Chereads / The World of Color Kingdom: Prologue / Chapter 6 - Shy Cliffhanger Ross

Chapter 6 - Shy Cliffhanger Ross

"Let's see if you guys can!"

Ross punched one of the twins, but the attack failed, and Shoe did a knife-hand strike on Ross's neck, making him fly backward.

Shoe teleports toward Ross, and he calf kicks Ross into oblivion, making James not react very fast. Then he kicked him again, but Ross grabbed Shoe and was about to smash him into the ground, but the White Clan member teleported to his behind.

The older brother, Horse, and his younger brother, Shoe, attacked Ross simultaneously behind and in front.

'James Ross is so weak, brother.' He said in a communication with his brother from his mind.

'That's why I regard my congratulations to our enemy Horse!'

He was talking to his brother with his mind while hitting Ross with both hands, and his brother Horse was using the dagger. Ross had difficulty focusing on his enemies when they were teleporting everywhere, damaging him without the nanobots of model XI0 protecting him.

Ross tried to focus, but Shoe appeared behind his back and tapped his back, making him turn around. However, when he did that, Shoe was nowhere to be seen.

After being teleported, Shoe said, "I am here, not there." After James followed the voice, he got hit front and behind by HorseShoe, then Horse appeared in front of his face, and his feet smashed James's chin.

'We need to finish him quickly before we connect. So I have an idea.'

"Hey pal, look down!"

James looks down, making Shoe not suspect anything, so Ross grabs the enemy's neck when he teleports from above his head and says, "Gotcha!"

Smashing him into the ground and making his bones break from the impact, making him unconscious. The older brother, Horse, tried to help his brother by stabbing his dagger. Without moving his legs, James Ross captured Horse with his hand, looking down on his younger brother Shoe.

Looking up at the older brother's face, Ross threw the White Clan member into the air, and a kick flew into his stomach, making Horse crash into many walls, breaking them.

Ross approached Horse and said, "Hmmm, what should I do to you?" He saw Shoe's body on the ground and had an idea. "I have an idea!"

Grabbing Horse by the collar and dragging him to his brother, Ross tossed him onto his twin's body when reaching Shoe.

When he did that, a woman's voice came out of the siblings' bodies, repeatedly saying, "Time up," while smoke emerged from their bodies. James was surprised and wanted to know what was happening, so he went closer.

A bright light suddenly shone from the brothers, blinding Ross for about a second. When his eyes adjusted, HorseShoe vanished into thin air.

"You guys's tricks would not work anymore, so come out."

Ross thought they were tricking him again, but he got nothing out of it until sudden pain accrued in his mind, bringing a little information about the abilities of Model XI0 and how the nanobots form.

Any impact James Ross receives, the nanobots traveling with his red blood cells, the shining black armor forms on his skin to protect the body part that's about to receive damage. The only weakness that information gives Ross is that his armor can't protect him when his Flow energy lowers.

The sudden information made Ross faint once again. He wakes up an hour later. 'I need to see a doctor or something after I find Samuel.'

However, Ross searched the nook and cranny of the hospital without finding Samuel, so he decided to leave the place.

"Sorry, Samuel, I am leaving here without you. I searched this hospital for five hours to find you, but you are nowhere to be found." After saying that, he left the place after being there for a day straight.

After not seeing it for a day, he finally saw the beautiful sunlight and stepped outside, seeing someone familiar. There was a group of police officers outside, keeping watch of the exit, but he didn't notice them when nonexistent people blamed their misfortune on him.

James wasn't bothered about them anymore, so he ignored his thoughts, and eventually, they disappeared.


After ignoring his mind, his sister's happy face became more visible to him than before. His younger sister, Shy, hugged him when he went toward her. Her long blonde hair touched Ross's back.

"I was so worried about you when I heard the news about the police outside, got slaughtered, and they couldn't find you and Samuel... Now that I mentioned Samuel, where is my husband James?"

"He was with me inside the hospital this morning, but we separated. I tried to find him but couldn't. I searched everywhere, and the White Clan was getting my way from looking for him sooner. Sorry, Shy, for losing Samuel!"

"Don't be sorry, James. It is not your fault. That's why they are searching for you two. Now you here, Samuel, be next. The only thing I hope is he's okay."

An investigator emerged from the police and said, "Mr. James Ross and Mrs. Shy Cilffhanger Ross. The man you mentioned is with us in the next hospital."

Two hospitals were on the same street, standing on the other side facing each other.

James and Shy need clarification about how they found Samuel quickly and why they did not inform them earlier. The investigator said he didn't want to stop the happy reunion with more good news.

After explaining, they went toward the hospital next to the slaughtered one. It was tiny compared to the other one, but people were living. It is a good trade-off.

The investigator didn't know where Samuel was at the entrance, so he asked a nurse.

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Brother, what do you need?" The nurse asked, confusing the investigator.

"I not your brother!"

"Come on, man. I know you are not my brother; it's a form of speech."

"Anyway, brother, I can't help you. If I had the list, I could help. Go and find a nurse who might have a list of patients."

"Thank you, brother." After the investigator said, they went to find someone who might have one.

A nurse was about to go and check the patient's room if they didn't stop her. Shy asked the nurse to give her the list she was holding, and the nurse gave her it after a few questions.

Samuel's name was nowhere to be found, which disappointed them, but the woman remembered and said, "Oh, this list needs to be updated. Find someone who has an updated version."

They left and reached a receptionist's desk. Shy went close to the lady with red high heels and said, "Excuse me, ma'am? Do you have a moment?"

She crossed her legs and said, "Young lady, what's the problem?"

"Do you have a list of updated patients today?"

The lady questioned Shy until the investigator came and said, "Madam, my friends and I are investigators investigating the murder case from the hospital next street. We want to know which patients were victims of that incident."

"Oh, shooks. If it's for an investigation case, then here it is." The female nurse gave Shy the list of names.

They looked at the list and saw her husband, Samuel Cilffhanger's name on the clipboard and the room number where he was. When she saw this, Shy was happy. She hugged the investigator and wanted to hug Ross, but he wasn't there. She puts it back and tries to find Ross to tell him the good news.

She saw nurses, doctors, and investigators in shock around the hospital. Shy went forward, asking one of the nurses in the area.

"Excuse me? What's going on?"

"A man named James Ross suddenly disappeared after going into that room." After hearing that, Shy ran quickly to the room where the nurse pointed.

"Be careful... not harm yourself, and your-"

Shy entered the room to which Ross went. She fainted when she also heard Samuel Cliffhanger with James Ross vanish into thin air. The investigator caught her before she hit the ground.

"How did James Ross and Samuel Cliffhanger vanish into thin air?"

A nurse replied, "I was cleaning and saw Mr. James's left hand connected with Mr. Samuel's skin."

Ross appeared in the air, heading toward the ground, but the Model XI0 formed the armor, saving James from the impact.

Before he could question what had happened, someone called his name, "James? Is that you?" A 70-year-old man with white hair and a cane stood 4 feet away when Ross fell.

At first, he didn't recognize the person until he said his name, "You don't remember your dad's friend... Mike?"

Ross remembered him after he said he was Mike.

"Ohh. Mike, how's it been?"


A woman's voice spoke in an unknown hidden place after knocking on the door multiple times.

"Can I come in, Sir?" The woman had a tiny top hat tattoo on her cheek and a rose tattoo on her arm.

"Ms. Rose, you may enter."

Ms. Rose entered and saw a man with a top hat on his head sitting on a comfy chair looking at his knight statue.

After entering, Ms. Rose said, "Mr.- The A-ranked Investigator, James Ross, killed the Iron Jaw Monster!"

The man was flaming after what he heard from Ms. Rose, but he calmly said, "Anything else?"

She replied, "Not to make you mad, but the heads of the Japanese Pantheon and the leader of the Persian Pantheon failed to exterminate the target!"

It made him even angrier, and he yelled, "Ms. Rose, leave before I harm you!" She instantly left.

"I will punish Horse, Shoe, and Diamond!"

Ms. Rose came inside and said, "Sir, before you punish them, look at why they got defeated."

He saw what Ms. Rose showed him, so he relaxed and said, "They need to thank you for making me stop thinking about their punishment, and thanks for the info, Ms. Rose. You can now leave!"

When she left, the man stared, laughing wildly.

To be continued.