Markus had learned much skill with the vampire hunter that had picked him up. The man had never given him his name and that was fine with Markus, it only created bonds.
He had built a name for himself and he had money to buy him brand new things but he only bought new horses if he had to travel and new clothes.
He saw the world changed and later no one needed vampire hunters anymore and with all his travels he had never set his eyes on his love again.
"I will see you in the next life."
Those words were his hope but also his burden, he had run across Maria a few times as she baited him into killing her which he never did.
He was getting tired of being alone, he had never touched another human being in the way he had Mathias, there were a lot of women who wanted to bed him but he refused them.
A few men wanted him, he gave in but he never touched them and never let them touch him was only Mathias was allowed. So they could only give him kisses and drag their nails across his torso, he played along but never went farther than that.
As his advisers had said that he would be hunted and he was, he always sent a message back to the covers with their vampire soldiers heads.
Night has fallen, he was tired and had to move on from village to village as he did not age. He looked up to the sky, "Mathias! Where are you?"
Only the stars glittered with no answers to his questions, he was already near the next village and his thoughts ran with him. "Maybe I should just slumber and maybe one day Mathias would wake me."
He kicked his horse's sides and entered the new village, no one was moving but noises were coming from a bar. The best places to get some information, he slowed his horse down and be mounted before the bar.
When he neared the entrance, the doors flew open as a man came flying out, he stopped before Markus's feet.
"And stay out!"
Markus quirked an eyebrow, "Excuse me-"
But the man grabbed his feet, "Please sir... I need some help."
Markus looked down at him, "I can not help you."
The man dragged himself up with the help of Markus's clothes, he faintly smelled of alcohol. "You look like a hunter."
How very observant of this man, "I am a hunter."
The man chuckled and smiled up at him, "What type of a hunter are you?"
Markus took a step back, "Not the kind you are looking for."
Markus turned his back on the man, he didn't want to get caught up in whatever this man was selling, he returned to his horse and was about to mount when the man was there next to him, "Please my good hunter sir. My daughter had been taken by a vampire-"
"Then she is already dead," Markus answered without looking at him, "They don't play with their food."
The man grabbed his coat, "She had only been taken an hour ago."
Markus turned his gaze to the man, maybe he should help him get some peace and then he would be able to make his peace.
Mathias had never returned to him and he was getting tired to wait for his return, 'I think I should take one long nap.'
Markus mounted his horse and looked down at the man, "Which direction?"
The man smiled, "Oh, thank you! Thank you."
"I asked which direction."
The man scratched his head and his eyes darted around, Markus grinned. 'So this is an ambush... Good, I haven't fought the covens in so long.'
The man looked up, "East about twenty yards."
Markus gave him a nod, "I will bring her back."
Markus kicked the side of his horse and rode to the exit of the village. 'Yeah right. Maybe I should just skip this fighting and take my slumber.'
That was a good idea, no one not even them would know that he would be going into slumber. So he might have some peace until he chose to wake up, hopefully to a new world and maybe just maybe his Mathias would be there to greet him.
He gazed skywards, it was a full moon and there were no stars in the sky. Instead of going east as the man suggested he turned his horse west into the last of the nightly hours.
He never had a specific destination in mind, being a hunter he would just calmly travel to the next village when problems surfaced with human girls getting kidnapped by the covers for their monthly due.
He had never liked that rule, he had always secretly freed them from his castle and gave them money to run. He didn't know how long he was travelling but he stopped when an abandoned church came into his view.
The windows were broken, the yard looked like it was abandoned for years, Markus grinned the perfect way for a Vampire Lord to disappear, he unmounted his horse and turned to look at him.
"Thank you for all these years, my old friend."
He left the horse standing there while he walked to the church, with no burning sensation which he thanked for being half-human. He pushed the door open, it creaked softly and he stepped through with dust rising to the ceiling.
He whistled and it echoed back to him, "This would make a lovely home."
He went upstairs and to his surprise, there was a coffin in the middle of the floor, "So cliché."
He walked towards it and pushed the lid off, it was one of the most expensive coffins and it was laid out with purple silk. His fingers trailed over it, "Mathias... I hope when I wake up that you would be there."
Markus climbed into the coffin and closed the lid.