Scarlet waits for the impact with the freezing water, but it never comes...
Instead she steps on water, like fucking Jesus!
She looks at her feet super thrilled, but her gaze goes back to the light and she continues to walk on the river, crossing it with ease and making herself disapear in the dark woods.
On the other side of the river, in the village. Helga is searching franatically for her dear friend and after some time she gives up, thinking that Scarlet probably needs some time alone and will eventually show herself before the dance.
Oh dear, was she wrong.
Scarlet continues to follow the light and after what it seemed like hours, she finally reaches it, only to find herself alone, in a clearing in the woods, with no trace of the light. It was way too late to go back and she didn't even know where she was.
"You must be fucking kidding me!!" she cursed in her mind looking carefully around her.
"Yep, i'm lost like a fish in the sea, actually, even a fish would do better than me!" she says, this time out loud thinking that, however, no one will hear her.
The hairs on the back of her head stand up and she breaks into a nervously sweat "There's someone here, but it doesn't sound friendly at all" she thinks "I need to get out of here fast!" and the only thing remaining to do "RUN!" she thinks then breaks into a sprint out of the clearing. Going deeper into this rabbithole but away from that 'friendly' creature.
Lukily for her, she was wearing some black sandals that helped her not to break her legs, but she still stumbles over a brach and hits her head on the cold ground, knocking herself out.
"What a weak being, letting herself be dinner for the beasts~"
The time for the dance is nearing and Helga and Scarlet's mom are going completely crazy searching for her. They have looked up the whole damn village and no sign of her.
"It's like she vanished into thin air!" says Helga
"And right after the dance, what happened to her, that made her hate the dance?" says Scarlet's mom
"Helga, what is it? You know something i don't?"
*deep sight from Helga*
"Tell me!"
"She what, Helga?"
"She's very sad after Thomas' death..."
"That's it? Nothing else?"
"Sorry, I should go, bye miss Eastwood!"
"Good luck in there!"
The mom who lost her daughter sights heavily and goes to join her other two sons and their father. "At least let's try to enjoy this night, tomorrow we will continue looking after her" thinks the brokenhearted woman, knowing that they won't enjoy the night one bit.