Chereads / Reborn in DBZ as a Human? / Chapter 33 - Meeting Bulma and Goku

Chapter 33 - Meeting Bulma and Goku

It took Raiden a few hours to fly to where Bulma and Goku were on the other side of the continent.

A few minutes before he reached the position of the 3 dragon balls Raiden had noticed a small shack in the middle of the woods he flew over.

"So that's where Goku lived." Raiden thought as he continued on his journey.

Finally, after a bit of flying, he spotted a small house on the side of the path. "It was starting to get dark so Goku and Bulma probably stopped to rest," he thought as he flew down to the house.

Once again he started to get butterflies in his but quickly knocked on the door before he got even more nervous.

After a moment a rather short kid with slightly damp spiky black hair opened the door.

"Huh another human, wow saw two other than my grandpa on the same day. You are a boy though right?" Asked Goku staring at Raiden.

Finally, Raiden remembered that before Bulma found Raiden in the woods, he had never even seen another person other than his grandpa before.

Feeling a small headache starting emerging in the back of his head Raiden began to think that this might not be as easy as he predicted.

"Yea of course I'm a boy. My name is Raiden nice to meet you," said Raiden trying to be polite.

"O I'm Goku. But how did you find us here. I'm didn't even smell you coming, and I can usually smell everyone," asked Goku.

"Well let's just say I have a different way of travel than usual," said Raiden with a smile as he stepped into the house.

"Also I'm here because Bulma's dad sent me to talk to her about the dragon balls, she's not already asleep is she?"

"Huh, no she's not asleep. She's in that room right over there," said Goku pointing to the room in question.

"Thanks, Goku," Raiden said before walking over to the room and pulling the door open expecting to see Bulma.

Well, he did see Bulma but a lot more than he expected. Bulma was laying down in the bathtub of the room, which Raiden now realized was the bathroom.

* * *

Her light blue hair was let loose and was falling down her back and shoulders and even if she was covered by the floor suds and water Raiden's imagination began to wander immediately.

Bulma turned her head to see if Goku had opened the door again but instead she saw a flash of blond hair before the door was promptly shut.

"Sorry, I didn't know that was the bathroom," said a voice too deep to be Goku's.

Then after a second, she heard the words," Goku you idiot! Why didn't you tell me she was taking a bath," following by a loud thump. Which Bulma could figure out was Goku getting clobbered by the stranger.

Bulma giggled a little hearing the Goku, the little twerp, getting scolded by the stranger. At least someone knew how to react when walking in on a beautiful lady.

* * *

Raiden finished "teaching" Goku some manners, to which the boy had several bumps on his head. But mostly he just looked surprised that Raiden was able to hurt him, when not even the monsters he hunted could.

He took some deep breaths to calm himself and finally the blush that had settled on his face after walking in on Bulma started fading away.

"I haven't felt like this since, well the last time I was 15." Raiden couldn't help but think.

As Goku nagged Raiden about how he was so strong, to which Raiden started explaining the World Martial Arts Tournament, Bulma finally walked out of the Bathroom. She was now wearing long pajamas and drying her hair.

Raiden quickly started to apologize saying," Sorry I didn't realize it was the bathroom. I just asked Goku where you were and he said that room. I'm Raiden by the way."

Bulma looked at him suspiciously but still replied, "I'm Bulma, but how did you I was here?" Bulma asked confused.

"Uh your dad gave me this," said Raiden taking out the dragon radar that he had gotten from Dr.Breifs. Bulma also seemed to relax when Raiden mentioned that he knew her father.

"But why take the effort to find us all the way out here. If my dad it would have taken you a few weeks to get here, even with a hoverjet," Bulma asked confused.

"Don't worry it didn't take me that long to get here," Raiden said with a smirk. "But I do have something important to talk to you about. It's about the dragon balls," Raiden said and shot a glance towards Goku.

Bulma catching his hint quickly walked outside and Raiden followed.

"So when were you going to tell him that when you make your wish his ball will be gone for a year," Raiden asked.

"Well, I was going to tell him eventually," Bulma stammered. "But that's not what you came all this way to talk about was it?"

"No, what I want to ask is if you could let me have this wish with the dragon balls," Raiden asked.