Chereads / When I Found Out / Chapter 3 - Chapter three

Chapter 3 - Chapter three

"You scared me!" I whisper-yelled, putting a hand on my heart.

She giggled coming up to me. "Why didn't you tell me?" She raised her eyebrow at me and crossed her arms over her chest.

I rubbed my neck in embarrassment, "uhh...Only my family really knows" I say still rubbing my neck. "Plus you didn't ask me about it and it's not something you normally bring up in a conversation." I added, shrugging my shoulders.

"Maybe it's true, but that was amazing!" She gushed.

"Thank you." I said feeling my face heat up.

"Where were you in the morning?" I said remembering she just came back to the room.

She sighed. "I tried contacting my mom." She said looking sad.

"Did she answer?" She shook her head. "Don't worry she'll be fine. She'll pick up soon." I said giving her a reassuring smile and a one-sided hug.

"Thank you" she smiled at me and we sat in a comfortable silence for a while.

Suddenly, one of the twins started crying. Bella picked her up to shush her. It was working until Mel started crying also, even harder than Angie.

Bella groaned and was about to pick Angie up when I told her, "I'll do it!" Going to her small crib like bed. As soon as I picked her up she started smiling at me, but you can see her bottom lip was still trembling, so I started singing again,

"She works the night, by the water

She's gonna stress, so far away from her father's daughter

She just wants a life for her baby

All on her own, no one will come

She's got to save him

She tells him "ooh love"

No one's ever gonna hurt you, love

I'm gonna give you all of my love

Nobody matters like you

She tells him "your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life

You're gonna grow and have a good life

I'm gonna do what I've got to do"

So, rockabye baby, rockabye

I'm gonna rock you

Rockabye baby, don't you cry

Somebody's got you

Rockabye baby, rockabye

I'm gonna rock you" I finished the rest of the song looking at the infant in my hands, she stopped crying and was just staring at me, after a few minutes she started smiling and giggling.

I looked at her lovingly.

"You're an angel, I swear" I looked up to see Bella looking at me and Angie in awe. I just smiled at her, shaking my head.

Mel started crying again. " I think they're hungry."

"I'll go get a nurse to make them some baby food" I said putting Angie back on her small bed.

I started walking out of the door when belle shouted, "thank you!" after me.

"No problem!" I shouted back.

*Bella's P.O.V*

After Nick left, Ann the nurse, came in with some mushed potatoes and carrots in two bowls. She had red hair, fair skin and light blue eyes. She was so pretty.

But however, Nick didn't come back.

Did he leave? I mean, I won't blame him, but I thought he would at least say goodbye.

"Hey, do you know where Nick is?" I asked Ann.

She shook her head and said, "no sorry, but I saw him leaving the hospital after he called me to you earlier."

I guess he did leave.

"Oh oka-" I sighed, but was cut off by Nick walking in the room. I felt my self sigh in relief.

Wait what?

"Hey Ann, Hey Bella!" He said with a smile. "I got us some food. I'm sorry Ann I didn't know you would be joining us." And it wasn't until now that I noticed the McDonald's bags in his hands.

"It's fine, hun." She looked at him with a smirk and he looked back at her and winked.

Umm okay what's going on? Am I missing something? Also, I have to stop talking to myself because now I'm just staring at them.

"... see you then!" Ann said and walked out. "Wait, what did she say? Sorry, I zoned out" I said looking at shawn. He just shrugged and handed me my food. I put it beside me and continued feeding Mel, Ann already fed Angie and put her on her bed with some toys she found.

"Hand me the baby and eat your food, you haven't eaten since yesterday, you must be hungry!" He stretched his hands out, waiting for me to give him Mel.

Well, it's true. I'm starving! I still don't know how I didn't faint yet, but I have to feed Mel.

"No, it's fine, I can manage." I said with a smile.

"No really, give her to me and eat your food. I don't want something to happen to you!"

"But what about yo-" I was once again cut off by him.

"I already ate, pleaseee" He pulls up the puppy eyes and pouty lips card.

"Okay, fine!" I said not being able to resist him anymore. His eyes light up as I said that. Aww.

He takes her from me and starts to feed her the rest of the food in the bowl, while I eat. I looked over at him.

God he looks so cute with his rosy cheeks and the 's' shaped piece of hair on his forehead, or that smile, damn that smile!

Elle! Focus! You can't think like that, you just met him for God's sake!

But he's so dreamy..

No! Stop, just stop!

I shook my head as if an attempt to get out of my head. I looked over him again and saw his Macdonald's bag still full of food.

"you said you ate!" I kind of screamed on him. He jumped a little bit and looked at the bag. His face turned in guilt. I just raised an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms.

"I-I'm sorry I lied. I s-swear I didn't mean to! I just wanted you to eat and be healthy!" He stuttered. My eyes and face softened at him.

"You also haven't eaten anything since yesterday, though" "yea well, umm I'm kinda used to it, so it's fine!" He said looking unsure, although he tried to hide it, but it was kind of obvious.

"Common, eat your food." I said handing him the food bag. "But I'm feeding Melody!" He said looking at her. "Well, I'll feed you then." I opened the bag, getting some fries out and feeding him.

"What about you though, aren't you gonna eat?" "I'm already through half of mine, it's alright." I gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back and we continued eating.

After some time we were done and Ann came back saying someone was on the phone and was asking for me.

Is it my mom?