Steel takes out the remote control with a substantial purple button in the center of the remote. He presses it before the cops can question him about the White Clan. After he pressed the button, suddenly, he vanished into thin air.
A few minutes before Steel escaped, Anonymous was still dragging the show's host, and Diamond was behind them.
"Where are you, people pulling me too?!"
Anon looked at the host and said, "To your grave! However, I promise you, you can go if you say where your boss is."
"You mean it?"
Diamond smiled and replied, "Yes, he means it. One thing Anonymous hates is lying to people. I respect him for that, even though he's a creep."
"Okay, first free me, then I will tell you where he is?" Anon replied in an angry tone.
"No! How would we know you are not lying? What if we free you, and you will run away and not tell us anything."
"Fine, there are..."
The host told everything to them, and after Diamond turned off the paralyzed points of his body, he could now move freely without worrying about getting dragged by Anonymous. However, the host didn't move as far away from them because he got Thunder Clapped again.
Diamond approaches the host's face and says, "You know what? I changed my mind about letting you go. Suppose you led us to a trap. We'll let your family go if you promise not to screw us over!"
The host replied, "O-okay, I-I understand."
Anonymous grabbed the collar again and dragged him, and they followed his direction to the president's office. He can't risk lying to them. If he does or lets them in a trap, his family will die at the hands of the White Clan.
They reached their targeted destination, and Anonymous took off his hand from the host's collar, and later Diamond turned off her power. He was free again, and he ran away.
Diamond wanted to use Thunderclap on the host again to stop him from getting far, but Anon was the one who stopped her from using her power.
"You would waste it from using your Flow too much, and besides, letting him think he can escape is much funnier than doing the same thing again."
The host was farther away from them after Anonymous talked to Diamond. The sniper took the opportunity to take his gun slowly as possible to waste time.
The due time when the host is nowhere in sight, he goes to the perfect position, puts his silencers on, refuels the ammo, and puts the scope on top of the gun. He did this all slowly.
Making the host think he escaped from them is far from the truth. When Anonymous has sight on you, he will kill you no matter how far you go.
Then he lies on the ground for a clear shot at the target. He waits for the perfect moment to fire his rifle, which comes a few seconds later.
The host was not visible to him, so if he were a normal sniper, the mission would fail, but he was not. He was the White Clan sniper.
He calmly took a deep breath, knowing the bullet would kill the host. Without any thought, he pulled the trigger.
The bullet fired, twisted, and turned in the exact path the man took. And some point, the shot broke the concrete walls until reaching the target, nearly hitting his skull without killing a person who was not the target.
A blue flash ignited from the pellet when it was between the eyes of the head. The blue glint completely swallowed the man's head and teleported him to Anonymous and Diamond. Before he processes how's he alive, he gets shot in the head by Anon.
'I must tell the boss that the Teleportation Bullet works after this.'
Diamond was confused about why he had wasted a teleportation bullet when he could kill the host easily without using the modified shot. But she didn't want to question him because they were running out of time from their mission if they started arguing.
Anonymous returned his rifle to its den. He kicked the office door open when he took everything out of the weapon. Fling it toward the person sitting on a chair.
"Come on, knock before breaking my door." The man in the chair said.
There were two men in the office. The person sitting in the chair was the president of the 9-Hour show. A portrait was lying down on the desk. Next to the president was the vice president. His foot was on the wall, with many tattoos and black clothes. People first time seeing him think he's the boss's bodyguard, but nope, he's the co-leader.
Anonymous replied, "No, I don't need to knock on the door to kill you!" After hearing that response, the man returned to finger-tenting with a slightly evil smile.
"If that's so. Then get ready to defend because we are not going to die easily. Tom, show these rats what we are capable of." Tom stopped leaning on the wall and walked toward them.
Anonymous looked an ant up close to Tom, how tall he was. That says a lot when Anon wasn't small. And Tom looked like he could slay a dragon with one punch.
Tom went for a punch. Cracking the floor around them, Anon didn't let him attack again by touching his hand with his glove. When Tom got touched by the glove, he started hovering in the air. He was stuck in one place and couldn't go down or up.
Until Anonymous yelled, "GET LOST!!!" A "hook" caught on Tom's collar and forcefully flings him out of the window, dying after hitting the ground.
After seeing his vice president get defenestrated out of the building, he started clapping and said, "Impressive, you disposed of Tom quickly."
After speaking, he moved his hand under his desk secret, to which he pressed a button, opening a compartment with a hidden shotgun. The president was about to grab the gun but suddenly got paralyzed. His whole body couldn't move. He could not even speak.
"What were you trying to press, the panic button?" Diamond asked.
"Diamond, make him talk."
She nodded, circled with her finger on the mouth area in the distance, and said, "Paralyze off." Now he could speak again.
"Speak," Anonymous said while approaching the president.
The man said nervously, "Why did I do to the White Clan that you came after me."
After Anonymous heard that, he said, "You are the one who used Memory Erase on me, but you forgot what happened that day—the irony."
The host was confused when he heard dose words from the enemy.
"What do you mean?"
"What do I mean? You made a fool of me and made me forget everything that happened that day. That is not the worst part. The worst part was that everyone treated me differently when they saw me in the streets, and I didn't know why. When I tried to return home, my wife kicked me out, and you fired me. But one day, my precious lady saved me and let me join White Clan."
The man laughed and replied, "I'm sorry if I don't know you because it's hard to remember people I burned in the past few years!"
"And here I thought I was the only one who ruined my life, but there were people you did too. But that doesn't matter when I'm here to see you die anymore. Before I kill you, let me show you this."
Anonymous took the glove off to show the burned mark. When the show's president saw that, he remembered who Anonymous was.
"It's you... the first one, Je—"
The glove was back on when the president spoke. Anonymous intercepted him by saying, "I don't want to hear that name from your filthy mouth."
"Silent him, Diamond!" She nodded and turned on the paralyzing point on his tongue, making him unable to speak. After this, Diamond reminded him about their mission.
"Oh, I forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me." Diamond was a little annoyed that Anonymous forgot about the most important part of the mission. But in the end, all was good.
Anonymous returned, taking a remote control with a blue button in the middle. He clicks it, making a blue portal appear behind the entrance—a woman with a red scarf around her neck steps into the room by the portal.
This woman wanted to kill the president immediately after seeing his face, but she remained calm and said, "I was waiting for this day to watch my father's killer die a horrible death! Oh, thinking about it makes me excited!"
After talking, she stayed silent, watching Anonymous approach the president. He touched the cheeks of the man, making him levitate, getting stuck mid-air.
After that, he takes out his sniper rifle, lies on the ground, and kills him with no scope headshot. Then the body fell to the floor.
The woman with the scarf wanted to thank them, but he stopped her by getting a phone call.
The investigator team went inside the show's president's office, but no sight of Anonymous and Diamond. It seems they escaped. Not everything disappeared anyway. The dead body of the president and the host's body they brought with them in a body bag.
"Who are these two?" Merlin said.
One of the officers next to Merlin took out a tablet to check the bodies. A green laser came from the tablet, scanning the bodies. It showed lots of personal information like date of birth, relationships, jobs, how much money earning, and their names."
"This one is..., and this person is..., sir." After that, Merlin left with Excalibur. The non-ranking investigators stayed to find more clues.
To be continued: