Chereads / Clayton’s New Year Quest / Chapter 16 - Chapter 1

Chapter 16 - Chapter 1

Henry is stuck in another game. And he had no way to get out with Clayton's help. But Henry didn't know when Clayton would help him. He walked in the darkness until he heard a voice.

"Welcome." He knew that voice because he used to be that voice.

"Hello? Are you the narrator of this game?"

"I'm sorry. I'm not a narrator. I'm the host of this game." Henry is thinking, isn't that the same as being a narrator. It seems these games' people act as though their worthy and the rest of us are beneath them. Henry was so glad he was not like that.

"Well, host of the game. Do you have any rules or specifications that I need to know before we can start this?"

"Well, this game is different than the last game. The last game was a race to find your creator. This game is three-dimensional and has more movement. There are some more rules and information about the game." Henry wasn't so confident he would be able to finish this game by himself. This game seems a lot more complicated than the last one. If only Clayton were here, he would be able to help him.

"Well, I'll try to help. Should I tell you my name?"

"I already know your name, Henry." Wow! The game had everything under control.

"But you can't play the game just yet."

"Why not?"

"You need a partner for this game. And from we can see on in. Clayton won't be able to help you for a while." Henry wasn't sure what was going on the other side. But from the looks of it, it wasn't right.

"Is there any way I can see what is going on?" The game host opened a portal with a glimmering tint, like the screen inside a window. Henry could see Clayton talking with his parents, and his dad had his PlayStation under his arms.

"Could you turn up some volume so I can hear them speak?" Then he heard them talking.

"Clayton, I don't know what happened early. But maybe your mother and I had a psychotic episode, which caused us to see you going into the TV. But we both agree you need time away from the games for a little while. We will give this system back on Valentine's Day." Henry was on his own until Valentine's Day. He didn't he could do it, but then Henry remembered how encouraging it was when Clayton gave him the boost he needed to keep going. Clayton never gave up when he got hard, and neither should he.

"Game host, tell me the rules of the game."

"Welcome to Final Fantasy 8. The game before was becoming the character. But this one brings the character to life. This time you control the character."

"So I am Scarmiglione, the game host. But who are you?"

"I'm Henry, a kid that somehow ended up in a video game. I was free by the guy we just saw. Clayton. But then I started playing this game, and it happened again." Henry didn't care for this Scarmiglione. He wasn't even sure if it was a she or he. And Henry didn't want to go there. So he continued listening to the rest of the rules.

"So you will be Squall Leonheart. He's the leader of this game. He is a teenager. Around the age of 17. He had brown hair with light blue eyes."

"I bet there are other characters I will meet along the way, right?" Henry knew this much from what he learned from the last game. Now, what's the main point of the game?

"So, what is my mission in this game?"

"Follow the girl. That is all I can tell you. I will check up on you from time to time. And let you know about the progress with your friend, Clayton." Then Scarmiglione went to set up the system.

"Please laid here on this bed. This chip will be inserted into your arm. It will help me locate you anytime in the game. You will not be able to pause in the game and no skipping unless I see it necessary. Now relax." Scarmiglione inserted a needle into Henry's arm and inserted the tracking ship into his arm.

"Before I forget, you will now enter a virtual reality type field. Almost as if you were wearing 3-D movie goggles. You will feel like you are falling, and then it will stop, and you wake up in the game. Enjoy your trip." Henry closed his eyes and felt the falling sensation as he felt his body plummet through the vortex to enter another world of Final Fantasy. The feeling of falling was weird. He never felt this. It didn't feel right, and he just wanted it to stop. And soon as he thought it. It was silent. Henry opened his opens, and he was lying on a sand-covered beach. The waves of the ocean crashing up against each other. He thought Scarmiglione might have put in the data wrong for a second and sent him to another game. He got up and went to the water and kneel. He splashes water on his face to wake himself up. Henry saw his face.

'Wait. Aren't I suppose to Squall? Why can I see my face?" They heard a voice speaking from within.

"Henry, You are Squall. You can see your face only in the water or a mirror. But the characters in the game will only see Squall's face. So no need to get all bent out of shape." Henry wishes Clayton was with him. Cause he knew that he would give that host an attitude adjustment. Henry was trying to get used to his surroundings. When he heard music, the lyrics he couldn't quite understand. Words were flashing up in front of him.

"I'm here..." Who will be here? And why? Henry was confused as to what was going on. Was he in a dream of some sort? Was Henry in Squall's dream? Is that why is he is hearing the strange music and seeing words appear in front of him? That could explain why he is lying on a beach. Most people's dreams usually end up on a beach. But where's the beautiful woman? Then a woman appears in his dream.

"I'll be 'waiting' here..." What she means she will be waiting here? What does this dream mean? Henry hopes he hopefully wakes up soon because all this doesn't make sense.

"I will be waiting for" Why is she waiting for him? What does she have to do with Squall?

"If you come here..." Where is here? Why does she want him to come? Does she want Squall to find her? Henry wanted Squall to wake to find out the reason for this girl and why he dreams of this girl. The dream switches to a garden of field flowers and the girl grabbing them. The one she held, she releases it. The color change to a golden color and flew away—the color of the sky change to a dark blue—the color of the sky changes to right before a storm. Then we hear the thunder in the background. It changed this dream to something ominous. Henry knows something terrible is about to happen. The dropping out of the sky is a sword but is unlike anything Henry has ever seen. Then a mysterious woman appears in the background. She almost looks like a sorceress. But Henry is not sure. Then his vision changes.

He now can see everything through Squall's eye. He is now Squall and experiencing this dream as it is happening. Squall grabs for the sword, and in front of him is another guy. Henry thinks this must be one of the characters that Squall interact with within the game. It looks like Squall and the guy are going to fight each other. Henry wonders what this guy did to piss off Squall. It doesn't look good from the way he sees it. Squall has the upper hand and strikes this guy first with his sword. He lets the sword slide on the ground and slides it up to hit this guy. But before the blade hits him, white feathers wrap around his sword and through its trying to stop the sword from hitting the other guy. The feather started disappearing again. We see the girl again, and she is with the mysterious lady. The one Henry thinks is some sort of sorceress. The girl turns around, and she sees this lady sitting in a chair. She is wearing some sort of mask. From Henry's perspective, it looks like a helmet. The girl gets closer, and the scene changed, and we could see her face. She didn't look very nice. She might be a problem for Squall later on in the game. She has a seductive look. She wore acorn type headdress. The scene changed so much that it started to make Henry a little dizzy, and he couldn't keep up with what was going on. When would this dream be over?

Then the scene went back to the girl, and she was holding onto a necklace around her neck. This necklace must be something important to her. The mysterious lady disappears into a shimmering portal. And then we come back to the other guy attacking Squall. He jumps up and strikes at Squall, and he strikes back. Then comes behind Squall and torments him to go at him. He made that little finger move. Where he moved it up and down to gesture him to come to. Squall fell for it and came right at him. They went back and forth with the sword playing until the other guy used some sort of magic, and it blinded Squall. He lost his vision for a second. But when he came to, the magic pushed him into a rock, and he fell up against it. As he was getting up, Squall saw the sword coming towards his face. The blood spatter against the ground. The other guy's blade slashed squall's nose. Squall was pissed. That he retaliated with his sword, but it became surrounded by black feathers—another cut scene in Squall's dream. The location was switching between each other, and then it came to a scene where Squall was with the girl. The girl is falling into his arms. Then it goes black. Henry hopes this is the end of his dream. When we awaken, we are in the infirmary. A doctor is overlooking Squall lying in bed.

"So you feeling any better?" Squall look up and see that it is Dr. Kadowiki. What a weird question to ask someone who is in bed? Of course, he doesn't feel well. He has a big gash on his face. The doctor fussed at him for not being careful. Squall is taking his training a little too seriously. Maybe the dream he was in was due to a concussion?

"Why you just ignore that Seifer?"

"Well, I just can't run away from a fight."

"You two will never listen. I bet you, instructor, I think that is Quistis. I am going to give her a call." Squall laid back down while the doctor went and called his instructor. As he laid there with his hand on his head, he heard a voice say something to him.

"So we meet again, Squall?" Who was this lady? And how did she know Squall? Only time would tell he meet this woman again or not. Later he heard the doors opening to the infirmary, and in walked a woman with golden-brown hair. She was wearing a uniform type outfit. But she didn't seem like she was the instructor type. She came up to his room and just closed her eyes as she shrugged her shoulders. This kid gave her trouble. This is Quistis Trepe. She came into the room and fussed at Squall. He wasn't in the mood for her lecture.

"Let's get up. You have a field exam." So this must mean Squall is a student here, Henry is thinking to himself. Henry wondered what the name of this school is. It must be a military-type school from the style of the outfit. He usually wears a black leather bomber jacket with a fur trim collar and black pants with three interconnecting red belts, and black boots and gloves. He sports a silver stud with a chain around his with the carving of a lion. But for school activities, he has to wear the outfit permitted. While walking to Squall's room, Quistis tried to get him to open up to her. But he was having that. Squall kept anything he was feeling or thinking to himself.

"Squall, do you having anything you want to share with me?"

"Nothing." It was always the same answer for him to any question she asked that dealt with how he felt.

"I'm a lot more than what I seem."

"Then while don't you tell me?"

"It really none of your....."

"" Squall just wanted to get to his room and change for the field exam instead of questioning how he was feeling. He was sick of it. Henry finally gets a look at the school Squall was attending. It was huge and Lots of students everywhere. It was some type of school within a ship. It was coloring. The color of blues, pinks, and yellow all around. A beam made of a light that circles the school. Squall walks into the classroom and sits in the back. Quistis, come in from behind.

"Good morning, class. Let's all take our seats, please?" She proceeds to her desk while the rest of the class sits down.

"At 1600 hours, all those who have been assigned with meet in the hall. Oh, and Seifer, be careful next time in training. Don't try to kill your partner." When she said that, it pissed Seifer off. He slammed his fist on the desk and looked at Squall with an annoyed look. At the same time, the rest of the class left. Squall sat at his desk and turned on his computer system. The system read "Balamb Garden." So this was the name of his school. We scroll through some information and found 2 GF's, an animal creature that helps him in battle. It was called Quezacotl. This was a thunder-elemental bird. The other was Shiva. The Ice Queen. After grabbing the two GF's, he headed out the door but was stopped by Quistis.

"If you need to some additional training. You can use the system for help. But if your good, get ready, and I will meet you at the front gate." Squall would be heading with Quistis for his field exam. After leaving class, a girl ran into Squall.

"Hey, are you ok?" She giggled when Squall spoke to her.

"Hehe! I'm fine. Can you tell me where the homeroom is? I'm in a hurry?" Squall pointed to the class he had just come out of. She waved as she went in the direction of where the classroom was located.

"Hey, I'm new around here. Can you give me a tour later?"

"Sure." Squall really didn't feel like being the hospitality person, but no one else was around to volunteer. So he was stuck. She followed Squall to the bottom floor and took her to the directory located in the middle of the floor. He showed her where everything was located.

"Do you need anything else?"

"That's it. Are you talking the field exam today?"


"Cool. Me too. Well, I see you later. Good luck!" Then she took off, and he proceeded to head to the front gate. Quistis was waiting at the gate for him.

"I wanted to go over a few things before we head out." She gave him some instruction on how to make him and his GF stronger as one. Quistis showed him how to junction his GF to him. If the GF is more vital, he will be stronger.

"We will be headed to the Fire Cavern. So you want to junction your Shiva because she combats against fire. Let's head out." And they went to the Fire Cavern.


I hope everything had a lovely Christmas and New Year. And were social distancing. Safety is the keep. I hope you enjoy this new chapter. I have no set day for updating since virtual school started again. But I will do my best to get them out as soon as possible. Please leave comments and suggestions. Till then. Later!