Chereads / Reborn in DBZ as a Human? / Chapter 38 - So long Oolong

Chapter 38 - So long Oolong

The ax struck Goku right on the head and then crumbled to pieces...

"Damn Sayian genetics what's his head made of," Raiden cursed in his head.

Goku spun around and focused on his attacker, a rather short and badly balding middle-aged old man wearing overalls.

"H-Hey that really hurt, what're you doing," Goku yelled.

"Please forgive me Lord Oolong. I will give you all the food and money that you want, just don't take my daughter," the man begged.

"Huh," said Goku and Bulma in surprise.

* * *

"Ahh so you are just travelers, please forgive me. I did think it was strange for Oolong to come early," the man, whose name was Grian, apologized.

"You know that ax would've killed me if it hit me instead," Bulma snapped. The old man just looked down in shame.

"It's alright let's just get Goku patched up first," Raiden intervened and the group went out to see the rest of the villagers. Quickly Goku got the bump on his head bandaged by the daughter Grian had mentioned.

Out of nowhere, Raiden watched Goku pat Grian's daughter on the ... privates with a smile on his face saying, " So you're a girl."

Before Raiden could react Bulma had already punched Goku on the head for his action and Raiden felt it was rather justified. Raiden decided he would have to teach the kid certain things in the future, probably when Bulma wasn't around.

"Hey by the way who is this Oolong you've been talking about," Bulma asked.

"Oolong is a monstrous shapeshifter that lives around this area, but no one knows what did true form really is. Just yesterday he came to the village in the form of a large demon and demanded that I give him my daughter as his bride, otherwise he would eat all of us. He has already kidnapped many of the village girls and I fear my daughter might be next," Grian explained.

'So all I have to do is beat him up," Goku said

"W-Well he's a huge monster I don't know how you're going to beat him," Grian replied.

"Hey wait a second do you happen to have a ball that looks a little like this. Maybe with a different number of stars on it," Bulma asked fishing a dragon ball out of the backpack she had on.

"Huh, I don't think I have anything like that," Grian said inspecting the ball.

"Hey wait a minute, I have something that looks just like that," said an elderly village woman stepping forward.

She looked at the ball for a second before going back to her home to see if she did indeed have a dragon ball. She was only gone for a minute before she came back outside holding onto what looked to be the seven-star ball.

"It was something my grandmother picked up long ago," she said showing Raiden and Bulma the dragon ball. Goku was more focused on also patting the old man in the privates which earning him another scolding from Bulma.

"Hey, so you really did have one. Tell you what, give us the ball and we'll get rid of oolong for you," Bulma offered.

"Well, we would love to get rid of the monster but don't you think that'll be a little hard for you to defeat him. You don't exactly look like the fighting type," the old woman asked

"It won't be me that fights him it'll be him," she said point to Goku who was nursing another bump on his head. This time from Raiden's fists instead of Bulma's.

"But what about the girls he kidnapped, if you get rid of Oolong how will we find them?" asked Grian.

"Don't worry it's not like we're going to kill Oolong, we're just going to beat him up. Also about the girls, I already know where they are," Raiden said with a smile.

"You do? But how?" The villagers asked confused.

"Uhh I can sense them, It's sort of an ability of mine. Kind of like how Oolong can shapeshift," Raiden said vaguely.

The villagers nodded in understanding, powers like that weren't that rare in the world of dragon ball.

"So all we have to do is wait for Goku to beat up Oolong then we can go find the girls after that," Raiden explained the plan and the villagers quickly went into hiding.

After a while, the clock struck 12, the time Oolong had said he would arrive and a giant demon wearing a suit walked into the village.

Raiden nodded at Goku who was early waiting for his signal to fight and watched as the kid jumped and ambushed Oolong.

Turns out Oolong wasn't as strong as the villagers thought he was and when he tried to trick Goku by switching back into his original form, a pig, he was quickly captured and tied up by Raiden.

"So this is Oolongs true form," one of the villagers muttered seeing the pig tied up.

Raiden quickly gave Oolong a kick to the behind and glared at the pig.

"I'm sorry for scaring and attacking your village," Oolong said, his head down in shame.

"I guess this means that the girls are fine?" asked one of the villagers.

"Extremely fine," muttered Oolong as he led them to where the village girls were.

They arrived in front of a large compound with a huge mansion in the middle.

"I made it using all the money I collected," Oolong bragged and Raiden kicked him again.

Oolong led them to where he kept all the girls and to everyone's shock they didn't look like they were in much trouble at all. Just the opposite, they were lazying around Oolong's giant mansion with not a care in the world.

"Please take them back, I wanted a kind simple bride not a bunch of spoiled ones," Oolong begged.

The villagers quickly brought their daughters back home and the old lady gave Bulma the dragon ball for taking care of Oolong.

"Hey you little pig," said Raiden dragging Oolong back to the village. "You're going to sell your mansion to pay back the villagers for what you stole from them got it?" Raiden said harshly.

"But where will I live then?" Oolong complained.

"I'm sure you can figure some way to earn money legit, you do have shapeshifting powers after all," Raiden said with a smirk. "Also don't cause any trouble, if you do I'll make Goku beat you up again," Raiden threatened him.

Oolong quickly nodded not wanting to meet the insanely strong child again.

Raiden let the pig go and went back to where Bulma and Goku were waiting for him. Bulma had wanted to bring Oolong with them but no way Raiden would bring that perverted pig along.

He quickly made his way back to his two friends as they continued on their journey, now just needing two more dragon balls.