Chereads / Reborn in DBZ as a Human? / Chapter 36 - To The Ocean

Chapter 36 - To The Ocean

Raiden slowly levitated into the air and smirked when he saw Bulma's shocked face.

"Why so surprised? I told u I had a quick way of getting around," Raiden said with a laugh.

"B-but but how? You must have some new hover technology. There's no way you can just fly without any tech," Bulma said not convinced.

"Well believe what you want, I think a spiky-haired kid we're traveling with is getting ahead," Raiden said as he gestured to where Goku ran off.

Bulma nodded as he quickly pulled out a capsule and threw it on the floor revealing a motorcycle.

"Do you even know how to ride that?" Raiden asked.

"I'm the one who built it," Bulma said arrogantly and she revved her ride and shot off after Goku.

Raiden quickly followed after he in the air fly just a few meters above the ground.

They soon caught up to Goku who was running at a good pace even though he was carrying a giant turtle on his back.

"Heyy how are you flying. I thought only things with wings could fly," Goku asked when he saw Raiden.

"I can teach you later," Raiden said with a smile to which Goku eagerly nodded.

The trio plus turtle traveled on the road for a few minutes when Raiden noticed a rather weak ki signature sitting in place up ahead.

'Probably a thief, I'll let Goku take care of it,' he thought not wanting to waste his energy on someone so weak.

Just as he predicted after they had traveled for another few minutes the group was stopped in the middle of the road by a giant humanoid bear wielding a sword.

"Hey stop right there, how nice of you to have brought me my favorite snack. Now hand over the turtle," the giant bandit said.

"Y-yea cmon Goku give him the turtle already," said Bulma nervously.

"Nope," Goku said unfased.

"If you want to leave here with your lives intact you better give me the turtle, it's my favorite food, he'll taste delicious," the bandit said menacingly.

"Goku you idiot just hand over the damn turtle," Bulma yelled.

"No way I don't want to," said Goku putting the Turtle down on the floor.

"Well in that case you die first kid," said the bandit as he swung his giant sword down on Goku.

Raiden noticed that Bulma had not so subtly had driven away while Goku was getting attacked. He wondered how she even collected the first two dragon balls with an attitude like that.

Raiden watched as Goku made quick work of the bandit eventually jumping onto his huge sword and decking him in the face.

"Well I guess we can keep going now," Goku said having taken care of the bandit. "Hey, do you really taste as good as he said?" Goku asked looking at the sea turtle.

"N-no I promise I don't taste good at all," The turtle said worried that Goku would actually try to eat him.

Goku was about to carry the turtle on his back again when Raiden spoke up.

"He Goku give him to me, we can get to the sea faster if I help carry him," he said gesturing the turtle to come towards him.

The turtle walked towards him and Raiden quickly flattened out one of his ki balls to make a platform for the turtle to stand on. He then levitated it in the air and added a little barrier to it with more ki so the turtle didn't fall off.

"Now we can go much faster," Raiden said with a smile as Goku broke off in a much faster run now that the turtle wasn't weighing him down anymore. Raiden and Bulma quickly flew and rode after him.

It took them a few hours but they eventually saw an endless expanse of blue meaning that they had reached their destination.

"Wow we actually reached the sea, you really saved me," said the turtle crying tears of joy. "Please wait here I want to thank you all for your help," said the turtle as he swam off into the sea.

Raiden watched as Goku and Bulma played in the water as they waited for the turtle to come back. Not really wanting to get wet he just relaxed in the shade of a few palm trees on the shore.

After a while of waiting Raiden finally felt the turtle's ki coming back towards them, along with an extra passenger on top of his large shell.

Raiden smiled, he had always wanted to meet the legendary martial arts master, no matter how perverted he was.

"Hey look turtle's coming back, and he's bringing someone with him," said Goku as Raiden flew down to the shore to stand by them.

"Yea it looks like an old man," Bulma said as the turtle came closer.

Slow the turtle walked on the shore and the old man jumped off his back onto the beach.

"Good afternoon. I was told that you helped out my turtle here," said the turtle hermit walking towards the group.

"So which ones helped you," master Roshi asked the turtle.

"The two boys," the turtle replied.

"I see let me, the legendary turtle hermit, reward you two," said master Roshi. He seemed to think about what to give them for a second before he pointed towards the sky with his staff and said, "Come to me Flying Nimbus!!"