?" Sephie replied.

"I'm not really sure. I think I might be in love with him. But I didn't even know if he felt that way or not. Squall didn't really want to hear about Rinoa's first sighting of how she first met Seifer. It was really none of his business. He just wanted to get on with business. And finish the mission that was at hand. Squall wondering if people would talk the same way about him when he died. What does death mean to him anyway. But he wasn't going to go out like that. Squall got so mad that he left. He wants to around and listens to people talk about him that way. He was going to do something about it. Then he was trying to leave when he got stopped by Seifer's disciplinary committee.

"Whata ya want?"

"Got a new order from Headmaster Cid for ya."

"So what the order?"

"Oh, I don't know. But the headmaster of this Garden knows it." Then they noticed that Seifer wasn't with him.

"Where is Seifer? Wasn't he with you?" Squall didn't know how to tell Seifer's crew that he might be dead. He might as well tell them the truth.

"He might be dead. I heard he was tried and executed at Galbadian." The crew didn't believe him. They thought Squall was telling lies. But what reason would Squall have to lie about something like that. Seifer was the one to take it upon himself and hold the president of Galbadian hostage. Since they didn't want to believe Squall, they were going to go and find Seifer themselves. Then a message went over the loudspeaker announcing all SeeD's meet at the front gate. So Squall headed to the front gate. Guess it was time to meet the headmaster of this Garden finally. The group line up, and coming toward them is a long hearse car. Out walks the headmaster. He was about middle age. He had golden blond hair that was sweep to the side. He wore a formal long dark blue trench coat with gold trimmings. He had a solemn look to him.

"Hello. I have an official order from your headmaster that I will give on his behalf. After careful consideration, I agree hold heartily with Headmaster Cid's idea. I will assist and cooperate in any way that I can. So I shall brief you on the mission." Henry was getting a little tired, so he decided to take a siesta while they went on with the briefing. Before Henry knew it, his siesta was over.

"What did I tell about being alert?"

"I know. But I got bored. That man's voice can put you to see. So what the next mission?"

"To assassinate the Socercess."

