Chereads / Happy | Demi Lovato / Chapter 19 - 19

Chapter 19 - 19


I woke up the next morning in Demi's embrace and she was already awake.

"Good morning, baby girl." Demi's soothing voice spoke as she kissed the top of my head.

"Why do people say good morning? What if they're having a bad morning instead of a good morning?" I asked my older sister as I looked up at her.

"Are you having a bad morning?" She asked me.

"I don't know. It's too early to tell." I giggled.

"Yeah, yeah." Demi laughed before getting out of bed. "Hurry up and get dressed. We're leaving in fifteen minutes."

"Where are we going?" I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I sat up.

"We're going to the studio and the mall, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. Can we also redecorate my bathroom?" I made the best begging face I could.

"Of course. You weren't wrong when you said it looked like a magical princess fairy came in and sprinkled magical fairy dust over everything." Demi smirked as she used my reference from yesterday.

"Well, I need to get dressed." I told her, indicating for her to leave.

I picked out a black Malibu, California hoodie, a Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas Future Now t-shirt which I stole from Maddie, light blue skinny jeans, and black Converse.


I brought my clothes into my bathroom, grabbing my blade along the way. I quickly added a few fresh cuts to my thighs before getting changed. All of this is becoming a normal routine.


After I got changed, I made sure the fresh cuts on my thighs were cleaned. I made my way out of the bathroom. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and proceeded to make my way downstairs. Demi was downstairs waiting with a bowl of cereal.

"Eat this." Demi commanded as she pushed the bowl of cereal over to me.

"Do I have to?" I whined.

"You have to eat it, Charlotte. At least eat half. Okay?"

"Okay." I mumbled and shoved a spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

Stop eating. NOW.

"I can't do it, Demi." I whimpered as I pushed the bowl of cereal away after taking three bites.

"You're so close, baby girl. Just a couple more bites. Please?" Demi begged. She sat down on the chair next to me and held my hand, rubbing small circular patterns on the back of my hand with her thumb in attempts to comfort me.

"Okay.." I sighed and slowly took another bite, which then turned into another two bites.

"You don't have to eat anymore, Charlie." Demi said before I took another bite since she noticed I was struggling. "I'm proud of you." She pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. I smiled a weak smile.

"When is Max going to pick us up?" I asked her after she let go of me.

"Actually, Wilmer is driving us to the studio and Max will pick us up from the studio to take us to the mall." Demi informed me.

"W-Wilmer?" I stuttered as I began to panic.

"Charlie, are you okay?" Demi questioned worriedly.

"I.. I.." I couldn't form a proper sentence.

"Charlie, you have to breathe. Breathe in.. breathe out." Demi instructed. "What's wrong, Charlie? Talk to me, baby girl." She asked me once I calmed down and she grabbed a hold of both my hands.

"I can't say. H-He told me not to tell a-anyone."

"Who are you talking about?" Demi asked. I closed my eyes as tears fell out of them, running down my cheeks. "Please tell me. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you."

"I.. It happened when you were in t-treatment two years ago-" I began talking, finally deciding it was time that someone knew. I was interrupted by honking outside.

"That must be Wilmer." Demi grabbed her purse.

"N-No!" I grabbed a hold of her hand. "W-Wilmer hurt me!" I cried out.

"W-What?" Demi stuttered as she turned around to look at me. "Wilmer wouldn't do that.."

"B-But he did! P-Please say you believe me!" I screamed desperately. "I.. I can't go out there!"

"Hey, hey." Demi grabbed a hold of my shoulders and made me face her. "I believe you, baby girl. I'll text Wilmer saying we cancelled and have Max pick us up. It will give you time to tell me what happened. Okay?" She crouched down a bit to be face to face with me and wiped away my tears.

"Okay.." I whispered.

"Go sit in the living room and wait for me." Demi commanded. I nodded and went into her living room, sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Batman!" I smiled as Batman jumped onto the couch next to me soon followed by Ella. Demi came in several minutes later.

"Okay, spill." Demi commanded as she sat down on the couch next to me.

"Well," I turned around to face her. "I.. I don't know how to say this." I began picking at my fingernails.

"Just take your time, baby girl." Demi spoke soothingly as she stopped me from picking at my fingernails. I sighed as before I told her exactly what happened. I told her how he slapped me and how he was the one that took my innocence.

"I.. I'm sorry you had to know about that.." I whispered, tears threatening to spill.

"Charlie, don't apologize. It's not your fault." Demi began saying. "You're telling me that the man from a couple weeks ago didn't take your innocence? Wilmer was the one to actually take it? Why didn't you tell me or anyone else?"

"I knew you and Wilmer were still friends. He was there everyday when you were in the hospital. I didn't want to ruin anything.." I replied. "I didn't want you to think I was filthy." I spoke the last part quietly.

"You're not filthy at all. You had no control over what happened. Understand?" Demi asked. I nodded as I picked at my fingernails again. "I'll have to tell Mom and Dad about this. I hope you know that."

"I know that.." I answered right before there was a knock on the door, causing both Batman and Ella to start yapping.

"That must be Max." Demi stood up from the couch and grabbed her purse. "Let's go." She held her hand out for me and I smiled as I grabbed a hold of it.

"Hello, ladies." Max greeted us when we stepped outside. Demi shut the door and locked it.

"I'm a lady now?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow as I looked at him.

"You're still a kid." Max chuckled. I sighed heavily and acted like I was hurt at his comment. Max led us to the car and opened the back door for Demi and I. Both of us climbed into the backseat and buckled up.

"Charlie, I've been meaning to ask you something." Demi spoke up as we began driving to the studio.

"Should I be scared?"

"Not at all." Demi reassured me. "I have been meaning to ask if you would be willing to do an interview for my documentary. Mom, Dad, Dallas, and Maddie already did their interviews. We're waiting to see if you wanted to do it and would be able to handle it."

"I don't know.." I replied quietly. I was there when she had three strokes and a heart attack. As a twelve year old, it was scary to watch someone I really looked up to suffer.


I was sitting on my Dad's lap outside the room as the doctors were examining my older sister, Demi. We weren't allowed to be in there because they didn't want us to get in the way. Since we've been at the hospital today, Demi has had three strokes and a heart attack. To say I was terrified would be an understatement.

"She's going to be okay, baby girl." Dad tried to provide some comfort as he wiped away some of my tears.

"Y-You don't know that!" I cried out.

"Are you the family of Demetria Lovato?" The doctor stepped out of her room. We immediately stood up and waited for him to continue. "Her oxygen levels are dangerously low and if she makes it she could have some serious side effects." (A/N: This isn't exactly what happened because we don't know, I just needed something. Don't hate me.)

"What do you mean if she's going to make it?" Dad asked quietly.

"Right now to us, it's looking like she has five to ten minutes to live." The doctor replied. (A/N: Again, not what exactly happened.) The doctor then led us into her room and we saw all her blood coming out of her body and into a machine.

"Maddie, can you take Charlie down to the cafeteria? I don't think she should be seeing this right now." Mom told Maddie. It sounded like she was terrified and I don't blame her.

"Yeah, text me any updates. Let's go, Char." Maddie held her hand out for me to take. I took one quick look at Demi's almost lifeless body and looked back at Maddie. I grabbed a hold of Maddie's hand and she led us out of Demi's hospital room to the cafeteria.

"I.. Is she going to be okay?" I asked Maddie, trying not to cry more than I already was.

"I don't know, Charlie.. I don't know." Maddie answered quietly.


"So.. will you do an interview for my documentary?" Demi asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Will you be there?"

"Of course I will." Demi replied.

"I guess I'll do it." I told her as we pulled into the parking lot of the studio.

"Time to sing!" Demi exclaimed, opening her car door and climbing out of the car. I laughed quietly to myself at her excitement as we walked into the studio.