Chereads / When I Found Out / Chapter 5 - Chapter five

Chapter 5 - Chapter five

I woke up to someone kissing my cheek, I must've fell asleep yesterday. I opened my eyes confused just to see Grayson!

"Oh my god, you're here!" I said jumping out of bed and hugging him. "No shit, Sherlock." He rolled his eyes with a smile. "I missed you, blue." He said pulling away, "I missed you too, gray."

Someone cleared their throat from behind Grayson, I looked behind him seeing Ethan, "E!" I said running towards him away from the hospital bed and hugging Him tightly. "I missed you, kiddo!" He said ruffling my hair. "Dude, I'm older than you." I smirked. "Common birdy, it's only three months!" He crossed his arms trying to look mad. "I'm still older than you." I shrugged, gray just laughing at us.

"Who's that?" E said his eyes trailed to the hospital bed. I looked at him confused, then at the bed, seeing Nick sleeping there peacefully. "Oh, his name is Nick. He's the firefighter that saved the twins." I said not taking my eyes off of Nick. "What time is it?" I asked looking at Grayson. "'s 3:46 a.m, we should probably go to sleep, the nurse told us you'll leave tomorrow afternoon. We'll come pick you and the twins up, see you in the morning, babe." He answered with a wink. "See ya!" I answered back rolling my eyes. They loved teasing me like that. "Love you!" They both said at the same time, leaving the room, "love ya too!" I called after them quietly, not wanting to wake the babies up.

"who was that?" I heard a voice quietly say from behind me. "oh their names are Grayson and Ethan." I answered Nick back as I turned around, walking back to the bed and laying down beside Nick, seeing as it was the only bed that could fit grown people in the room.

I got under the covers and closer to Nick wanting to feel the warmth I've felt before waking up. As I got closer, Nick just got further away from me. "I don't think your boyfriend would like that." he said and turned his back to me. I just looked at his back confused, not knowing what he was talking about.

Apparently I have a boyfriend, and Nick met him? can I please meet him too? I rolled my eyes at how disparate I sounded in my head. Who am I kidding?

*The Next Morning*

I woke up alone in the bed, I stood up and looked around the room not seeing anyone in it. I started to panic, I started putting on my shoes to look for Nick and the twins, when gray came in with Mel in his arms. "Oh, thank God, I thought something happened to them." I said putting a hand on my heart, feeling it beating faster than normal. "Where's Angie? And Nick?" I aid again worriedly. "Angel is with E and Shawn said he had some work to do, but he said that he'll be back soon, stop worrying, Blue." I just nodded and took Mel from him sitting back on the bed.

Mel and I were playing with some toys the twins got them when she started sucking on my finger. "Oh are you hungry, baby?" I cooed in a baby voice. Just as I finished the sentence Ethan came in holding some food in his hand and Angel in the other one. "Is anyone hungry?!" Ethan kind of yelled. "Well actually, yeah. This kiddo here is hungry." I said holding Mel a bit higher still in my arms. "Don't worry baby, uncle E got you." he took a milk bottle out of the food bag and took Mel from me, handing me Angel. "Angie is already fed, I just gave her a bottle." he said now focusing on feeding Mel. I put a blanket on the floor and sat Angie on it with all the toys and just looked at E in surprise then at Grayson. I walked up to him and asked, "since when is he good with kids?" "Oh, we've been babysitting our neighbor's daughters, Elle and Alaïa and he picked up on some things on how to deal with kids." he said chuckling at my shocked state.

We fell in silence watching Ethan play with Angie while feeding Mel. "You know.." gray started breaking the comfortable silence between us "we've missed you." he finished looking at the floor with a sad face. "Awe, gray. You know I missed you guys too!" I said bringing him in for a hug. He kissed my forehead making me giggle. "Oh, stop you love birds, and come eat your food." E said making me give him a death glare. "E! you know we see each other as br-" I was interrupted by a knock on the door. The door opened revealing Nick with a bag in his hands, "Hey um, I got you some clothes. I figured you wouldn't have any know." He said handing me the bag. "Oh, thank you so much! You didn't have to do that!" I said taking it. "I'm going to go get ready. Gray, can you watch the twins, I don't trust that idiot." I giggled. Gray started laughing, knowing I was referring to Ethan. "Yes, ma'am," he responded kissing my cheek. I giggled and pushed him away. "And you say you guys aren't dating" E mumbled under his breath. He could never whisper even if his life depended on it, so of course everyone in the room heard it. I rolled my eyes and said, "I swear I'll kill you in your sleep if you don't stop." I warned, pointing my finger in his face. "Okay, okay. Chill woman," he said putting his hands in the air. "Good boy" I said while messing up his hair and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

*Nick's P.O.V*

I woke up to the rays of sunshine on my face. I tried to get up, but something didn't let me. I looked down and saw Bella sleeping peacefully on my chest, her long light brown hair covering her eyes, her cheeks rosy and her breathing even. She looked beautiful, so beautiful. She must've shifted while we were sleeping. I slowly and carefully put her head on the bed and got out. I went to the bathroom to wash my face trying to wake up more.

I was going to go to my house to get a change of clothes then leave for my parent's house to try to explain why I haven't talked to them in the past four days.

I left the bathroom and glanced at the girl still sleeping in the hospital bed now snoring lightly. I shook my head smiling to myself and getting out of the room to the lobby and went to my car, leaving to my condo.

When I arrived, my neighbor, Kelly, greeted me she's been trying to get me in her bed for months now. "Hey Nick!" She said in her high-pitched voice that could break glass. I mentally rolled my eyes and answered, "hey."

"Where were you the past days, I didn't see you and that made me sad." She said with a pout, and that's all she needed to make me uncomfortable again. "Uh, yea I was at the hospital," I responded, opening my door.

"Oh! Too bad. You could've joined me for a good time." She winked. I said, "would you please stop it? I'm not interested!" I said irritated and got inside the condo shutting the door.

God what is wrong with this woman.

I took a shower and changed my clothes, I was wearing a pink hoodie with black skinny jeans and a black jacket. I took my phone off the charger and put some extra sweatpants and a hoodie in a bag for Belle.

Dialing my mum's number and waiting for her to pick up knowing she's going to be mad, was the worst. "Nick James Sirius! Where are you?!" The familiar voice of my mum rang through the phone after the fourth ring. "Hey mum, I'm sorry I didn't call earlier my phone was dead," I mumbled feeling ashamed. I was a mommy's boy, okay? Don't judge!

"For three days?!" She yelled again. "Yes, mum I'm sorry I was at the hospital." "Oh, God! Are you okay?" She asked now with a soft and worried tone. "Don't worry, mum, I'm fine. It's a long story. I'm coming by now and I'll tell you everything." "Okay, honey. Stay safe, please!" She said. "I'm always safe," I responded.

After I hung up I went to my car in the garage and got in heading to my parents' house.

I knocked on the door when I arrived and almost immediately the door swung open revealing Aaliyah, my little sister. "Oh thank god you're okay!" She said jumping on me to hug me. I

Hugged her back tightly for some time until we pulled apart. She slapped my chest and said, "that's for making us worry about you, you idiot." "I'm sorry! I'll tell you everything, but that really hurt." I said pointing to my chest where she slapped me. "You deserved it." She said simply going to the living room, greeting both my parents with a hug, and lay down on the couch, telling them everything. When I finished all three of them were stunned. "That poor girl!" My mother was the first to say. "Where is she going to live now?" My dad asked worried. "And the babies?" Aaliyah jumped in. "Don't worry guys. I told her she could stay at mine until she could stand on her feet again." I told them. "That's my boy!" Mum and dad said at the same time with smiles on their faces. Me and Aaliyah burst into a fit of laughter soon joined by my parents.

After spending some time with them I told them that she was meant to leave today's afternoon and that I need to get her. I said goodbye and headed to the hospital.