Chereads / The World of Color Kingdom: Prologue / Chapter 12 - Infiltrating the North Dragon's Den (I) School bullies

Chapter 12 - Infiltrating the North Dragon's Den (I) School bullies

The Russian man took his white glove from his other hand, put it on the table, stood up, and said, "Too bad, that will be difficult to arrest me with you being caught and all."

His Russian accent showed when he spoke the Color Kingdom's language, making Mike ask a dumb question, "Wait? Are you part of that band named Russia?"

Alucard was confused about what he meant, so he didn't answer. Mike's wife, Bell, yelled, "Why are you this stupid? Russia was a country from Earth, not a band; Mike, did you not learn about Earth's geography?"

'Bell, why did you marry a stupid idiot.'

"I-I was joking. I know Russia was a country on Earth."

Mike was lying. He never knew Russia was a country and thought it was a music band his entire life until now. Alucard stood there watching them fight until he used a tape to tell two women next to him to shut their mouths.

The women put tapes on the intruder's mouths and left the room after they were done. He showed them the Disguise Rings from his hands and threw them to the floor, smashing them into multiple pieces with his foot.

"No more masks for you fools!"

"Now then, It's time to feed my dear children!" He raises his sleeves, transforming them into a baker's dozen tiny bats.

The "Meal Leader" of the bats found a tasty food, telling others to get ready to feed. That food was a human police officer who was tied up and couldn't do anything, only watching himself be eaten alive while screaming in pain!

Making the cop into a skeleton after they were done with the cop, but their hunger wasn't satisfied, so the meal leader of the bats found other food.

They flew to the Egg, not next to the intruders, stinking their sharp teeth on the person's skin and started consuming the blood. Alucard was watching that a goon was getting killed in front of his eyes without doing anything to stop it.

The Egg tried very hard to stop the bats, but in the end, it was over.

They were still hungry. They wanted more human blood. The bats needed blood that satisfied them. The meal leader of the bats was looking for their next meal. Its eyes glowed yellow, singling other bats that it found their next good food.

The other dragon eggs saw what the bats did to their friends, and Alucard didn't stop them; they ran away before becoming the next target.

The food the bats found was another police officer tied up, so they started killing the cop, while Hein Eduard was becoming sad that his men were dying.

"I can't take this anymore. Stop this shit!"

The bats were still hungry and went after the people who ran away by order of Alucard, and The Blood Dragon replied with laughter, "Why should I stop? When they are giving me lots of Flow for each kill!"

"The only ones I would never allow my babies to kill is when they targeted my right hand, Ariadna, and the king of the 7 Dragons, Immortal King Dragon."

Ariadna heard that and smiled at what Alucard said.

"Now that I have the perfect amount of Flow..." He slammed the table with his hand, "I summon you, The Vicious One!"

The small bats that consumed the most blood shifted into blood, going into Alucard and restoring his energy to summon a bigger and stronger bat.

After the summon, Alucard commanded, "Vicious, annihilate my enemies without letting a single one escape alive!"

It made a screeching sound fly to James, Mike, Eduard, Bell, and the officers.

The bat had a very interesting look that the small bats don't have. Black plug earrings are poking out of its ears. The bat's eyes had a unique color.

The Vicious One grabbed a cop's head with its feet, cutting it clean off from the rest of the body. Holding on the skull in its wings, it went to sit and munch on it.

Before doing that, it looked at Alucard and wanted to know if it had permission to eat. When the bat got approved, it swallowed the head whole.

Vicious One rips the other cops' head clean off, giving it as a present to its master who created it. Alucard looked at the face and saw that it was not one of the hostages but a dragon egg face on his hand.

He saw the intruders weren't there anymore, so he said, "Shit!" Then he looked at his right hand and saw she was not conscious on the floor, making him think.

"When did they knock her out and escape without me knowing?"

"It doesn't matter how they will never allowed to leave this place anyway..."

"...Vicious One, find them and kill them!"

The bat flew to find Alucard's enemies, and he went toward Ariadna, making her conscious again. He said what happened, so she apologized for letting them escape and teleported somewhere.

"I guess I should go too." He teleported to somewhere else will.

Meanwhile, James, Mike, Hein Eduard, Bell, and the other cops were on the main level, seeing the guests were all gone; even the security wasn't there.

"Is everyone not hurt?" Bell asks everyone in the group who is still living.

"I am not hurt, but is anyone other than me hurt?" Ross asked everyone after replying to Bell; they all were okay.

"I want to ask you, Mike and Bell, ever since I fought the Hatchling, how did get you to get into debt?"

"James, It's a very long story! We will tell when we arrest the Blood Dragon and leave this place."

"Okay! I got it."

He approached Hein Eduard and said, "Since those two didn't tell their story. I want to know your story besides wanting to arrest Alucard."

"Seems we are running forever. I will tell you why I want to hunt down all of the Seven Dragons of the Sea."

"The story goes way back when I was a high school student."


Ten years ago in Germany, a brown-haired girl with glasses was doing her homework in an empty classroom. The classroom door opened, but the girl was so focused that she didn't notice a boy enter the room.

The boy yelled, "Sister! Mama is worried about you staying at school to do your work. Come home and do it there. I am also worried, too."

He was speaking to her sister, and she replied in German, "Leave without me, Eduard! I need to finish this work before I go home."

"No, no, no! Mama will be angry with me if I show up without you, so I will wait for you to finish."

His sister nodded. He called his mother not to make her worried and sat down, watching his sister doing homework.

Eduard was sleeping when his sister woke him up and said, "Brother. Wake up. Let's go."

They left the school and walked toward their home, but bullies from their school came near them with smug faces. The group of four bullies were two boys and two girls, and they blocked their path.

"The bitch and her pet!"

"What do you guys want from us?" Hein Eduard said.

"Oh, the pet is barking!" One of the girls said.

"We want you shitheads to entertain us with your tricks!" The girls laughed when one of their boyfriends said that.

This group is the popular kids in their school, and most students look up to them.

One of the boys went to Hein's sister, touched her hair, and said, "Hey, be?!"

Before he could say anything, the brother grabbed the man's arm aggressively and said, "Don't you ever touch my sister!"

"Oh, look. A hero!" They all laughed, and then Hein got kicked in the stomach by another boy, flying into a lamp pole.

The bully who kicked him went toward Hein Eduard, and the other one who grabbed his sister's hair went toward him, too, but his sister tried to stop him, so she grabbed his leg.

"Move, you bitch!"

The boy slapped her onto a trashcan, and her body impacted the can.

One of the boys was clutching Hein's arms, exposing his body.

"This better wake him up!"

Eduard was unconscious from getting kicked into the light pole. Another kick impacted his stomach, bringing him into consciousness.

"Get off me! My sister is in danger!" He saw his sister getting beaten by the girls.

"You will forget about your sister when you start doing tricks!"

Eduard tried to kick the boy, but it didn't reach the bully, making the boys laugh.

"Stop trying fucker! You were fucked the minute we saw you two.!"

Hein blamed himself for being unable to help his sister and himself from these bullies. He started crying.

"Look, he's crying!"

The boy forcefully opened his mouth and put a dirty sock inside his mouth to see if he got choked or not. The first time, he was a failure, so he tried again. It was a failure again, so he was angry and punched Eduard in the face.

"Fine, if that doesn't work, these boots will." The boy removed his boots and tried shoving them down Hein's mouth, but it was the same result.

"Fuck! None of my tricks are working. I guess I have to kill you!" Grabbing a knife from his pocket, he charged and was about to kill Hein if his girlfriend didn't stop him.

"You dummy, stop! The boss is here!"

Those words that escaped from his girlfriend's mouth made him and the other boy and girl scared, dropping his knife to the ground. They bow down after feeling their boss's presence.

"Sigh! Why are you school punks bowing down to me?"

"Blaze, show these eggs how to respect me properly!"

Next to the boss was Blaze Dragon, and he went to them. Flames were blazing out from his hands, and he touched the bully's hands, burning their hands.

"Don't scream! Don't yell! Don't say anything! If you don't, you burn into ash!"

"Maestro doesn't like seeing you Dragon Eggs bow to him. That's more of an insult to him. He wants you lower beings to feel pain without saying anything!"

One of the girls suddenly dropped to the ground and died, "Mestro, I didn't need to burn her into ash. She died by herself."

Making the boss angry, "You idiot! You killed her!"

Blaze Dragon bowed to him and said, "Sorry, I will be careful with my flames!"

"Whatever, get up."

"Sir, I can bring her back to life!" A woman was speaking next to his left hand.

"It's fine, Healer. I didn't need her anyway. I have found someone else to replace her." Pointing toward Hein Eduard's sister's cold body.

Blaze went toward her and grabbed her, and he then said, "What about him?"

"Don't need him. However, heal his wounds and put a note beside him, Healer, saying we have the girl."

"Don't burn her now, Blaze!" She said that after passing toward him.

They burned the bullies into ash so as not to leave any clues that they had done this.

Going back to current times, Eduard finished telling his story, and suddenly, Alucard appeared, hovering with vodka in his hand while wearing a Hawaiin shirt.

The Blood Dragon poured the vodka onto the floor, teleporting the intruders to different floors inside the skyscraper. They were now split up, and Alucard vanished after that.

To be continued.