Ross opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of the place. He tried to get up from the bed.
However, he felt he could not move from the bed, as if something had grabbed his limbs, and he would not let go.
"When did I get chained?"
Ross's voice echoed when he spoke after notching chains were imprisoning his limbs.
James moved his head to the right from the bed and saw a bottle of poison on a table next to the bed. Before reaching the toxin, he tested which chains could break easily.
First, he tugged his hands for a minute, and the chain busted into pieces. Then, he tried to do the same with his legs, which were harder to pull.
'Wow, these are harder than pulling my hand chains.'
'I guess I have to use the toxin from the table
from the table over there.'
Ross attempts to grab a bottle of toxins from the table, moving it slightly forward and almost dropping it to the ground.
'Sigh, that was close.' After taking a deep breath, he moves it slowly forward toward him.
'This is easier with seeing what position the bottle is on.'
His eyes weren't focusing on the table, only on the ground, so it was hard, but he continued slowly.
A minute passes when James finally grasps the bottle of poison and brings it in front of him. He opened the capsule with his hands.
'I need to pour the chains carefully not to damage myself.'
After his thought, he pours the venom onto the leftover chains, carefully not melting his flesh. They melted, freeing Ross from chains.
James got up from bed, looked around the room, and saw a speaker and a security camera on the wall.
"Testing... testing... is it working? I see you freed yourself. impressive." From the speaker, a woman's cute and deadly voice was coming out of it.
"Who are you? And why are you horrible at trap design? Come on, you make some chains easily breakable with just a pull. But I give it to you for putting a bottle of poison far away from my reach to make it harder for me."
For some reason, James Ross gives his kidnapper a tip about how to make it hard.
'Why am I helping my enemy?' He didn't even know why.
"My name is Diamond, a member of the infamous White Clan, and you are a very funny guy."
"Wait, what that means? You fools will ruin people's lives, just as you did to my past! I wish your group had stayed in the past and never returned!"
"If you have trauma from us, then I don't need to explain what White Clan is about to you… Thank God!"
"Where is my partner Samuel… Where is he!"
"You mean that man that was with you? If you meant him, I will not tell you it's a secret!"
Ross's plans changed when he got caught. At first, he was to solve the murder in the hospital, but now he got caught by the White Clan; he knew who was responsible for the killings, so instead of doing that, he tried finding Samuel and his jacket and exited.
Without saying anything to Diamond, James left his imprisoned room. The enemy tried to stop him from taking a few more steps by talking.
"Don't go any further. You be food for this hungry monster roaming around in the corridors!"
Ross continued without listening to her.
"Fine, go ahead straight towards the monster's stomach." She shakes her head from becoming disappointed in James.
"You are part of the White Clan and kidnapped me and tied me in the bed; you expect me to listen to you."
Ross ignored her once more, entering inside darkness without any light, all broken.
As a smart plan, James Ross went toward the wall, touched it, and moved forward slowly. From a distance, Ross's ears heard a roar and a scream.
"Yo, I got hungry from that teenager screaming."
Diamond goes to the fridge and grabs a cold pizza to munch.
James Ross heard Dimond's monologue about how she loves cold pizza, and different people's breathing was coming out of the speakers.
The most worrying thing for Ross is that the roar he heard has started up again, and it is much, much louder and closer than before.
Ross didn't want to deal with that, so he went
in a different direction from the noise. Surprisingly, there was another room, and he found it without the help of any light.
James heard a thudding sound hitting the hard concrete floor while walking toward the next area.
"Grand beef is cooking in the next room, Mr. Whatever your name is."
Diamond still thinks she is distracting James by speaking from the speaker. Ross does not pay attention to her remarks.
In the area, there is a sphere in the ceiling that opens up, repeatability summoning dead bodies that got killed, going straight toward the ground. Then, the floor opens up, and corpses fall into a vacuum without any trace. The only place that light shines at.
"Are dead people falling from the ceiling? How in the world did they do this in a short amount of time? And do I feel like I've been in this room before?"
James had a Déjà vu for this place, and Ross talked out loud without knowing his enemies could hear him.
Diamond heard Ross thinking loudly, so she started thinking very hard about what he had said.
'Interesting. James Ross was supposed to faint in this exact time and place without getting.
She thought hard until Diamond couldn't come up with an answer, so she explained it to the person next to her.
"Hey, bro, can you explain why our boss got his production wrong?" From what she heard, Diamond was on an emotional roller coaster.
"Diamond, I, not your bro. I have a name. One more thing, I'm not going to answer your question." The man behind Diamond had a very deep voice.
"Oh, for the fuck's sake, it's you being in here and not your crazy and fun brother!"
Diamond thought this guy was boring, and she knew his brother was more fun than him.
"Do you have other pastimes besides being miserable about seeing me every time, like a little brother?"
"Anyway, do you need anything else to tell me before I leave?"
"No, return to whatever you were doing, and don't return until your bro shows up!"
He fled before she finished talking, and Diamond didn't notice him disappearing from the room until she was done praising his brother.
James Ross left the room with a waterfall of bodies and entered a different area.
In the room, there was a random brown table in the heart center of the place with a chair beside it. At the ceiling, there was a black and white ceiling fan. There was a light bulb inside the core of the fan, blinking every few seconds, hovering above the table.
On the chair, there was his brown jacket. James goes towards the table and grabs the coat.
'I find my jacket now. I should find my friend. Then leave.'
He puts it on, searching his pockets to see if anything is missing. Nothing important was lost.
Now Ross has his jacket on and grabs the flashlight from his pocket.
"I hope you work." The flashlight was shining like it was new.
'It's working again. When it entered here, it died. How strange!"
After seeing the flashlight batteries were new. Ross remembered that he didn't have a walkie-talkie in his pockets. He searched, and there was no talking device.
Ross's trusty revolver had all six bullets inside the barrel, and his golden brass knuckles were in his pockets.
'Ah, I can't contact the outside world. How horrible luck. It's fine. I don't need help.'
While he was walking, an item fell from his pocket. Ross didn't notice it. James heard a whisper, turned around, and saw nobody there.
'Weird, I heard a person faintly saying, "Bingo." Whatever, it's probably my brain tricking me again!'
An hour he was passed when he found his brown jacket and saw the sign saying exit in Colorlish, the Color Kingdom language.
Unlucky, he didn't find his friend, but he made it this far and would not return to search for him.
'Sorry, Samuel! That I am leaving you behind. I wanted to find you, but I didn't expect to find the exit first, so I hope you find the way out.'
James opens the door to the outside world, and sunlight shines through his beautiful black face.
He was about to leave the hospital, but suddenly, someone in front of him punched his gut, making him collapse to the ground.
Before fainting the second time, he saw with his blurry vision the face of the person who attacked him without knowing what they looked like. Then his eyes closed.
To be continued.