Chereads / The World of Color Kingdom: Prologue / Chapter 3 - The Iron Jaw Monster!

Chapter 3 - The Iron Jaw Monster!

Once again, he wakes up in the same bed and room, but luckily, no chains are holding him back anymore, so he easily stands up from the bed like it's another day.

After he stood up, Diamond started to talk to Ross from the speaker.

"Welcome, welcome, to your enteral domain!"

"You're annoying that you are bringing me here, so don't talk!"

'Now that I've returned here, I have to find Samuel. But I also have to fight that monster now.'

James thought and talked to Diamond simultaneously. After finishing, James went outside of the patient's room.

James saw his jacket was gone again, so he went to where he went last time. He reached the area with bodies falling from calling to the void, going straight forward toward the table room where his jacket was sitting on the table.

A new security camera and a new and improved speaker were added to this area.

He didn't notice the banana pile on the ground. Ross approached the table and tried to grab the jacket, but he suddenly fell onto a hard concrete floor.


Ross's butt received the punishment for his worse noticing skills.

"Ouch, what in the world was that?"

He looked down and finally saw the banana.

'That would be embarrassing if someone saw that.'

Dimond saw him falling from a banana in the security camera room, and she started laughing uncontrollably.

"Hahaha, Haha... You're being funny, James Ross. I sometimes wish my clan was like that, sometimes."

Somehow, her laughter made her hungry. Plus, tears of joy were coming down from her eyes.

Ross stands up from the fall and pretends he never fell thar a banana. But he couldn't keep his smile away from his face, so he grabbed his jacket from the table without any casualties.

He wears his jacket and, again, checks his pockets. Nothing was missing besides the walkie-talkie.

Before going to the right, he heard something from the exit, so he went, finding a concrete wall inside the doorway.

"Uh, what? There was a door supposed to be here. What happened?" That sound heard was nothing.

"I placed this concrete to make you do something different and interesting, and it does protect you from him temperately anyway. Go back to the beginning, Mr. Investigator."

Ross returned to the beginning, where he was unconscious, and walked to the other side.

'Samuel, I hope you are here somewhere because I get hit in the stomach too often to find you. And please, exit on this side, not be covered by a wall.'


The monster's roar was too far away from him, sounding like two bears were fighting.

He tied the flashlight to his jacket and filled the barrel with six bullets from his revolver, going toward the sound.

Slowly hiding and watching the monster moving to avoid it, but unlucky, the beast heard him

from the tools in his pocket.

The thing in the distance made a mad dash toward James after hearing Ross.

The A-ranked investigator saw and heard the monster was near his nose, so he fired a bullet, jumping out of the way when it tried to ram him.

However, the monster's jaw reflects on him, and luckily, he hits the wall next to James.

He was tired, but there was no time to rest when the monster was close enough to bite his head off. It did try. Ross ducks under attack, avoiding becoming a headless chicken.

The attack Ross avoided hit another wall, making a crater. He took the opportunity to go as far as possible.

He got far back and shot the monster's head, but nothing happened to it. It loosened its head from the wall and blocked it with its jaw. No bouncing happened.

The eye's color changed from purple to red, with yellow-orange lighting flaring from its red body.

Roaring once again, and started chasing its prey. Ross evaded the monster's bite and ran further away. But the beast still got close, launching itself toward Ross.

Ross fired all six bullets, but they got blocked or ricocheted by the jaw.

James Ross stupidly raised his left arm, getting demolished by the iron jaw! His favorite hand was gone forever!

Lots of blood dropped into the ground, making him faint from blood loss. Before his eyes, Ross saw two mysterious people and the jaw monster sitting quietly. His eyes shut!


In a bedroom, a man and woman are sleeping next to each other on a king-size bed. Suddenly, the man woke up while screaming his gut out!

"No, No, No, No?!" After the loud noise, the man starts to take a deep breath, and it wakes his wife up.

She put her small hand on her husband's body and calmly asked a short question while being a little worried about him after waking up.

"Honey, did you see the same nightmare you always had?" The man replied to his wife by whispering.

"This time was different." He was sweating bullets, and the covers of the bed were wet.

"Honey, tell me what happened?" Her angelic voice made her husband at ease for a bit.

"I'll tell you the short version. I was in an unknown building, trying to move my body, but I couldn't. I saw two shadows before me, and one of them had tons of eyes looking at me. It moved toward me, and that's why I screamed in the middle of the night."

The man told the woman next to him some parts of the nightmare.

"If my full memories come back about the nightmares tomorrow, I would tell you, my bumblebee!" The wife takes her wrist off the husband's body and shuts her eyelids.

The man approached the closet to change his sweaty shirt into a different-colored and different-textured T-shirt. Then he went back to bed.

The Next Morning:

A green alarm clock was ringing to wake the person sleeping next to it. A hand was approaching the clock, pressing it to stop.

A young man with blonde hair yawned when he woke from bed. He looked at the time and said, "It's 8.00 am... I have time to sleep!"

He was about to go back to sleep but remembered it was 8 in early morning.

"Wait, it's eight. I will be late for school if I don't move fast."

He goes to the bathroom just outside his room to shower, brush his teeth, make his hair with a lot of gel, and finally, put on his school clothes.

The kid chacks the time again.

"Yes, under 25 minutes. The school bus would come any minute now."

He ran downstairs towards the kitchen.

A man in a brown coat, wearing a hat on top of his head, was reading a newspaper. His legs were on top of a long wooden brown table.

"Are you going to school today, kiddo?" He speaks to the kid after he comes out of the bedroom.

"You should know the answer, Dad?"

After he replies to his dad, he grabs a chocolate chip donut from the fridge.

"Honey, first thing in the morning, you should eat a healthier breakfast than that donut you're holding." The young man's mom said.

"Mom, I don't have much time left for a time-consuming breakfast when the school bus is about to leave." When the young man was about to leave the house, his father stopped him.

"Kiddo, the bus left seven minutes ago." When the son heard his dad say that, he worried about being late, but his father reassured him.

"Don't worry. I will drive you to the school."

"Thanks, Dad."

Inside the garage, only two cars could fit; one of the automobiles was red. A remote opened

garage door automatically after getting pressed.

"Did you have the same nightmare again, Dad?"

He was concerned about his dad's mental health when, every night, he heard his father screaming.

"It was different," the dad replies to his son. The kid is curious about his dream, so he asks anyway.

"Can you describe the nightmare to me, Dad?"

The father told his son everything he could remember from the nightmare. He made it much shorter than he had said to his wife the night before.

They reached the school, and the kid exited the car and ran towards it while thinking about getting late.

He didn't even wave goodbye to his dad. He would be on time for school. It was about what his dad said before he stepped outside the car.

Dad said two minutes before, "Do you have a minute, kiddo?"

The kid stopped whatever he was doing when he heard his dad say, and he replied with a simple word.


"Son, do you smoke at school?!" The son's emotions went from joyful to guilty very fast.

"What are you talking about, Dad?!"

"Stop lying. The cigarettes sent are all over you. Sure, you used strong perfume to cover the smell. You can't hide it from m-?" The son left the car before his dad could finish what he was saying.

'Sigh, Kids these days. I should comfort him later!' The man was about to leave the school when his phone buzzed.

'Hmm? What does my boss want?" He picks up the phone call up. When the boss finished talking, he replied.

"Understand, I need to call my wife first to tell her that. I am going to work today. Have a nice day!" The man hangs up the call and then calls his wife.

"Honey, I am working today!" The wife asked him not to go to work, but he couldn't, so he promised her he would be home before lunch.

"You know, I keep my words to you. I would be home." After the discussion ended, the man hung up and returned to his job.

He reached his building and went inside the parking lot that connected it to this man's work. A bald man was collecting money from the drivers to open the parking lot gate.

It was his turn. A bald gentleman told him how much money it cost to open the gate.

"Sir, you need to pay me ten peto!".

(10 peto roughly equals 1 U.S dollar),

Finally, the man parked his car. Later, he went inside the building and entered the elevator. That lift slowly went up to the 30th floor.

5... 10... 15... 20... 25... 30...

Ultimately, he reached his office, and someone was waiting for him.

"Glad you made it, James!"